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Thread: DDO Favor Farm

  1. #1
    Community Member KingMoca's Avatar
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    Default DDO Favor Farm

    Not too many guides out there for this, so here's my shot at it.

    First, you'll need to set up what they call a Dual Box to create your personal Elite Opener. It's not hard to do, and is real simple, and doesn't slow your computer down at all. Basically you'll be running two DDO's at the same time, on the same computer so it's best to play in windowed mode to switch back and forth. Here's a quick tutorial how.

    Open your Local Disk (C: )/ProgramFiles(x86) and find Turbine (not DDO). Copy "Turbine". Now open up "Turbine" and paste your copy of "Turbine" inside itself and rename it "Turbine2" to avoid confusion. Now open up "Turbine2" then "DDO Unlimited" then find a file called "TurbineLauncher". Create a shortcut to desktop or wherever you save your game shortcuts and rename it something like "DDO2". You may need to re-boot computer at this point. To open up both DDO's, click original shortcut and second, wait for the loading screens and until it prompts you to log in to both (move the windows, becuase they open in the same place so they overlap each other) then log in to your original account on one, and a secondary where your "elite opener" will be. That easy

    Now for the Favor Farming

    You will need to run your elite opener (second account) through the below quests on elite once (use your main to run you through, PUG it, doesn't matter). After you do, roll a toon on your original account, party up with the elite opener and you now all quests can be opened on elite, no matter where the elite opener is.

    Having Veteran Status really speeds this up, but it can be done with a level one toon. I usually roll an Artificer if I solo, but a Barbarian with the third default path works just as good. I usually post up a LFM that I'm about to start a "Pro Favor Farm, starting in #mins" to get other Favor Farmers to speed thigs up a bit. But if any members join and try to do optionals or wipe us, I end up kicking them.

    -= Heyton's Rest =- If with other Favor Farmers, split it up.
    -= Storehouse Secret =-Go straight to key, don't bother with boss or mobs, solve puzzle, leave.
    -= Cannith Crystal =- If with other Favor Farmers, I use my elite opener to prep Collaborator of first mobs.
    -= Collaborator =- Don't bother fighting last boss, drag Jacoby to shrines, kill him there.
    -= Bringing the Light =- Left side, kill guard before he lets the dogs out (who?), right side, kill tables, don't bother with mobs.
    -= Information is Key =- If with other Favor Farmers, split at ladder/water, pull left lever, don't bother with defender.
    -= Haverdasher =- Low levels will need a cleric hire here.
    -= Durk's Secret =- If with other Favor Farmers, split left and right side, kill captains, run back to entrance.
    -= Garrison's Pack =- Kill all mobs up to zombies, run past to water, If with other Favor Farmers split left and right levers.
    -= Sunken Sewer =- Go left side up waterfall ledge, jump in water, go to far left side ledge with chest behind bars, jump across to chains, go straight to boss, don't bother with scorps, jump back in water, recall.
    -= Kobold's Ringleader =- Box shortcut, split levers if with other Favor Farmers.
    (Solo) -= Home sweet Sewer =- Don't kill the doggies.

    Once you've ran through all these, either mail gear or loot to main (some people still check chests becuase Hearts of Wood still have an extremely small chance to drop) and delete the toon and re-roll and run all the quests again.

    Will update soon with actual times, but solo this usually takes me about 45 minutes. With a good party, or even one person that knows what they're doing as well, about 35 minutes. What's nice about this method is that you don't have to wait around for a elite opener, you can do it on your own time, stop and pick up where you left off, watch movies and listen to music. It's really simple and the best bang for your buck and time. There are some other Farming methods where you would do some quests in Korthos wildi, but I found those added almost 6-7 minutes to total time, and replacing Butchers Path with Sunken Sewer and Home Sweet Sewer shaved off about 3 minutes.

    Well this is my method, hope I helped you out, and don't forget to share the love! Good luck out there!
    Last edited by KingMoca; 06-04-2012 at 08:12 AM.

  2. #2
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    Nicely done guide with instructions about Dual Boxing too. I am sure some people would find this very helpful especially as we have the adventure sales at present.

