There's four spheres, so it's not actually anything you want, but if you hate nature then this breakdown should work for you.
Of course, that only matters for the initial special unlock, so there's really no long term advantage to having extra classes with 6 levels if you aren't actually using that to unlock something. You don't get a permanent unlock of all the Destinies in all the sphere the moment you hit 20. You pick 1 you are eligible for, and after that branch out from there.
I don't think the destinies that we see today will be the destinies we see in 2 months. And with them changing so rapidly and fundamentally, I'm not sure what ED I might want to use for a character that isn't yet built. Plenty of people build for the character they want to be eventually, not what they are right now. That's how I feel about Epic Destinies.
I guess a better question would have been when are we going to see +6 hearts in the store![]()
I know some Artificers who might lesser out 6 levels to save themselves from grinding out 4 destinies to get where they want to be.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
Well what he was posting and what has been shown in screen shots did not match up. I would rather get the information from those developing the game than a poster on the forum playing the game. I have seen a lot of false information passed off as truthful and factual by those playing the game.
Bumping back to the top because this really should be sticky....
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”
Bumping because this needs a sticky, I couldn't find it, and people keep posting threads asking for this info.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
It should be noted that rank 3 in perfection of body in Grandmaster of Flowers prevents automatic failure of a fort save on a 1. Perfection of Mind and Perfection of Soul rank 3 grants similar bonuses for will and reflex saves, respectively.
cant seem to get my lama working this time around so havnt been able to play i was wondering about the stance for sentinal are there like 4 diferent stances or are the diferent freebies jsut adding on abilities to a basic stance -- cant tellif its one stance with increasing abilities or -- vigor of battle , unbreakable, stand against the tide, and sentinel stances for 4 dif ones
any clarification would help thanks
Draconic perception (required 0 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +2 spot and +2 reflex. At rank 3: you gain darkvision
*** is darkvision and are elves and dwarves and drow geting some sort of nighvision as well
This thread's pretty awesome, so we're just going to move it into the Guides and Strategies forum (from its former home on the Lamannia forums) per a request. Thanks!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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In the Exalted Angel tree the +1 Wis/Cha cost I believe is 2ap each not 1 as shown.
Great guide, thanks for all the work!
Thanks for the time and effort. +1 for you![]()
-= Proud member of the MAC guild on Khyber =-
Aganthor (Completionist (4/13), Human Paladin, L11)
Alts: Caitlan (Ftr) / Gimlinas (Barb) / Chakmar (Sorc) / Shureyoucan (Monk) / Nessyia (Ranger), Mekkanik (WF FvS), etc.
Sorry, I don't see how that really helps. So, a cleric gets to play like he's an semi-paladin or a semi-favored soul in epic levels - I want to be an "epic" cleric! It honestly seems like hating clerics (along with a lack of really nice new cleric gear, etc.). Already it's hard to find enough healers in the game and the lack of cleric love just makes me not want to play cleric (and not to heal on my favored soul).
Yehediah (Dwarf Cleric), Zeddek (Human Favored Soul)
Mezros (Drow Bard), Fieris (Drow Wizard)
Freibo (Halfling Rogue)