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  1. #1
    Community Member joshmiller83's Avatar
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    Question Build Your Guild Event Bugged "somehow"

    I was told by a GM to post on the Forums about this and have a Account Rep look into it or something.

    My wife and I recently came back to DDO and didn't know about the Build Your Guild event. But we created a DUO guild just her and I with me as Guild Leader and her as my successor. Ever since I have been leveling faster then her. I get double the xp she gets for everything that grants extra xp for the BYG event. Also when I logged in I do not see anything about the BYG event or any guild motd or other info (maybe motd is not related) but when she logs in she sees the motd and info about the BYG event and to help other bonus eligible players. Now if I log in after her she sees "Jayshua has logged on (Bonus Eligible)" I DO NOT see that when she logs in after me.

    Our accounts were recently reactivated and both should be in the BYG event as we are both returning at the same time. Both accounts have the xPac and VIP.

    Can I get some info on this?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default guild renown bugged.

    Quote Originally Posted by joshmiller83 View Post
    I was told by a GM to post on the Forums about this and have a Account Rep look into it or something.

    My wife and I recently came back to DDO and didn't know about the Build Your Guild event. But we created a DUO guild just her and I with me as Guild Leader and her as my successor. Ever since I have been leveling faster then her. I get double the xp she gets for everything that grants extra xp for the BYG event. Also when I logged in I do not see anything about the BYG event or any guild motd or other info (maybe motd is not related) but when she logs in she sees the motd and info about the BYG event and to help other bonus eligible players. Now if I log in after her she sees "Jayshua has logged on (Bonus Eligible)" I DO NOT see that when she logs in after me.

    Our accounts were recently reactivated and both should be in the BYG event as we are both returning at the same time. Both accounts have the xPac and VIP.

    Can I get some info on this?
    This is what I know, many, as in over 50 people that I have personally talked to, and many many more that I have read post from, have reported problems with guild renown, all seem to be related to returning players. We had 8 in our guild alone that got no bonus, 5 as of now reported it, ticketed it, called turbine, and they*(as in Turbine) have done nothing, not even a reply, except for the generic we got your email..... we will reply in 2 to 4 business days......" none of which have been replied to.

    The only thing that I can suggest is keep posting, keep calling, if you happened to have spent tp on guild renown pots and guest passes to aid in leveling and aid in bonus for the event, ask for it back(not saying you will get it) but squeaky wheel tends to get more oil.) I really dont want the tp or items back, I want the renown. as was our goal in bringing back rl friends and ex guildies.

    Turbine, please will you address this known bug, and say what we can do to fix it.

  3. #3
    Community Member joshmiller83's Avatar
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    Question Character XP NOT Guild Renown

    This has NOTHING to do with Guild Renown! This is Character XP gotten from a Build Your Guild Event! DO NOT confuse the two.

  4. #4
    Community Member joshmiller83's Avatar
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    We really don't care about the Renown as much as Character XP and the fact that I am leveling faster then her. We DUO to stay together and enjoy the game together...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshmiller83 View Post
    This has NOTHING to do with Guild Renown! This is Character XP gotten from a Build Your Guild Event! DO NOT confuse the two.
    by your caps on the word "nothing" I am guessing that your post has nothing to do with guild renown, but build your guild has much less if anything to do with xp, but more to do with build your guild with renown, as in "build your guild" (oh that is the name of the event) not level your player event. or xp pot event or...... Read the specs on "build your guild" and as you said "do not confuse the two" or what ever event that you are taking part of that has nothing to do with renown.

  6. 06-05-2012, 11:58 PM

  7. #6
    Community Member joshmiller83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honey View Post
    by your caps on the word "nothing" I am guessing that your post has nothing to do with guild renown, but build your guild has much less if anything to do with xp, but more to do with build your guild with renown, as in "build your guild" (oh that is the name of the event) not level your player event. or xp pot event or...... Read the specs on "build your guild" and as you said "do not confuse the two" or what ever event that you are taking part of that has nothing to do with renown.
    I am actually looking for a Turbine response. A GM In-Game said to try and get one here. Cop out I know since getting a post might never happen.

    But this is form the BYG Event and it is related to Player XP. As in every bonus we complete and every mob we kill I see "You've earned 30xp extra as part of Build Your Guild. And my wifes is always half of mine.

    Are you a new or returning player?* Get these benefits from joining a guild:

    Get +10% XP and +1 Loot just for grouping with fellow guild members!
    Earn two Large Bounties for reaching level 8!**
    Earn one Large Bounty for reaching levels 12 and 16!
    Earn two Large Bounties for reaching level 20!

    Your entire guild will get these bonuses as well:

    Non-new and non-returning players who are grouped with new or returning guild members earn +5% XP and +1 Loot!
    Non-new and non-returning player characters will earn a Small Bounty for their guild at levels 12, 16 and 20!

    Large Bounties will award 25,000 Guild Renown and five Astral Diamonds, and Small Bounties will award 2,500 Guild Renown. All Bounties are subject to guild size bonuses, and are affected by Guild Renown Elixirs.

    So there is a player XP component there, and its either bugged or the Greater XP Tomes from the CE Edition of Xpack is and its showing up bugged under the BYG event.

  8. #7
    Community Member joshmiller83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by falcon8 View Post
    As stated by the previous post, the Build Your Guild event that is currently running has no effect whatsoever on experience earned by anyone. The only thing it affects is the Renown earned each time a "new" (or returned) player levels up a character.

    As far as your character leveling twice as fast as her character, perhaps you have used a Greater Tome of Learning and she hasn't? Or maybe you have some experience potion active while she doesn't? These are the two primary things I can think of that would cause you to level at different rates. Other than the obvious ones, that is - you playing more than she does and completing more quests, the two of you not in the same groups running quests at different difficulties, etc...
    Refer to my previous post. There is a Player XP component here. Very clearly stated...

    Get +10% XP and +1 Loot just for grouping with fellow guild members!
    Non-new and non-returning players who are grouped with new or returning guild members earn +5% XP and +1 Loot!

  9. #8
    Community Member stubythumb's Avatar
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    Default What I found when I ran into the XP issue

    Started using some of my abandon account to try and level a few toons and had one getting 10%xp while the other was getting only 5% and both accounts had not been used in over a year. Did the who ticket thing and got to the same place you are now. After a bit of looking into this I found what I believe to be the issue with the one account that was getting 5%. I found that I had updated my charter profile and responded to the mail I had and in doing so (just logging into myddo/forums) updated my account from inactive.
    Guild: Alt's of Olidia, Hiding Spot of: Olidia

  10. #9
    Community Member dragonhighlord1's Avatar
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    Default fix guild renown,

    Quote Originally Posted by joshmiller83 View Post
    Refer to my previous post. There is a Player XP component here. Very clearly stated...

    Get +10% XP and +1 Loot just for grouping with fellow guild members!
    Non-new and non-returning players who are grouped with new or returning guild members earn +5% XP and +1 Loot!
    I didn't grab the quote from honey, but she said that the build your event had "less" to do with xp, and more to do with renown, after it seemed the op was saying it had nothing to do with renown, all that being said....

    What everyone seems to want to know, is why wont "Turbine", the only persons that get paid to run events and handle bugs, at the very least address this issue. "Why dont returning players get the bonus? " When it clearly states that they should. I will tell you this: I got my renown pots tp back because at least the account management team understood there is an issue, and didnt tell me to post on the forum to get answers from other non turbine employees. It did not fix the issue, but it was something. I was also told they are looking into it.
    Less is More, and Perfect is good enough

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