  3. #3
    Community Member KingMoca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsbeer View Post
    Nicely done guide with instructions about Dual Boxing too. I am sure some people would find this very helpful especially as we have the adventure sales at present.
    Thank you Did about 5 runs with a small group before downtime on server update, had it on the brain and got four hours to kill, might as well post it up. Bought Vale, GH, VoN, Carnival, FVS, Aritficer, and about to buy Necro Bundle. About 250 points shy.

  4. #4
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    Looks simple and easy. One question before I try it: Is dual boxing allowed? I never read the rules or EULA to anything because they usually say mostly the same thing, in varying degrees of readability for rules and consistently gibberish for EULA.

  5. #5
    Community Member KingMoca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin-ator View Post
    Looks simple and easy. One question before I try it: Is dual boxing allowed? I never read the rules or EULA to anything because they usually say mostly the same thing, in varying degrees of readability for rules and consistently gibberish for EULA.
    To be honest, I can't say for sure. I've seen other guides for Dual-Boxing on these forums and they haven't been removed and no other post say anything about it. I think currently it's allowed, but in the future maybe not. But this is all just an educated guess.

  6. #6
    Community Member Arahan's Avatar
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    Just a couple of questions regarding an elite opener and your method. As I would like to apply this to leveling characters as well as TR'ing other ones. Does running an Elite Opener through a quest on elite open up hard as well or does it just unlock the elite option?

    Quote from OP: After you do, roll a toon on your original account, party up with the elite opener and you now all quests can be opened on elite, no matter where the elite opener is.

    I have wondered about the specifics of this, the elite opener can be anywhere in the game and unlock the elite for the quest? Is that correct? Does the elite opener stay partied with u while u quest or do u have it drop party after unlock. If so does the elite option stay unlocked as long as u have the window and the elite box checked or does someone in the party need to enter the quest before the elite opener drops from the party.

    Does the level of the elite opener matter when opening quests? I wouldn't want to go through all this trouble just to have the opener hurt my xp.

  7. #7
    Community Member Meetch1972's Avatar
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    I'll have a go at this...

    Quote Originally Posted by Arahan View Post
    Just a couple of questions regarding an elite opener and your method. As I would like to apply this to leveling characters as well as TR'ing other ones. Does running an Elite Opener through a quest on elite open up hard as well or does it just unlock the elite option?
    Once a difficulty is opened up to you, all the lower difficulties are made available and may be farmed for xp. The elite opener character only really needs to be run through the quests on hard, because once they've "done" hard they unlock elite for the next run, but if they have done elite then that's ok too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arahan View Post
    Quote from OP: After you do, roll a toon on your original account, party up with the elite opener and you now all quests can be opened on elite, no matter where the elite opener is.

    I have wondered about the specifics of this, the elite opener can be anywhere in the game and unlock the elite for the quest? Is that correct? Does the elite opener stay partied with u while u quest or do u have it drop party after unlock. If so does the elite option stay unlocked as long as u have the window and the elite box checked or does someone in the party need to enter the quest before the elite opener drops from the party.
    I'm not sure about the entirety of the quoted claim. From my experience my L20 has to 1) be in the group 2) be in the same zone - not necessarily at the door (<-- Edit, thanks guys: this is incorrect), and 3) have the quest in the list (shared or picked up). Once that is done, anyone else in the group can step into the quest on elite and the opener can leave the party.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arahan View Post
    Does the level of the elite opener matter when opening quests? I wouldn't want to go through all this trouble just to have the opener hurt my xp.
    If the opener doesn't enter the door, there are no XP penalties whatsoever. You can check for yourself by hitting X after you step in to see the XP report - all level related penalties are at the top. Edit: I should add here that the OP isn't interested in XP in this context, just favor. Some people will skip quests they out-level and then favor farm those way over-level for no xp.
    Last edited by Meetch1972; 06-06-2012 at 11:04 PM.
    Goe ahed... korekt mah spelin'.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arahan View Post
    Just a couple of questions regarding an elite opener and your method. As I would like to apply this to leveling characters as well as TR'ing other ones. Does running an Elite Opener through a quest on elite open up hard as well or does it just unlock the elite option?
    Your Elite opener needs to have run the quest on Hard or Elite and have retaken the quest. If they have done so, and you are partied with them, you can open the quest on Elite (if it has a standard entrance, and is not entered through an NPC) no matter where you are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arahan View Post
    I have wondered about the specifics of this, the elite opener can be anywhere in the game and unlock the elite for the quest? Is that correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arahan View Post
    Does the elite opener stay partied with u while u quest or do u have it drop party after unlock.
    The Elite opener can stay in party. Only toons IN THE QUEST affect anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arahan View Post
    Does the level of the elite opener matter when opening quests?

