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  1. #61
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    6/19 patch report:

    General testing overall:
    - Confirmed all other previous reported bugs not fixed.

    Though certainly was more then just icons and minor stuff:

    Master's Blitz vastly reduced in power:
    Maximum charges dropped from 100 to .. ten. A 90% reduction.

    I can get the ability was potentially a tiny bit strong in certain rare situations. But such a massive jump? Why can't we ever balance things in small steps.

    Anyways, in addition to this "fun" change, I tested it more heavily and Master Blitz continues to be heavily bugged:
    - Stacks continue to last only 10 seconds each and not 15 per the updated description.
    - Dodge cap applies to the 50% dodg.e. So fighters in your heavy armor, well you get 1% dodge, not 50%. Infact no one can get 50% because of the 25% hardcap. It should bypass the limit like uncanny dodge.
    - Duration no longer displays the moment any stack hits 0, even if multiple other stacks remain.

    Not bugs but request:
    - Huge combat log spam and a huge activation time (~4 seconds) are annoyances that cause undue lag. Please remove ALL spam, and reduce the activation time.

    Lay Waste:
    - Confirmed in PvP that the +6 from legendary tactics is not correctly applying to this. Vertigo bonuses should apply also and they may not be either.

    Volcanos Edge/Anvil/etc:
    -The "on vorpal strike" on a ability with such a huge cooldown ensure you pretty much NEVER get any benefit from the on vorpal abilities.
    Please update to:
    Volcanos Edgen hit: enemy suffers 10% more fire, acid and force damage. Duration 18 seconds, can stack with itself up to 5 times.
    Keep on crit effect as is (Incineration)
    Anvil of Thunder: on hit: enemy suffers 10% more electric, cold and sonic damage. Duration 18 seconds, can stack with itself up to 5 times.
    Lightning Mace: on hit: Enemy's attack/movement speed is slowed 2%. Duration 18 seconds, can stack with itself up to 10 times. Works on red/purple named.

    (Slightly more powerful then the other two, but consider the fact VERY few players use/spec for bludgeoning weapons, so its a fair benefit, and yea anvil is partial blunt too, but im sure most will be using it with a Greataxe/Dwarven Axe)

    On the positive side I did notice one general change that improves all epic moments: Once charged, they now properly persist through areas. Previously they were lost everytime you zoned.

  2. #62
    The Hatchery jejeba86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    On the positive side I did notice one general change that improves all epic moments: Once charged, they now properly persist through areas. Previously they were lost everytime you zoned.
    What about rests and death?

    The master blitz change was really sad...

    Any dev want to comment? Varg? El?
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    This is Dungeons and Dragons Online, not classical Greek mythology.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    I am admin. I don't need HPs

  3. #63
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    I have a question: Does the legendary dreadnought damage action boost stack (+20%) with the human action boost (+25%)? Hopefully...yes?

  4. #64
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    I have a question: Does the legendary dreadnought damage action boost stack (+20%) with the human action boost (+25%)? Hopefully...yes?
    probably not, they're both action boost typed.

    but why not just stack haste and damage, like already works on live?

  5. #65
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jejeba86 View Post
    What about rests and death?

    The master blitz change was really sad...

    Any dev want to comment? Varg? El?
    Sadly not. Only zoning was fixed.

    So you can charge your epic moment and zone through to the next area with a shirne, but the shrine removes it.

    And yea i agree..... taking the time to open the code on masters blitz and modify it to be weaker, but not fix previously reported bugs on it, making it far weaker then intended in the process.

  6. #66
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    probably not, they're both action boost typed.

    but why not just stack haste and damage, like already works on live?
    Because now you can stack damage from human + damage from ED + fighter haste action boost muwhahahahaha

  7. #67
    The Hatchery jejeba86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post

    [strike]It's coming, really. Naught will be
    Sorry, I really wanted to say that.
    I already knew it!
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    This is Dungeons and Dragons Online, not classical Greek mythology.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    I am admin. I don't need HPs

  8. #68
    The Hatchery jejeba86's Avatar
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    Default About Master blitz's Nerf

