Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
The epic moment of this destiny needs an overhaul. Compared to what the other destinies can do, this is actually feels underpowered, really much.

I'd suggest a change to:

Each time an enemy affected by your Dark Shrouding mark dies, you gain 1 charge. When you have accumulated 20 of these charges, you can expend them to enchant your melee and ranged attacks with shadowy energy. You deal an extra 6d6 unholy damage AND an extra 6d6 holy damage with every strike, you generate 50% less aggro, the effective range of your melee attacks increases dramatically, and your ranged attacks have a 30% chance to explode, dealing 10d6 unholy damage to all enemies in a large radius around your target
first of all, cut the cooldown by at least 1 min, or make it last 1 min at least. or do both...
cut the 20 charges to 10. this is reasonable, as for example gamasters and dreadneughts could just spam those abilies without actualy fighting, and even a fury of the wild could easyly get that 10 vorpal strike, while this ability requires actualy killing something.
holy damage wouldnt rly fit a darker themed destiny, but definetly need to increase the unholy dmg part. oh and make it so that i dont have to reequip my handwrap, as going in and out from "epic moment" loses some of my weapons abilities (shockburst for example)
add the 30% chance to do the 10d6 unholy burst to mele atacks as well
to further buff this ability, maybe you could add energy drain, like 1 lvl/hit, on every hit or sneak attack (tod set grants some chance for energy drain, so this ability would fit perfectly). this would be still behind the gamasters superinstakill, and wouldnt do anything on rednameds/deathwarded trash/constructs and undeads, so stil not owerpowerd