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  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    If any of the developers are still reading this thread:

    You guys should tag “Executioner’s Strike” as an “Assassination” effect. This would give non-rogues a reason to pick up the “Stealthy” enhancement over “Shadow Lance”. And, it could give Feather-of_Sun a reason to give us some more Assassination items. (ex. Epic Midnight Greetings.)
    The fact that we have 1 (ONE!!!!) item that gives +Assassinate DC should be enough to make them give us another item with that +DC. Got sick of EMG from Update 7 (IIRC). And a not-so-good +2 after all. Didn't even get the +3 version with MotU.

  2. #242
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    anyone know if the shadow lance secondary effect is based off the shadow charge gained by shrouding shot/strike or the dark imbuement?

    on a side note, please make it so the shrouding shot/strike holds the charges on its own, rather than only able to generate charge when you have have the skills to spend it...
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
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  3. #243
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay203 View Post
    on a side note, please make it so the shrouding shot/strike holds the charges on its own, rather than only able to generate charge when you have have the skills to spend it.
    We'd like to add something like this. It's not quite as simple as we'd like it to be, but we'll work on it.

  4. #244


    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We'd like to add something like this. It's not quite as simple as we'd like it to be, but we'll work on it.

    Just tossing this in there: what upping the proc chance on Executioner Strike? Given the longer cool down and lower (overall) DC than Assassinate, it seems a bit on the weak side of things given it only procs a third of the time.
    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
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  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We'd like to add something like this. It's not quite as simple as we'd like it to be, but we'll work on it.
    Any word about a revamp of this Epic moment and a few others? They are really lacking and whoever I talk with have spent no points on them.

    Talking about:


  6. #246
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Video or SSyour combat log, your INT and Consume in EE quests. More than 1 screenshot would be nice. You would kill a mob even with 20 DC if they roll a 1, that's not a point. I can't even kill things properly in EN content. And how is it calculated? It is something we NEED to know to improve ourselves.
    Dude you're nuts I kill things (almost always 3-5) with my max int/evo Arty with consume in every EH quest. It kills lots of things in EE too like shadows and umbrals in EE High Road quests.

    I don't know what you're doing wrong. Maddmatt is right though I can only get 3 max charges too I took all the int bonuses, shadow form, consume, and manipulation and exec/shrouding shot, and virtually nothing else as that's about all my points.
    good at business

  7. #247
    Community Member Loriac's Avatar
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    I've been playing around with executioner's shot, and I'm really not sure whether the ability is still buggy or if its just really really poor.

    I ran round the drow city (Shindleindleindle whatever) firing an executioner's shot at drow and driders every time the ability was off cool-down, and out of a *lot* of shots, I saw one confirmed instance where the combat log said I hit a drow guard with execution. Otherwise, the ability seems to do pretty much nothing. I was running with a DC of 42 (7+20[character level]+8[dex mod]+7[shadow charges]) and this was shown in the tooltip too. There is no way the ability was applying at that DC; I was throwing around prismatic strikes and tactical detonations (at DC 40 and 41 respectively) and whilst they were hitting most times, the executioner's shot hit once as far as I saw.

    Both executioner's shot and shrouding shot meanwhile are annoying in that they fire, but they don't reload. You have to take extra care if you're chaining them, and have to left click to reload manually in order not to lose the second activated ability. If you're used to double clicking / or using press-and-hold to fire and reload normally, this can and does throw out your natural rhythm.

    As the epic trainer charges a ridiculous amount of plat the second time you want to respec (it went from 12k when I did my first respec to 48k(!) when I went back to see if I could swap out this garbage ability), I'll be stuck with it for a couple of days, but I'm not hopeful.

    Does any arti/ranged toon out there actually use executioner's shot and find it to be effective?

    I'm not massively concerned if it is just garbage, I'll try out the left hand side of the tree to see if that works, otherwise I guess I'll just spec maximum +Int and some defensive capabilities from the tree.

    Its a real shame though if the instakill part of the tree has been watered down to these levels, particularly when other EDs seem to have far more powerful offensive abilities (EiN, adrenaline, etc).

