Good advice. Good post.I think the OP here, Varzain has a legitimate compliant.
No, its not the end of the world, just not what he wanted. He made a small, fairly innocent mistake and suffered a consequence that was a big surprise and its because Turbine implemented a new system that clearly wasn't the best design from a user experience standpoint.
Mistakes happen, both by Turbine and by its Players. Mistakes are understandable, but Turbine does have a responsibility to try and make good as best they can.
I suspect they are trying to figure out how to address it but the service people likely have no clue at this point and only know that at the moment there is nothing they can do. Until those higher up come up with a plan, nothing is going to happen.
I'd only advice the OP stay patient, don't level, keep playing and see what shakes out this week. Turbine goofed some on this and we will see if and what they can do about it. Some mistakes you just have to live with, some you can do something about. Chances are they are hip deep in MOTA work and the way the stones have worked out in practice is not what they envisioned.