Right, so i have almost finished gearing out, and i have no idea what sort of hat i want to wear. so i come to YOU to ask! what hat is a good hat?
(i already have toughness on my robe, and heavy fort on my goggles, so no minos)
Right, so i have almost finished gearing out, and i have no idea what sort of hat i want to wear. so i come to YOU to ask! what hat is a good hat?
(i already have toughness on my robe, and heavy fort on my goggles, so no minos)
The Big Top - an excellent choice for a gentleman, sir!
well, its a good slot for a crafted item with guild augment. If youre a UMD user, persuasion never hurt anybody, or could make it a concentration +13 (or any other skill if youve got that covered elsewhere - balance comes to mind), prefixes are rather lacking for helms, assuming youve got intel covered elsewhere the second choice would probably be charisma, or just slap something stupid like underwater action on it, why not.
Con is not a dump stat, but reading comprehension is not a dump skill!
I dont have alts, just mules. Find me as Darivian on Thelanis.
The optimal hat for a wizard would be one of those pointy, wide brimmed things. Maybe with moons and stars embroidered on it.
You didn't mention the race. Half-elves can use as much facial protection as possible (well really the protection is for the benefit of other players).
You should equip the pointiest hat that you can find.
It looks like you're a Pale Master. The Epic Darkstorm Helm is probably the best suggestion. If you were an Archmage, then sadly, Minos is probably the best. Still, Minos is a heavy competitor on a Pale Master. Crafting GS items on the Helm Slot is not a bad idea to think about.
Con is not a dump stat, but reading comprehension is not a dump skill!
I dont have alts, just mules. Find me as Darivian on Thelanis.
False. If the OP were an Archmage, which I hope he isn't (he'd then be a non-warforged AM, which is silly), then he should not be epic slotting Toughness and Heavy Fort. As I said, and I will repeat it for you, an AM should probably be wearing Minos. An AM that is epic slotting Toughness and Heavy Fort is making a mistake. If you wanted me to give gear advice for an AM that is making mistakes, well, sorry that I can't help you there. And again, even if you're a Pale Master, Minos is a solid choice. You may well be making a mistake by epic slotting Toughness and Heavy Fortification on a Pale Master. What the OP currently has slotted is not relevant if the question is what a PM should be wearing for their helm slot. If the OP wanted to know what to slot in his helm slot given the gear he's currently in and the epic slots he is currently using, well, he could have asked that question. That would be a silly question to ask, however.
Last edited by Faent; 06-06-2012 at 05:26 AM.
1) Youve obviously never been in a situation where someone is not perfectly geared, but is working with what they currently have. Good for you.
2) Nothing wrong with building a fleshy for flavor or, since youre probably in the minmaxer mindset, maxing DCs or extra feat. SP self-healing is a nice thing to have, but not necessary if youre building purely for CCing in a group instead of soloing. Its a playstyle choice.
3) Assuming the priorities of the AM build are (in this order) DCs (necro+enchant+conj), spell pen, SPs, HPs and general spell damage, consider:
Body: Epic Diabolist - +7 int, epic conj focus, slotted toughness and +1 exc. cha
Neck: Upgraded Noxious Embers (greater arcane lore) swap to Torc swap to Silver Flame talisman
Cloak: Envenomed Cloak - +7 con, +5 resistance, slotted GFL
Trinket: Litany - +1 to all stats
Bracers: Crafted (greater transmutation focus maybe?), +13 concentration, large augment SP
Gloves: GS MIN II (HPs + heavy fort + 6 con skills)
Goggles: Epic Spectacles of Spirit Sight - greater enchant and necro focus, slotted +6 str
Boots: GS Conc-op (SPs + 5 cha skills)
Belt: ToD AM belt - archmagi
Ring1: ToD AM ring - +1/+2 exc. int
Ring2: ToD +6 cha, +1/+2 exc. con
Weap1: Epic Alchemical - Greater spell pen IX
Weap2: Epic Alchemical - Arcane Augmentation IX, Greater Evo focus
Quiver: Upgraded Quiver of alacrity (30% striding)
Helm: Minos - because thats the only thing an AM should wear!
Sure there are variations. Depends on what the race is, what tomes were eaten, what content is available... Oh wait, noes. Theres one bestest gear set, Minos is the only headwear for AMs, if you slot toughness and fort elsewhere, you a gimp! I iz right coz I say so, u no?
Also, only option for heavy fort is epic slotting. Forums are great, I learn something new every day...
Con is not a dump stat, but reading comprehension is not a dump skill!
I dont have alts, just mules. Find me as Darivian on Thelanis.
I'm considering a triple neg green steel helm (deathblock, blindness/disease/poison immunity) to replace the minos. Another option is a 3 piece epic abishai set (helm, cloak, gloves), but that option requires swapping a deathblock item in and out. Still planning out how the gs helm might fit into future trs.
My pale master is wearing a con-op HP greensteel helm, freeing goggle slot for Magewrights. If you already made a GS con-op HP item in another slot, Minos is probably fine.
An immunity helm doesnt help a wizard much in my opinion, as most good wizards are either pale master (immune to everything) or warforged (immune to everything but death spells). 3 piece abishai for wiz doesnt seem that interesting, the cloak is good but no reason to slot 2 more items. On a sorc, you want the +7 cha from helm of frost, but on a wiz it isnt that important.
On Thelanis: Makkuroi - Heroic+Epic completionist, 30+ Past lives - Guild: Zeugen der Dreizehn