It's reasonably easy to get sufficient gear in the challenges to bridge to your end game gear.
Docents for WF monks are a bit of a sore spot. I almost always end up with Dragon touched docents (usually 4 different configurations) but the basic one for my Dex/Wis build WF monk is Healing Amp 10/Healing Amp 20/+4 Insight AC. You can look here for more information on Dragon Touched:
On a Dex/Wis light monk you want +6 Wis/+6 Dex/+6 con and +6 STR and then once you hit level 18 (Tier III Shintao), you really want to try to squeeze in +6 CHA for your Ku-Kon-Doh DC. I put CHA on an alternate set of Dragon Touched until I was able to get to items with Epic Slots.
You also want Greater False Life, Heavy Fort, Toughness... The Minos helm is your best bet for a while, its easy to obtain and combines Heavy Fort and Toughness.
As pointed out in other posts, you want stonedust wraps and I always add Lesser Vampirism to them if I can afford to bind them to that toon.
You want Stun +10 Wraps, Paralyzers, Smiters, Banishers and Disruptors. I found the Giant's Vault quest (solo only) to be a decent place to get plat to buy things on the auction house and to occassionally drop a keeper set of hand wraps.
The Calomel handwraps from the challenges are ok as a bridge to better wraps. You will eventually need to give in and run raids to get geared out though, you will want a Greensteel Hit point item (Currently I go with a Min II item so it gives HEavy Fort and Prot 5). You will also eventually want the Tharak Wraps from the Hound of Xoriat quest.
My light monks also use a crafted Attack Bonus/Devotion item. You need to remember that Healing Amp and Devotion are separate things. Healing Amp improves all of your incoming positive energy healing. Devotion improves your outbound healing effects.
WF need to manage healing amp carefully, without it they are too hard to heal. Devotion items are useful for light monks if you use your area heal finisher. Devotion does not effect your fists of light incoming heals, or the heals from lesser vampirism. But healing amp does.
EDIT: Ignore the comments about level 18 monk, just read that you have 4 non-monk levels, so you will never get there. You had good reasons for getting your rogue and arty levels, but realize that light monks get a whole lot of value from levels 18 and 20, so you pay a very steep price for a shallow splash.
Last edited by TPICKRELL; 06-06-2012 at 03:33 PM.
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
OK, sat down last night with a large pizza and a frosty beverage, and sorted out my gear. Taking the best of my existing items, plus the free gear for the level jump, I ended up with this:
Goggle: Blindness Ward/Spot +5
Headgear: +3 All Saves/+3 AC (Deflection)
Neck: +4 WIS
Trinket: Improved Devotion (30%)
Cloak: Feather Fall/+6 STR (3 charges/rest) <--swaps out for one of six greater resist cloaks I have
Belt: +5 CON/+13 Concentration
Boots: Striding (20%)/Balance +10
Gloves: +6 DEX/Repair +8
Armor: +4 Docent of Deathblock
Bracers: +5 Armor/+2 Will save/25% heal amplification in Fire Stance (upgraded Jidz-Tekta bracers)
Ring: +2 AC (Natural)/Regeneration (1 HP/Min)
Ring: Moderate Fortification
Weapon: +4 Handwraps of Vertigo +6
Trap Gear (swapped in as needed):
+2 Clever Goggles of Minute Seeing +6
+4 Clever Goggles of Disabling +10
Ring of Open Lock +10
Thieves Tools +5
EDIT: Succeeded in acquiring the sigils I needed to upgrade my Jidz-Tekta bracers, and I found a Ring of Moderate Fortification on the AH (cheap), so I put my good belt back on.
Last edited by Ardkor; 06-09-2012 at 03:24 AM. Reason: Updated my gear list.
On Sarlona:
Omnitek 17 (WF Monk 13/ Rogue 3/Wizard 1, soloist).
Calphalon 7 (WF, Rogue 1/Artificer 6, *still* duoing with my wife and having fun)
Taking TPICKRELL's advice about healing amplification to heart, I did a little research. From the list of healing amplification sources on the wiki, and taking into account that I won't be using any raid-sourced gear (this is a true solo character), I'll be capped at a net +85% amp at end game.
It looks like there are only 3 non-raid healing amp items available, unless you can craft something with amp:
Epic Gloves of the Claw (30%)
Dragontouched Docent (10% + 20%)
Epic Jidz-Tekta Bracers (25% in fire stance)
add in my enhancements:
Monk Improved Recovery III (30%)
Warforged Healer's Friend II (20%) <---the last tier cost too much to take for another +5% amp
subtract my WF racial malus (-50%)
and I end up with 85% of a max possible 90% heal amp.
Is there any other (non-raid source) healing amplification that I've missed?
On Sarlona:
Omnitek 17 (WF Monk 13/ Rogue 3/Wizard 1, soloist).
Calphalon 7 (WF, Rogue 1/Artificer 6, *still* duoing with my wife and having fun)
My healing amp on my wf monk is currently:
Base .5
Healers Friend .2 (Healers Friend is added to base not multiplied)
*1.3 (Monk Improved Recovery)
*1.1 (dt tier 1)
*1.2 (dt tier 2)
*1.1 (ship buff)
Then when necessary I switch to fire stance for:
EDIT NOTE: I've not managed to squeeze it in, but because WF Helaers Friend III adds to base, it has more effect than you might think. I'm hoping it gets cheaper when the enhancements are respecced and I'll be able to squeeze it in.
Last edited by TPICKRELL; 06-11-2012 at 12:46 PM.
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
I did not know that it adds to the base! The wiki doesn't mention that either, come to think of it. Adding to the base is much better than just adding to the multiplier.
I will take another look at my enhancements and see if I can squeeze it in. I have Monk 3 and Healer's 2 in the build atm.
On Sarlona:
Omnitek 17 (WF Monk 13/ Rogue 3/Wizard 1, soloist).
Calphalon 7 (WF, Rogue 1/Artificer 6, *still* duoing with my wife and having fun)