    The favor farming method the OP is suggesting is a run to 101 Favor on your main account (which presumably already has all the first-time favor rewards locked in). So using this method, hitting 100 Favor on a new toon will net you 25 TP.

    If you are using this method regularly, and do not have Vet Status unlocked, it would make more sense to level your Elite opener a little (this is the toon on your second account) and use that toon to run the quests. Remember, you are not running the quests for XP. You are running them for favor/completion only, so it doesn't matter if you have a level 20 in the quest or not.

    If you have Vet I/II Status unlocked, then you'd just use something like a level 4/7 barbarian or wizard or sorcerer or whatever to run the quests for you.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meetch1972 View Post
    I'm not sure about the entirety of the quoted claim. From my experience my L20 has to 1) be in the group 2) be in the same zone - not necessarily at the door, and 3) have the quest in the list (shared or picked up). Once that is done, anyone else in the group can step into the quest on elite and the opener can leave the party.
    (1) is correct. (2) is not correct. Anywhere is fine (at least for everything I've tried). And (3) is correct.

  10. #10
    Community Member KingMoca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arahan View Post
    Just a couple of questions regarding an elite opener and your method. As I would like to apply this to leveling characters as well as TR'ing other ones. Does running an Elite Opener through a quest on elite open up hard as well or does it just unlock the elite option?

    Quote from OP: After you do, roll a toon on your original account, party up with the elite opener and you now all quests can be opened on elite, no matter where the elite opener is.

    I have wondered about the specifics of this, the elite opener can be anywhere in the game and unlock the elite for the quest? Is that correct? Does the elite opener stay partied with u while u quest or do u have it drop party after unlock. If so does the elite option stay unlocked as long as u have the window and the elite box checked or does someone in the party need to enter the quest before the elite opener drops from the party.

    Does the level of the elite opener matter when opening quests? I wouldn't want to go through all this trouble just to have the opener hurt my xp.
    Yes it opens up Hard as well.

    I keep my opener in Korthos Tavern, and it still opens Harbour quests.

    Elite opener stays partied the entire time, and the only one that would matter about hurting XP is collaborater becuase your elite opener has to go in with you on that quest.
    Last edited by KingMoca; 06-06-2012 at 05:27 AM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingMoca View Post

    I keep my opener in Korthos Tavern, and it still opens Harbour quests.

    Elite opener stays partied the entire time, and the only one that would matter about hurting XP is collaborater becuase your elite opener has to go in with you on that quest.
    Next time you run the quest, try leaving the elite opener outside the quest, and enter the Collaborator quest through the side door. The side door is next to the bar, where you enter to chase Jacoby after the Sahuagin waves. It's also the same door you zone out after recalling/finishing out of the quest.

  12. #12
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    I'm happy to see a favor farm thread in the right direction as most people try to farm favor in the wrong and most inefficient way. The way described is generally correct, although you miss some optimizations to achieve 25 TP per 15 min of your time. Our record is 10-12 min I think.

    Many things, including if dual boxing is allowed, are answered in detail here:
    (the quest list is outdated, see below)

    You can always solo, but you will need 45 min per run. You will greatly improve your efficiency if you group with 2 more dual boxers. Every person has his runner account (the one he runs quests with) and his sponge account (that's his main account, the one he wants to farm TP for). A total of 6 characters in the party.

    Each runner enters a quest from the quest list, zergs it in 2 minutes maximum, and waits just before the completion.
    IMPORTANT: Only one runner per quest! Two runners doing the same quest is a huge waste of time.

    Each sponge moves through the quests list, entering every quest and waiting at the beginning until the relevant runner completes it.
    IMPORTANT: Don't try to run a quest with a sponge, that's the runner's job (with one exception, storehouse secret, see below). Sponge is only level 1 or 4 or 7 and he will delay, your runner is level 10-12, he can blast through the quest in notime.

