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  1. #21
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    I think the OP here, Varzain has a legitimate compliant.

    No, its not the end of the world, just not what he wanted. He made a small, fairly innocent mistake and suffered a consequence that was a big surprise and its because Turbine implemented a new system that clearly wasn't the best design from a user experience standpoint.

    Mistakes happen, both by Turbine and by its Players. Mistakes are understandable, but Turbine does have a responsibility to try and make good as best they can.

    I suspect they are trying to figure out how to address it but the service people likely have no clue at this point and only know that at the moment there is nothing they can do. Until those higher up come up with a plan, nothing is going to happen.

    I'd only advice the OP stay patient, don't level, keep playing and see what shakes out this week. Turbine goofed some on this and we will see if and what they can do about it. Some mistakes you just have to live with, some you can do something about. Chances are they are hip deep in MOTA work and the way the stones have worked out in practice is not what they envisioned.
    Good advice. Good post.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    So don't level. I don't see a problem here. You're wringing your hands about a bunch of free levels that you have banked. Don't take them until you want to take them. Problem solved, right?

    What am I missing?
    Said person wanted the stone on another character....

    Heck, I was just on a lowbie I ran up to the ship teleport in the Marketplace on Ghallandra and peopel were spamming me... But I was only level 6...

    Yes, they're free levels.. But that doesn't meanthe pooch wasn't screwed and that it's not working as advertised...

  3. #23
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xSeverinax View Post
    Nope the epic fail is on you sir, for reading comprehension. The OP messed up, wasn't paying attention and clicked yes on the box.Why would you even accept a group invite if you weren't expecting one from a guildy? That isn't Turbines fault, nor is it some form of 'stealth' leveling. He actively clicked yes on a dialogue box that he didn't bother to read properly.

    More to the point, in order to get those levels, he then had to go to a trainer and take each and every one of those levels, chosing feats and skills / spells each time. Until he did, he would have stayed at his original level. It simply isn't isn't a case of hitting the yes button and 'poof' you are 16. You have to go through a number of steps to get the levels. Aynone who claims that they were unwittingly poofed to level 16 is trying to undo their mistake at not reading the warning about it only being available 1 time per account.

    Did you read the same thing I did?

    OP didn't know event existed.

    When has their ever been a button in this game that pops up in front of you uninvited that dramatically and permanently changes your character with no hope of reversal.

    He shoulda known better in your mind?
    Just desserts?
    Last edited by phillymiket; 06-05-2012 at 07:24 PM.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post

    I'd only advice the OP stay patient, don't level, keep playing and see what shakes out this week. Turbine goofed some on this and we will see if and what they can do about it. Some mistakes you just have to live with, some you can do something about. Chances are they are hip deep in MOTA work and the way the stones have worked out in practice is not what they envisioned.
    Thanks so much for the understanding and advice. I just got off the phone with Account Support and although they cannot do anything on their end they were very friendly and gave me two other options to look into.

    The first, as I hinted at above, is a way just to remove the stored XP. The guy I spoke to on the phone stated that he remember something also along those lines and thinks maybe an item of Reincarnation, one of the “Hearts of Wood” does something like I am asking for. All I really want is to be 11th level again so for when next our group plays we will be getting the same XP, having a fear of death and the penalties death brings and not having extra Enhancement points. Plus, my fear that if I click again by mistake while at the trainer I level an extra time because the XP is stored there.

    Then I have no clue if any on what having all that stored XP does. Will that create some new unforeseen bug in the future?

    The second thing was to send one more in-game E-mail using some key words and advice he gave. Because just maybe I was not that clear last night when talking to in-game support.

    But again, as stated above, for the community I have to ask for your help and memories…

    Can you think of / remember anything in-game that effects you like these Stones?
    If so please tell me so I watch out for them in the future.

    And what are your thoughts on the “Hearts of Wood” as a fix for my issue?

  5. #25
    Community Member eris2323's Avatar
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    Original Poster states in his message that he did not read the dialog box.

    I'm sorry. You might want to read dialog boxes in the future.

    But this is not turbines fault. It is yours, for not reading.

  6. #26
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Something else to try OP. Trying doing a couple quests. Tolero mentioned that this use to take away the exp from the stone, maybe it still will. It can;t hurt to try.
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  7. #27
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    I don't think anyone ever dreamed that giving someone else 8 free levels was going to be a BAD thing...

    Amazing how something that was supposed to be such an awesomely helpful gift turned into such a fiasco...

    The blame here lies on:

    Turbine: because they could have made the pop up clearer, and it sounds like even clicking no can bug out and give the XP regardless.