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We agree completely! Glad to see you understand how Fury of the Wild was developed!
    Was in response to this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post
    I agree with your post,
    Here's where I think you missed the point:
    You're right in that bigger numbers have little to do with fun gameplay. But what has everything to do with the FUN is keeping what you've already experienced. Its not fun when you get YOUR abilities, prospective or current, taken away from you once they've already been digested and planned around by YOU. Its a psychological reaction to losing what you've already generated a connection with.
    This is exactly why releasing a mediocre abiliy is far less damaging than nerfing existing abilities that players have already developed a mental connection with.
    So I ask you Varg, did you change your way of thinking? Or was this statement valid only to fury of the wild?
    Please, give us your reasons for changing the master blitz, and why did you not warn anyone?
    I just want arguments, I'm not judging anything nor trying to flame.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    This is Dungeons and Dragons Online, not classical Greek mythology.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    I am admin. I don't need HPs

  9. #69
    Community Member Wraith_Sarevok's Avatar
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    Exclamation Momentum Swing is bugged for greataxes, falchions, and mauls.

    Momentum Swing works, and it works very well with greatswords and greatclubs (haven't tested quarterstaves).

    But the animation is completely bugged for greataxes and mauls. My half-orc barbarian makes what looks like three short swings and then freezes up for about 2 seconds, unable to attack or use any abilities. There doesn't seem to be a way to bypass this glitch either. This makes it worthless to any non-greatsword THF melee class. The extra damage doesn't measure up to the huge amount of DPS lost in missing swing time.

    Please look into this and get it fixed ASAP. I can't believe that animations are still holding our characters back at this point.

    EDIT: Falchions work fine. I forgot that they made their animations the same as a greatsword.
    Last edited by Wraith_Sarevok; 06-29-2012 at 04:36 AM.
    Khyber: Iqus Tres (Half-Orc Barbarian 20 / Epic 5 / Legendary Dreadnought 5), Ixupi (Drow Sorcerer 20), Outlake (Warforged 7 Monk-in-progress), Petroglyph (Warforged Artificer 16)

  10. #70
    The Hatchery jejeba86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith_Sarevok View Post
    Momentum Swing works, and it works very well with greatswords and greatclubs (haven't tested quarterstaves).

    But the animation is completely bugged for greataxes and mauls. My half-orc barbarian makes what looks like three short swings and then freezes up for about 2 seconds, unable to attack or use any abilities. There doesn't seem to be a way to bypass this glitch either. This makes it worthless to any non-greatsword THF melee class. The extra damage doesn't measure up to the huge amount of DPS lost in missing swing time.

    Please look into this and get it fixed ASAP. I can't believe that animations are still holding our characters back at this point.

    EDIT: Falchions work fine. I forgot that they made their animations the same as a greatsword.
    I suggest you post this somewhere else.
    Make a thread about on the bug report forum and also bug report it in game!
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    This is Dungeons and Dragons Online, not classical Greek mythology.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    I am admin. I don't need HPs

  11. #71
    Community Member camgib's Avatar
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    I'm just looking through the destiny and notice that there is a tier-5 ability for everything but swords.

    Is there some reason that the sword-wielding kensai has no tier-5 ability and all the rest of the weapon users do?

    Toons: Karrack (20 Ranger), Lovemedo (20 Wiz), Kaciejones (proud almost-copy of the Cannon Fodder Build), Truckin (20 FVS), PennyLane (20 Sorc)

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by camgib View Post
    I'm just looking through the destiny and notice that there is a tier-5 ability for everything but swords.

    Is there some reason that the sword-wielding kensai has no tier-5 ability and all the rest of the weapon users do?
    Yeah our narrow minded developers were targeting esos users just because everyone runs with one *sarcasm*. Now everyone else got the stick.

    Its beyond me to understand any other logical reasons to excluded sword users from the top tier5 abilities of the dreadnought.

  13. #73
    Community Member camgib's Avatar
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    I was kind of planning to run my tank in dreadnought form for the increased damage since I don't think he can hold aggro in sentinel. The fire damage from dreadnought might be nice, but with so many mobs immune to fire, I'm thinking that a tier-5 boost would have been really helpful here. The sonic and electric damage are MUCH more useful on many more mobs.