    After hundreds of favor runs in Cannith server we've made up the optimal quest list (in this order):
    (All quests done on elite except Storehouse Secret which is done on hard from the sponges)
    - The collaborator
    - Storehouse secret (sponges do this quest on hard alone)
    - On your way to leaving Korthos talk to barbarian trainer and take sprint boost I, helps traveling faster.
    - Bringing the Light
    - Information is the key
    - Walk the Butcher's path
    - Durk's got a secret
    - Garison's Missing Pack
    -Stealthy Repossesion (invisibility helps a lot here)
    -Kobolds New Ringleader
    -Retrieve the Stolen Goods (Baudry chain part 3, one of the runners must be kept flagged for it)

    1st runner: Colaborator, butcher, stealthy
    2nd runner: bringing the light, durk, knr
    3rd runner: info, garison, baudry part 3

    The best build for runner is a sorcerer (maybe with a barbarian level for sprint boost)
    The sponges MUST be a level 1 barbarian (runs faster, can solo storehouse easily and can take sprint boost after storehouse). Making level 4 or 7 sponges doesn't worth the delays and it messes up your route.

    All the above quests can be done in 2-3 minutes. If you have difficulties with butcher's path you can replace with Heyton's rest and Haverdasher, although a level 12 caster should be able to solo butcher quickly.

    If you're interested in quick favor runs, you can contact Vicania or Pileas in Cannith server. Send an in-game mail if we're not logged.
    Last edited by Dosia; 06-18-2012 at 06:53 AM.

  13. #13
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    Just wanted to say it is great to see people taking the time to pass on such useful information in this thread

  14. #14
    Community Member Jeremiah179's Avatar
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    Default Boggles My Mind

    I am by no means a wealthy person...I promise.

    But 25TP is worth what? $0.50 maybe? Even at the very best that is $2.00 per hour?

    Here is my method.

    Go do some chores or work for someone for some cash. Buy some TP. Play game.

    Special Benefit: It is healthy to be away from game for a bit, and especially if you do physical work for the cash, it is good for your cardio, which will give you more stamina for more playing.

    I can not imagine wanting game to be free so badly, or wanting anything in the store so badly that I would work for $2.00 per hour?

    **Note: sometimes TP is on sale! If you save for an even better pack it can be as low as $0.15 per 25 TP -- you method causes you to work then for about $0.60 per hour? I am sorry I just do not get it.

  15. #15
    Community Member KingMoca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremiah179 View Post
    I am by no means a wealthy person...I promise.

    But 25TP is worth what? $0.50 maybe? Even at the very best that is $2.00 per hour?

    Here is my method.

    Go do some chores or work for someone for some cash. Buy some TP. Play game.

    Special Benefit: It is healthy to be away from game for a bit, and especially if you do physical work for the cash, it is good for your cardio, which will give you more stamina for more playing.

    I can not imagine wanting game to be free so badly, or wanting anything in the store so badly that I would work for $2.00 per hour?

    **Note: sometimes TP is on sale! If you save for an even better pack it can be as low as $0.15 per 25 TP -- you method causes you to work then for about $0.60 per hour? I am sorry I just do not get it.
    Lol, I'm in the Army, and well I have kiddos and a wife and other bills and whatnots. Before all that, hell yeah I'd blow $300 a paycheck, but nowadays, explaining to my wife and rugrat that we can't go to six flags this summer cuase daddy blew the gas money on his video game is just not good parenting. So yeah, it's fun though, you meet some kool people doing it. I always have, and it kills the time, and once you farm your first 1,000TP's, you feel like ya truly earned it. So that's why

  16. #16
    Community Member KingMoca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dosia View Post
    of your time. Our record is 10-12 min I think.
    That is beast dude! But hell yeah, definitely gonna check that method out, that's beast. Hardest part I guess would be to get a team going that's all pro, but that's really kool dude, thanks!

  17. #17
    Community Member KingMoca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsbeer View Post
    Just wanted to say it is great to see people taking the time to pass on such useful information in this thread
    Well thank you I was just bored during the update downtime, figured I'd kill it here and throw the community a bone as i didn't really see a good guide for it on the forums already

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