    Person Gifting: Because it's rude, in a way. The only reason why I can think so many people are spamming them is for the silly cosmetic pet.

    Person Accepting: Because at the end of things, you *did* click accept, and apparently did not read the message before doing so.

    I wouldn't lose hope yet, OP. This issue has spread like wildfire lately. I imagine that they may look into it.. Though I suspect they want as many people as they can get ready to peek at the Forgotten Realms. Because when you do, chances are strong you'll be getting the expansion. Which means more $$ for them.
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyrzain View Post
    And what are your thoughts on the “Hearts of Wood” as a fix for my issue?
    Even if it fixes your immediate problem, it wont change the fact that your account will have been tagged so you wont be able to use the stone in future.

    The only real solution is for the stone effects to be removed completely from your account.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasparion View Post
    Even if it fixes your immediate problem, it wont change the fact that your account will have been tagged so you wont be able to use the stone in future.

    The only real solution is for the stone effects to be removed completely from your account.
    As stated before... I am willing to NEVER to have access to these silly Stones on any account and am willing to redo my whole Toon if the Company cannot do a simple reset / delete recover to last night.

    I just want to be level 11 again so there are no issues with my Group. No future bugs because of having stored XP.

    I will try a few Quests though when next our group plays and hope the extra XP is removed as someone stated I should try.

  10. #30
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyrzain View Post
    No future bugs because of having stored XP.
    It's not uncommon for people to stock up their xp regularly. Speaking from experience, you can stack up a whole lot of extra xp without any negative impacts. (TR train!)

    (Unless of course, you are maxed. Then you will lose out on any additional xp. That's the worst that can happen, as far as I know.)
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  11. #31
    The Hatchery ferrite's Avatar
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    Harbor bank, lvl 12 sorc. Got up for a cup of tea. Returned to see a nice party request. Or was it?

    It wasn't, and now I instantly qualify for 16. I also got a lot of useless garbage pushed into my pack. The nerve!

    Clearly this wasn't designed well, nor thought out very well. If any thought went into it at all.

    Here's an idea. The guy that gives stones out, should have a new dialogue like "Were you given a stone by mistake?". He will then remove the XP (you must not have leveled or spent pts in any way), take the items back from your pack or trash, and remove the pet from the giver, if one was granted.

    Sounds like an easy enough fix to me.
    Last edited by ferrite; 06-05-2012 at 08:49 PM.

  12. #32
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyrzain View Post
    Stone of Experience and needing the XP removed

    Please help with this.

    In-Game support told me today… .

    Oveik…tells you, 'In-game support is unable to reset, reverse, or move the stone of experience leveling bonus to another character, regardless of the circumstances.'

    Who can I talk too? This Stone of Experience thing that you just added today broke my Toon and the fun I have playing with a group. Someone in-game did this me and now I have too much XP over the other people I play with.

    I was traveling to the Inn in House K when a box popped up and I thought it was group request. When I hit “Yes” my inventory was over loaded. I did not know what happened. So I went to sell at the bar. I then saw in Chat that another Player was giving these things called “Stone of Experience” to everyone that was near the Inn. I did not see any stone so I destroyed the items since I could not sell them keeping three items that could be useful. I then thanked the person thinking he gave me a gift from a higher level player to a newbie. Maybe he was a GM in-game. I did not know.

    That is when I noticed the Leveling Icon. I had 1,200,000 XP!

    Again, I do NOT want this XP. I do not care about the “Stone of Experience” or what Toon may or may not have it as I now reading on these Forums. The term “ninja-stoned” is a good word used.

    I need to be the same level I was before you added the “Stone of Experience”. We can delete the Toon then reset back a few hours or even a day if need. You can mark may account never to be able to use this “Stone of Experience”. You can copy this Toon to another slot so I can redo from 1st level. But something needs to be done!

    This was not something I could read up on like the “Slice of Cake” where I got to pick what Items I wanted or save said cake. This was applied insanity. As stated it overflowed my Inventory without me opening anything.

    Bottom-line I need to be what I was before a few hours ago. I will call support tomorrow after work. The Group that I have been playing with for the past 3 months now has less XP then I do and the balance we had is upset.

    Did you go through the level up process...if not then I think you are OK. Just take the levels as your friends level up.
    Last edited by kinggartk; 06-05-2012 at 09:10 PM.
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  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post
    Did you go through the level up process...if not then I think you are OK. Just take the levels as your friends level up.
    NO... I did not level…. BUT.... as stated...

    All I really want is to be 11th level again so for when next our group plays we will be getting the same XP, having a fear of death and the penalties death brings and not having extra Enhancement points. Plus, my fear that if I click again by mistake while at the trainer I level an extra time because the XP is stored there.