    Toons: Karrack (20 Ranger), Lovemedo (20 Wiz), Kaciejones (proud almost-copy of the Cannon Fodder Build), Truckin (20 FVS), PennyLane (20 Sorc)

  14. #74
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by camgib View Post
    I'm just looking through the destiny and notice that there is a tier-5 ability for everything but swords.

    Is there some reason that the sword-wielding kensai has no tier-5 ability and all the rest of the weapon users do?
    Believe you mean tier 6.
    (Tier 5 has devastating critical, which works well on swords).

    And yes there is:
    Khpoeshs and to a lesser extend scimitars are overpowered compared to other weapons, so they did this as a way to improve the game balance.

    I think its nice, it will create more variey in endgame.

    The Hammer and Board tank with the relic weapon, Morhn and puverizer enhancement would actually be able to put out some reasonable enough damage to not be considered totally worthless. If they had the same enhancement for khpesh, he would still be considered as such, as he should be using a khopesh and said enhancement.

  15. #75
    Community Member SilkofDrasnia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Believe you mean tier 6.
    (Tier 5 has devastating critical, which works well on swords).

    And yes there is:
    Khpoeshs and to a lesser extend scimitars are overpowered compared to other weapons, so they did this as a way to improve the game balance.

    I think its nice, it will create more variey in endgame.

    The Hammer and Board tank with the relic weapon, Morhn and puverizer enhancement would actually be able to put out some reasonable enough damage to not be considered totally worthless. If they had the same enhancement for khpesh, he would still be considered as such, as he should be using a khopesh and said enhancement.
    Dunno if i agree with this, sure khopesh has a nice crit profile but i'm not seeing any khopesh type "esos or eaga" and yet another axe in the raid... I think we will see mostly greataxe n greatsword users.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    Insulting the development team is not allowed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak
    Somebody should definitely explain to Turbine that when they roll up a new GM that INT is not dump stat.

  16. #76
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilkofDrasnia View Post
    Dunno if i agree with this, sure khopesh has a nice crit profile but i'm not seeing any khopesh type "esos or eaga" and yet another axe in the raid... I think we will see mostly greataxe n greatsword users.
    Guess you missed the kopesh of the weapon master then.

    It's essentially the ESoS for one handed. 15-20, x3, triple base dice plus maiming and one other random effect (can be shatter, vertigo or combat mastery +5). Sure less plus then the esos, but the maiming and 3W instead of 2.5W makes up for it.

    heres pic:

    The raid greataxe is utterly horrible.

    The raid warhammer is decent, and thanks to pulverizer, somewhat compettive with the moderately good 1handers like dwarven axes, tho still miles behind a khopesh. I was working on a extensive barrage comparison but the forums eat my post and i lost it.. Shoulda did it in a text editor. Ill re write it some time, stay tuned.
    Last edited by Shade; 07-15-2012 at 01:20 PM.

  17. #77
    Community Member SilkofDrasnia's Avatar
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    dble post doh!
    Last edited by SilkofDrasnia; 07-16-2012 at 01:45 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    Insulting the development team is not allowed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak
    Somebody should definitely explain to Turbine that when they roll up a new GM that INT is not dump stat.

  18. #78
    Community Member SilkofDrasnia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Guess you missed the kopesh of the weapon master then.

    It's essentially the ESoS for one handed. 15-20, x3, triple base dice plus maiming and one other random effect (can be shatter, vertigo or combat mastery +5). Sure less plus then the esos, but the maiming and 3W instead of 2.5W makes up for it.

    heres pic:

    The raid greataxe is utterly horrible.

    The raid warhammer is decent, and thanks to pulverizer, somewhat compettive with the moderately good 1handers like dwarven axes, tho still miles behind a khopesh. I was working on a extensive barrage comparison but the forums eat my post and i lost it.. Shoulda did it in a text editor. Ill re write it some time, stay tuned.
    I actually have one with vertigo on it but i still don't think peeps are going to give up their esos or eaga for em. Look at the tier 6 legendary dreadnaught choices and keep that in mind.

    Haven't had any luck on a second drow khops of the weapon master but maybe when i do i might change my thoughts on this

    Just seems to me this destiny is slanted more for thf barring a few things.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    Insulting the development team is not allowed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak
    Somebody should definitely explain to Turbine that when they roll up a new GM that INT is not dump stat.

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