6/19 patch report:
General testing overall:
- Confirmed all other previous reported bugs not fixed.
Though certainly was more then just icons and minor stuff:
Master's Blitz vastly reduced in power:
Maximum charges dropped from 100 to .. ten. A 90% reduction.
I can get the ability was potentially a tiny bit strong in certain rare situations. But such a massive jump? Why can't we ever balance things in small steps.
Anyways, in addition to this "fun" change, I tested it more heavily and Master Blitz continues to be heavily bugged:
- Stacks continue to last only 10 seconds each and not 15 per the updated description.
- Dodge cap applies to the 50% dodg.e. So fighters in your heavy armor, well you get 1% dodge, not 50%. Infact no one can get 50% because of the 25% hardcap. It should bypass the limit like uncanny dodge.
- Duration no longer displays the moment any stack hits 0, even if multiple other stacks remain.
Not bugs but request:
- Huge combat log spam and a huge activation time (~4 seconds) are annoyances that cause undue lag. Please remove ALL spam, and reduce the activation time.
Lay Waste:
- Confirmed in PvP that the +6 from legendary tactics is not correctly applying to this. Vertigo bonuses should apply also and they may not be either.
Volcanos Edge/Anvil/etc:
-The "on vorpal strike" on a ability with such a huge cooldown ensure you pretty much NEVER get any benefit from the on vorpal abilities.
Please update to:
Volcanos Edgen hit: enemy suffers 10% more fire, acid and force damage. Duration 18 seconds, can stack with itself up to 5 times.
Keep on crit effect as is (Incineration)
Anvil of Thunder: on hit: enemy suffers 10% more electric, cold and sonic damage. Duration 18 seconds, can stack with itself up to 5 times.
Lightning Mace: on hit: Enemy's attack/movement speed is slowed 2%. Duration 18 seconds, can stack with itself up to 10 times. Works on red/purple named.
(Slightly more powerful then the other two, but consider the fact VERY few players use/spec for bludgeoning weapons, so its a fair benefit, and yea anvil is partial blunt too, but im sure most will be using it with a Greataxe/Dwarven Axe)
On the positive side I did notice one general change that improves all epic moments: Once charged, they now properly persist through areas. Previously they were lost everytime you zoned.