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If you can afford them (buying mats and grinding the levels), +5 Holy Silver/Cold Iron Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane are considered the best for Devil/Demon bosses. Lord of Blades would need +5 Holy of Greater Construct Bane (remember: Monks get automatic Adamantine DR bypass at class level 16). Notice I said "Holy" instead of "Holy Burst?" That's because you'll be putting Holy Burst on one of your ToD rings and Holy + Holy Burst stack (or they're supposed to, in the case of Cannith Crafted Handwraps).
Lately, I've taken it wearing my Epic Wraps of Endless Light from the Mabar event as my devil boss beaters. Shintao Monk allows for Silver/Cold Iron DR-bypass and I already have Holy Burst on a ToD ring, so I still completely break DR (although I do have a set of loot-gen +1 Holy of Greater Evil Outsider Bane handwraps with Risia Icy Burst on them).