Quote Originally Posted by Wraith_Sarevok View Post
So why don't they just reduce the animation speed of Supreme Cleave to match auto attacks? Or why not just make all the animations have the same attack speed?

It doesn't seem that hard to do. It's just a matter of timing and visual playtesting. I've done similar programming in the Warcraft 3 Map Editor for crying out loud.

But no, instead we get this unexplained nerf for no good reason.
no good reason? barbarian constantly spinning around and doing full dmg with possibility to crit at silly hp cost on heroic lvls is ridiculous. as overpowered as casters in low lvl content.

i wouldnt mind shorter cooldown if it was 10% hp each use instead of flat 10hp then u would think twice before using it 5 times in a 5-10 seconds time frame when surrounded by 10 mobs