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  1. #1
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Sep 2007

    Default Quest Feedback: In the Belly of the Beast

    We're looking for your feedback & experiences on this quest! Please remember to tell us:

    - Character level/class make-up
    - How big was your party? (did you use any hirelings?)
    - What difficulty did you try it on?
    - What did you think of the quest?
    - Anything else you want to mention about the quest? (Please make sure any bugs you discovered also get filed as actual bug reports!)

    Thanks for your participation in Open Beta!

  2. #2
    Community Member Brattyone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    -20/5 Druid/epic, more sp focus than melee. She's definitely undergeared but has an ornamental dagger from cc and decent armor.
    -Just me but I used a fighter hireling and my panther
    -I tried it on normal difficulty because I'm still a newer player getting used to what works best and when.
    -Other than the grossness of being swallowed by the worm(lol...can't help being girly here) it was a great quest. I found it challenging but certainly not overwhelming. Because of turbine points from poincelot I had sp pots, which I needed after a few waves in the arena. I thought it'd be nice to have a rest shrine show up after a few waves like you do in devil assault. Right before getting swallowed, the worm breathed on my hireling and panther, both of whom had almost all of their hp but still died.

    The quest was easy to follow, and if one doesn't panic after killing the last guy then it shouldn't be a problem. I would hope that the difficulty level is substantially increased for hard and elite difficulties though. When first being swallowed I thought I'd take more acid damage than I actually did. I used acid resist in the begining but once I started fighting and realizing I wasn't taking that much acid damage, I stopped using it. I know there was mention about time being inside the worm but I didn't notice if there was a timer for how long you could survive down there. Is there? Or is it all about how much damage you can take? Also, before this quest, I was wandering around in the underdark, trying to find any quest, for quite a while. So by the time I finished this, I had to switch armor because the other had taken too much damage. Thankfully, it was bound to character.

    Again, it was simple to understand and not once did I come close to dying or feeling like I couldn't make it through. And aside from the grossness, I did really enjoy it.

  3. #3
    Community Member Dazhforum's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default Minor bug - spectators stuck/invisible

    In the arena fight, the third worm did not show up. The arena is empty, there are no new spawns, no last worm. We DDoor-ed and came back in, nothing changed, no mobs.

    It turns out that two of the spectators who dropped on the last worm are invisible, they also seem to be stuck in mid-air, slightly above ground level and with their arms spread out. I think they are visible if you get real close to them. I was intim-ing at the various sides and noticed them. They can be hit and killed, then the quest continues as before.

    Don't believe this depends on any factors such as party size, etc., but just in case:
    -- 4 party members, 1 lvl23 pally, cleric, druid and sorc;
    -- on Epic Hard;
    -- quest is interesting, a contender for the most difficult at Epic Elite.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Finally got around to doing EE. What an awesome quest, was a blast.

    We 6manned it, 2 draconic wizards, 1 shiradi sorc, 1 barb (dreadnaught but lvl1 I think), 1 pug wizard that spent most of the quest in underdark, and 1 GMoF Monk. Most geared and twisted out. Was fairly challenging...scaling made it quite difficult 5man.

    However, there were some major bugs. A lot of the mobs went inactive and we had to ddoor/walk somewhere outside of arena to (re)trigger them. This is different from stealthed mobs that are targetable but not noticable...they were noticable but not targetable....basically neutral required kills.

    Also, the blademasters that spawned caused almost instant orange alert, which combined with the drider webline trips was perhaps a bit much.

    Finally, the XP really should be increased. ~18k base xp for one of the most difficult and longest quests in the game on EE just doesn't make sense to me.

    Overall though, very cool quest.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Also, the blademasters that spawned caused almost instant orange alert, which combined with the drider webline trips was perhaps a bit much.
    Eh? I don't remember ever getting driders and blademasters at the same time.
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