    Edit: I'm using an arti toon with a heavy repeater in case it wasn't clear from the wording above. Also, this behaviour is on live rather than Lamania; rather than starting a new thread in the epic destinies section of the Classes subforum, I thought I'd ask in this one, but am happy to move the query if necessary.
    Last edited by Loriac; 01-17-2013 at 11:24 AM.

  8. #248
    Community Member arcattaii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loriac View Post
    I've been playing around with executioner's shot, and I'm really not sure whether the ability is still buggy or if its just really really poor.

    I ran round the drow city (Shindleindleindle whatever) firing an executioner's shot at drow and driders every time the ability was off cool-down, and out of a *lot* of shots, I saw one confirmed instance where the combat log said I hit a drow guard with execution. Otherwise, the ability seems to do pretty much nothing. I was running with a DC of 42 (7+20[character level]+8[dex mod]+7[shadow charges]) and this was shown in the tooltip too. There is no way the ability was applying at that DC; I was throwing around prismatic strikes and tactical detonations (at DC 40 and 41 respectively) and whilst they were hitting most times, the executioner's shot hit once as far as I saw.
    You are right, I have reported this bug and also posted this bug on Lamannia Bug Discussion sub-forum, my DC is 51 with 7 shadow charges and still cannot kill a vale monster (unless they rolls 1).

    And the reload problem is also annoying, you should take care of whether your repeater is reloaded or not before you use those abilities.

  9. #249
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We'd like to add something like this. It's not quite as simple as we'd like it to be, but we'll work on it.
    while you're at it, could you guys look into the shadow dancer activated abilities that's causing users to just stop dead in place when used.
    shrouding shot, shadow cloak, and executioner shot seems to make me stop moving if i try to use it on the run =\
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
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  10. #250
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    and is it possible to lower the cooldown on the abilities that consume charges?
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
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  11. #251
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    Whenever I activate the ability that is essentially shadow walk, mobs seem to be able to still see me and interact with me. My impression is that it's a magical disappearing act, but it doesn't seem to play that way at all. Mobs also seem to aggro on me when I try to walk around in that mode as well.

    You could say it's because of the noise of my footsteps or whatever, but when astral, my feet aren't hitting the ground in the physical realm.

  12. #252
    The Hatchery Kilnedric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loriac View Post
    I've been playing around with executioner's shot, and I'm really not sure whether the ability is still buggy or if its just really really poor.

    I ran round the drow city (Shindleindleindle whatever) firing an executioner's shot at drow and driders every time the ability was off cool-down, and out of a *lot* of shots, I saw one confirmed instance where the combat log said I hit a drow guard with execution. Otherwise, the ability seems to do pretty much nothing. I was running with a DC of 42 (7+20[character level]+8[dex mod]+7[shadow charges]) and this was shown in the tooltip too. There is no way the ability was applying at that DC; I was throwing around prismatic strikes and tactical detonations (at DC 40 and 41 respectively) and whilst they were hitting most times, the executioner's shot hit once as far as I saw.

    Both executioner's shot and shrouding shot meanwhile are annoying in that they fire, but they don't reload. You have to take extra care if you're chaining them, and have to left click to reload manually in order not to lose the second activated ability. If you're used to double clicking / or using press-and-hold to fire and reload normally, this can and does throw out your natural rhythm.

    As the epic trainer charges a ridiculous amount of plat the second time you want to respec (it went from 12k when I did my first respec to 48k(!) when I went back to see if I could swap out this garbage ability), I'll be stuck with it for a couple of days, but I'm not hopeful.

    Does any arti/ranged toon out there actually use executioner's shot and find it to be effective?

    I'm not massively concerned if it is just garbage, I'll try out the left hand side of the tree to see if that works, otherwise I guess I'll just spec maximum +Int and some defensive capabilities from the tree.

    Its a real shame though if the instakill part of the tree has been watered down to these levels, particularly when other EDs seem to have far more powerful offensive abilities (EiN, adrenaline, etc).

