That's right...I have a NML pre-nerf version of Bulwark of Storm's Fist (+3 Hvy Shield with +5 Con). I don't believe it has any damage on it...if it does, it is minimal.

What I'm looking for:

Plat + a reasonable offer of items, or just a lot of Plat.

Items I find nifty:

Ring of Spell Storing
Pale Lavender Ioun Stone (Suppressed)
Beholder-absorbing items (there are two...don't remember names
Other things you might think I'll find shiny
Oh, I also like Repeaters (leveling an Artificer TR)

I'm a very casual player, so I tend to find more interest in items-good-for-leveling vice endgame stuff. This shield has been awesome, but I am not currently running any sword-and-board types, so I figure I should look to get things more suited to my current whims.

Send PMs if interested, or if you're bored and want to throw an endgame tank/DPS build my way. I have a character that I am about to start leveling with great fervor, and after I TR him a few times, he'll be my endgame content character...a Tank and/or DPS type. Unfortunately, I'm such a casual player that I don't know what people are really looking for out of a Melee DPS/Tank these days.