I'm about to TR into one of 2 builds, and would like some help deciding which one.
They are as follows:
Both would be kensai ninjas. Both have the same ability scores and very close to the same feats. These are 34 points, TRing from a monk.
Human 12/7/1 Fighter/Monk/Rogue
Abilities (levels and tomes only):
S: 16 (+ 5levels + 3tome) = 24
D: 14 (+ 3tome)= 17
Co: 16 (+2tome) = 18
I: 10 (+2tome) = 12
W: 14 (+2tome) = 16
Ch: 8 (+2tome) = 10
Level 1:Rogue Toughness, Power Attack
Level 2: Monk Stunning Fist
Level 3: Fighter PL: Monk, Improved Sunder
Level 4: Fighter TWF
Level 6: Fighter WF: Blud, Stunning Blow
Level 8: Fighter WS: Blud
Level 9: Fighter Quick Draw
Level 10: Fighter IC: Blud
Level 12: Fighter iTWF, Dodge
Level 14: Fighter GWS: Blud
Level 15: Monk gTWF, Toughness
Level 16: Monk Monk Philo: PoID
Level 18: Monk Toughness
Level 19: Monk Toughness
Skills(points spent:
Balance: 4
Concentration: 20
Jump: 4
Spot: 3
Tumble: 1
Intimidate: 23
Open Lock: 4
Search: 4
UMD: 23
Half-Elf 12/8 Fighter/Monk
Abilities (levels and tomes only):
S: 16 (+ 5levels + 3tome) = 24
D: 14 (+ 3tome)= 17
Co: 16 (+2tome) = 18
I: 10 (+2tome) = 12
W: 14 (+2tome) = 16
Ch: 8 (+2tome) = 10
Level 1:Monk Toughness, Stunning Fist, Dil: Rogue
Level 2: Fighter WF: Blud
Level 3: Fighter PL: Monk, Stunning Blow
Level 5: Fighter TWF
Level 6: Fighter WS: Blud
Level 7: Fighter Power Attack
Level 9: Fighter IC: Blud, Improved Sunder
Level 11: Fighter Quick Draw
Level 12: Fighter iTWF
Level 13: Fighter gTWF
Level 14: Monk Toughness
Level 15: Monk GWS: Blud, Monk Philo: PoID
Level 18: Monk Toughness, Dodge
Skills(points spent:
Balance: 12
Concentration: 23
Tumble: 1
Intimidate: 13
UMD: 11
It looks like Half-elf will be slightly more DPS (+4 SA and +1 Unarmed die step), where as the human will have full UMD and intimidate, as well as slightly more healing amp. The helf would be hideous.
Anyhow, which would you prefer to play/party with and why? Is there anything glaring that I'm missing?