    Edit: I'm using an arti toon with a heavy repeater in case it wasn't clear from the wording above. Also, this behaviour is on live rather than Lamania; rather than starting a new thread in the epic destinies section of the Classes subforum, I thought I'd ask in this one, but am happy to move the query if necessary.
    Yes, this has been a problem with Shrouding Shot and repeaters since Epic Destinies were launched. I've posted a couple times about too. I'm glad somebody else brought it up again, because I'd LOVE a dev response. Leading up to MotU release, I was probably most excited about Shadowdancer for my Artificer. But because of this, he only uses it occasionally for the Evasion. Is it going to make the list of things to be fixed someday, or should my Arti just plan on never using it?
    Thairos - ETRing Artificer * Khryll - 28 Clonk * Jarkxle - 28 Swashbuckler * Jaherian - 25 Druid

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay203 View Post
    while you're at it, could you guys look into the shadow dancer activated abilities that's causing users to just stop dead in place when used.
    shrouding shot, shadow cloak, and executioner shot seems to make me stop moving if i try to use it on the run =\
    shrouding strike is currently stopping you in place on live if you are using a quarterstaff.

  14. #254
    Community Member arcattaii's Avatar
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    Release note says: Shadowdancer Executioner's Strike DC should properly scale.

    So I updated Lamannia to verify whether Executioner's Shot DC will be fixed or not.

    But sadly the non-broken Executioner's Strike is announced to be fixed and the broken ability is still broken..

    Here is my short test result:

  15. #255
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    Unhappy The executioner's SHOT is still borked

    I'm a ranged Arty playing on Orien, Ultramaetche. I have done extensive testing in the DW with a DC 51 SHOT, however the DC does not seem to be applying correctly at all. The STRIKE works fine, and there are no issues...

    Attached are 4 images of Executioner's Shot on Demonweb Terrors in the explore area of the Demonweb.

    If this thread is still being monitored by the almighty Dev's... please responds.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  16. #256
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    so yah... the Shadow Dancer is fully of bugs...

    maximum shadow charges not increasing above 7
    executioner shot not having correct DC
    Consume not doing anything aside from the startup graphic
    a lot of the active abilities will suddenly stop your movement when activated...
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
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  17. #257
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default Can you link documentation for this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay203 View Post
    Consume not doing anything aside from the startup graphic
    I'm having trouble finding clear documentation for Consume being bugged. From cursory Google search, I see threads that disagree with each other ("it's broken," "it works for me," "it's int-based," "it's not int-based," "it has a flat DC according to devs," etc).

    Thanks in advance if anyone can point those out to me...I haven't had time to personally test it as most of my characters abandon Shadowdancer at around tier4 due to the bugs. Yeah...
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  18. #258
    Community Member arcattaii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealedInSong View Post
    I'm having trouble finding clear documentation for Consume being bugged. From cursory Google search, I see threads that disagree with each other ("it's broken," "it works for me," "it's int-based," "it's not int-based," "it has a flat DC according to devs," etc).

    Thanks in advance if anyone can point those out to me...I haven't had time to personally test it as most of my characters abandon Shadowdancer at around tier4 due to the bugs. Yeah...
    I can't tell the real DC formula of Consume, but I can tell Consume works, although not very efficient.

    In my several EE U16 runs in the past, I used Consume to kill some shadows (undead usually has a relatively low fortitude save, but it's EE..) and occasionally some wizards and archers. So unlike Executioner's Shot, at least Consume's DC is not totally broken.

  19. #259
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arcattaii View Post
    I can't tell the real DC formula of Consume, but I can tell Consume works, although not very efficient.

    In my several EE U16 runs in the past, I used Consume to kill some shadows (undead usually has a relatively low fortitude save, but it's EE..) and occasionally some wizards and archers. So unlike Executioner's Shot, at least Consume's DC is not totally broken.
    it's also not giving the damage on a successful save, nor are mobs showing the "save" icon above their head
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
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  20. #260
    Community Member galamothreign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arcattaii View Post
    You are right, I have reported this bug and also posted this bug on Lamannia Bug Discussion sub-forum, my DC is 51 with 7 shadow charges and still cannot kill a vale monster (unless they rolls 1).

    And the reload problem is also annoying, you should take care of whether your repeater is reloaded or not before you use those abilities.
    My DC with Shadow charges is 55, and still nothing...

    My toon is a Rogue Mechanic, I hope Turbine fix this soon together with the abilities that not reload your Xbow (really annoying)

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