    Next, I have no clue if any on what having all that stored XP does. Will that create some new unforeseen bug in the future?

    Thus far only one person, maybe two, thinks there will be no future issues with all this stored XP. That is other then my fears above.

    One person thinks that if I do a few quests then the extra / stored XP may go away. That I will test and hope is true.

    Again, as stated above, for the community I have to ask for your help and memories…

    Can you think of / remember anything in-game that effects you like these Stones?
    If so please tell me so I watch out for them in the future.
    Something that permanently effects your Toon with on click?

    Next, what are your thoughts on the “Hearts of Wood” as a fix for my issue?

  14. #34
    Community Member seenorseems's Avatar
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    When I bought a lesser heart of wood to reincarnate there was a warning in the store about leveling before I used it. I can't find any specific reason but I'm assuming that it's because you would lose the experience gained after your last level up. If that's true using it would mean you'd lose all of the stored experience from the stone and start off at level 11, rank 0.

  15. #35
    The Hatchery Cernunan's Avatar
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    From one of the other threads on this topic

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    I'd advise against it. We did fix an issue where gaining a little XP after receiving Stone XP caused it to nuke the Stone XP... that shouldn't happen any more BUT I would not trust that it will let you bank XP indefinitely. I can double check with Codeshaper and see what the engineering peeps think about it, but I"m fairly certain it was designed to kick you up all at once.
    Quote Originally Posted by nobodynobody1426 View Post
    If you look across all the changes it's basically a giant nerf to all the stuff we used to use while trying to force folks into theme based playstyles.
    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    Profit quantity has been prioritized above product quality. (Note: this quote was from 2013, things never change)

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by danotmano1998 View Post
    I don't think anyone ever dreamed that giving someone else 8 free levels was going to be a BAD thing...

    Amazing how something that was supposed to be such an awesomely helpful gift turned into such a fiasco...

    The blame here lies on:

    Turbine: because they could have made the pop up clearer, and it sounds like even clicking no can bug out and give the XP regardless.

    Person Gifting: Because it's rude, in a way. The only reason why I can think so many people are spamming them is for the silly cosmetic pet.

    Person Accepting: Because at the end of things, you *did* click accept, and apparently did not read the message before doing so.

    I wouldn't lose hope yet, OP. This issue has spread like wildfire lately. I imagine that they may look into it.. Though I suspect they want as many people as they can get ready to peek at the Forgotten Realms. Because when you do, chances are strong you'll be getting the expansion. Which means more $$ for them.
    you cant not accept it at least sometimes once your chosen your chosen maybe logging will stop it or maybe it will make it so you can never have one on that server.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by seenorseems View Post
    When I bought a lesser heart of wood to reincarnate there was a warning in the store about leveling before I used it. I can't find any specific reason but I'm assuming that it's because you would lose the experience gained after your last level up. If that's true using it would mean you'd lose all of the stored experience from the stone and start off at level 11, rank 0.
    Nice to hear.. thanks : )

    Next, I have yet to read anything from the more experienced / veteran Players if anyone can think of / remember anything in-game that effects you like these Stones?

    Something other then these Stones that permanently messes with your Toon after one simple click!

    Something that another Player targets you, like a gun, and changes your Toon or removes any planning for these Stones.

    If you click a Tome, potion, re-spec, etc…wrong… . you are out what?… the Platinum?... and have to get another? You can even re-do FEATs, alignments, hair, class, etc…. if you screw-up.

    But NOT these Stones!

    As others are….. I am still waiting for a Fix or some kind of response from the Company.

  18. #38
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    I am going to assume that like me the Veteran Players on these Boards have never read of or seen anything like the way these Stones permanently mess with your Toon after one simple click!

    I am becoming sad that the Company has yet to respond in anyway on this issue.


    Did I not see a post somewhere? If so please post a Link to that for me.

  19. #39
    Community Member Ragnaroll's Avatar
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    Default Ninja stoned

    I knew a ninja stoner back in the day.
    I used to spar with him when I was doing wing chun and hapkido (Kung fu).
    We learned the hard way to not 'level up' on his 'experience booster clickies' before weapons training.

    Ah the good 'ol days!
    I'm not in denial although I am but I'm not.

  20. #40
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    From the Patch notes…

    “When using a Stone of Experience on another player you must now be partied with that player or it will have no effect.”

    I guess this stops the “ninja-stoning” : (

    “speak with Kruz to perform a lesser reincarnation character respec for free, without using a Heart of Wood, one time.”

    This may help my issue but then they added…

    “/death will no longer work on veteran status boats, guild ships or reincarnation boats.”

    I guess that this the Companies way of responding : (

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