(1. Guild Renown
I think that, if nothing else, the guild leader should be able to see, in-game, the individual contributions of each character.
(2. Arcane Archer
The prereqs for this enhancement line include, optionally, Mental Toughness or its better Arcane Prodigy. One of the prereqs for Mental toughness is the ability to cast spells yet this is not a prereq for Arcane Prodigy as it shouldn't be. The problem occurs when you take Arcane Prodigy as the prereq for AA, but are not a spellcasting class and therefore get no SP from it. I think that, as you are taking the further past life feat to tap into your arcane past life you should at least get the SP from said feat if nothing else.
I dream of a 20 Monk AA, please allow this.
(3. Ioun stones
Considering the now drastically improved availability of these I think it would be interesting if one could combine them all into an Epic Rainbow Halo, completely unnecessary, but I think it could be awesome.
(4. Epic Red Dragonscale Armor
I think that the base armor used should be reflected in the final in both appearance and function. A Black/Red should be different than a White/Red and a Blue/Red. Older versions could be left the same or updated by reforging with White/Black/Red Scale(s).
(5. Single Player
This is "massive" and perhaps unreasonable, but I always loved Diablo II in the flexability of how one could play it. I (and probably a lot of other people) would throw money at you if I could play this game solo and/or with close friends in a LAN.
(6. Underwater
I'm certain that I'm not the only person who has been frustrated by an enemy that is underwater and attacking me that I cannot return damage to simply because it is mildly submerged. I think that being in and underwater should be reworked in terms of its effects on the character. Perhaps electric effects should be more effective, Fire significantly reduced, and perhaps arrows and the swinging of an axe wouldnt hit for nearly anything when the target is submerged. I can't say that I have much experience with swinging an axe at a foe while both submerged in water but I can imagine it certainly would not feel good to have it pressed quite deeply in the face regardless of it moving at a reduced speed.
(7. Monk
Moment of Clarity: Let me do it in public. The end. (Maybe have it only affect myself in public)
(8. Air Elementals
I suppose they are fine considering they are mini-tornadoes and thusly should blow you about, but in a quest such as the end of Flesh Maker's Laboratory they become a stupid obstacle for any melee type to overcome. Perhaps the respawn time should be increased or something like that.
(9. Greater Teleport
Let me do it in public. (Have it only affect party members)
(10. Teleporting
Short Range Teleporting. Hirelings can do it so why can't I? (I understand that the mechanics of this would break a lot of content)
(11. Hirelings
I grow entirely tired of the several Healbots that don't know how to heal themselves. Althea has remove curse and will actively use it on you as needed but she has no idea what a curse looks like when it is on herself.
Why on Eberron does defensive mode mean to a healer "Hey let's go stand in AoE range of spells (even though the guy who's paying me told me to stand back, but close enough that I can heal him) and I should grab as much aggro as I can so that I die all the while complaining that I need a heal."
(12. Tomb of the Tormented
I miss it; I love that quest. Please have it all better soon.
Thank You for the Best MMO I've ever come accross and for continuing to improve upon it (or at least attempt to) and Thank You for responsive and thoughtful GMs that help us when things go wrong.