I would like to suggest a universal guild run by no one. No leader. No officer. No drama. No begging to get in. Anyone can join Automatically.
Of course this guild would have massive members so guild renown would be small....
Basic rules...
1. Anyone could join. First time (initiation) fee of 1000 Plat and 25 TP....(Korthos???)
2. Ships and Buffs bought Automatically as guild progresses.
3. To pay for it, each member pays automatic monthly "dues". Could be xxx Plat or 25 TP or both.
4. Members have option to donate TP for gold seal better buffs. Astral Diamonds donated for better ships.
5. Members get kicked after xxx time inactive...
6. If member cannot pay monthly dues, locked out. (reinstated when you have the dues.)
7. You smarter peeps add more basic "fair/universal" rules.
And for Private Guilds.....
I would also like to see A ONE BUTTON HIT ALL BUFFS. (gold seal TP) Enter ship Click on "ALL BUFFS" statute and move on... starting at level 40 guild.