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  1. #1
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    Default Boss beater handwraps?

    Are holy silver or silver of pure good handwraps still great boss beaters or are there significantly better options via crafting or otherwise?

    Also, what's better - holy silver, or silver of pure good (i imagine it's holy of pure good unless there's some non evil bosses that have popped in over the last year or so while I've been gone)


  2. #2
    Community Member Claransa's Avatar
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    For a light monk, you might want to look at the new calomel handwraps from the cannith challenges.

  3. #3
    Community Member sacredguyver's Avatar
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    If you can afford them (buying mats and grinding the levels), +5 Holy Silver/Cold Iron Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane are considered the best for Devil/Demon bosses. Lord of Blades would need +5 Holy of Greater Construct Bane (remember: Monks get automatic Adamantine DR bypass at class level 16). Notice I said "Holy" instead of "Holy Burst?" That's because you'll be putting Holy Burst on one of your ToD rings and Holy + Holy Burst stack (or they're supposed to, in the case of Cannith Crafted Handwraps).

    Lately, I've taken it wearing my Epic Wraps of Endless Light from the Mabar event as my devil boss beaters. Shintao Monk allows for Silver/Cold Iron DR-bypass and I already have Holy Burst on a ToD ring, so I still completely break DR (although I do have a set of loot-gen +1 Holy of Greater Evil Outsider Bane handwraps with Risia Icy Burst on them).
    Quote Originally Posted by macubrae View Post
    A Dwarf's beard should be thick, strong and long enough to tuck under your belt (to keep kobolds from swinging on it and giants from swinging us by them).

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by sacredguyver View Post
    If you can afford them (buying mats and grinding the levels), +5 Holy Silver/Cold Iron Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane are considered the best for Devil/Demon bosses. Lord of Blades would need +5 Holy of Greater Construct Bane (remember: Monks get automatic Adamantine DR bypass at class level 16). Notice I said "Holy" instead of "Holy Burst?" That's because you'll be putting Holy Burst on one of your ToD rings and Holy + Holy Burst stack (or they're supposed to, in the case of Cannith Crafted Handwraps).

    Lately, I've taken it wearing my Epic Wraps of Endless Light from the Mabar event as my devil boss beaters. Shintao Monk allows for Silver/Cold Iron DR-bypass and I already have Holy Burst on a ToD ring, so I still completely break DR (although I do have a set of loot-gen +1 Holy of Greater Evil Outsider Bane handwraps with Risia Icy Burst on them).
    Thanks. So if I am not a light monk (I'm thinking if I TR into an unarmed build it will be either dark monk or an unarmed kensai - although I do have the ToD Shintao set and it's a shame not to use it's full capability by not going light monk), and if I cannot craft cannith wraps (or find a friendly crafter to help me out), +4 or +5 loot-gen Silver Holy or Silver of Pure Good are still solid choices? Reason I ask is some show up on the AH once in a while for quite a bit of $, and want to see if it's something I should keep an eye out for and consider (and if so, should I lean towards Silver Holy over Silver Pure Good?).

  5. #5
    Community Member sacredguyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RS-Makk View Post
    Thanks. So if I am not a light monk (I'm thinking if I TR into an unarmed build it will be either dark monk or an unarmed kensai - although I do have the ToD Shintao set and it's a shame not to use it's full capability by not going light monk), and if I cannot craft cannith wraps (or find a friendly crafter to help me out), +4 or +5 loot-gen Silver Holy or Silver of Pure Good are still solid choices? Reason I ask is some show up on the AH once in a while for quite a bit of $, and want to see if it's something I should keep an eye out for and consider (and if so, should I lean towards Silver Holy over Silver Pure Good?).
    Might be hard-pressed to find +4 or +5 Holy Silver handwraps with a decent suffix. One person mentioned the Devout Handwraps. Those are great if you can get a pair since they're +2 Metalline of Pure Good and min level 8. You can also try looking for loot-gen Metalline of Pure Good handwraps. They're not that common, but can still fetch a good amount.
    Quote Originally Posted by macubrae View Post
    A Dwarf's beard should be thick, strong and long enough to tuck under your belt (to keep kobolds from swinging on it and giants from swinging us by them).

  6. #6
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Don't bother on crafting wraps imo via Cannith. Its way to buggy. Depending on DR either slap on devouts, if it can bypass DR your alchemical x/air/x set will most likely be best by doublestrike boost alone.

  7. #7
    Community Member Potta's Avatar
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    Ignore most of what's been said so far.

    If you're Light, having Silver or Metalline on your wraps is a total non issue, so the advice I'm going to give here will be on the assumption that you'll be going Dark.

    A +5 Greater Bane for the boss you're attacking is the best you can do. By a significant margin. Against Devil content, you'll want +5 Shocking Burst Silver Handwraps of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane. Against Demons, you'll want +5 Axiomatic Burst Cold Iron Handwraps of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane. For LoB, you should go with +5 <x> Handwraps of Greater Construct Bane. Replace x with True Law/(Imp) Cursespewing, and use Adamantine studded wraps if you're not at least 16 monk.

    Calomel Wraps are a waste of time against non dragon content. The Greater Bane doesn't apply and any Devil or Demon content of note is resistant to cold damage. Which when you consider that LoB is also resistant to cold damage, you have wraps that aren't going to do you a lot of good at all. Pick them up certainly, but know their place.

    Alchemicals are trash wraps. The most important thing about them is the easy access to +10 stunning AND decent damage stats. They will not out damage greater banes against a boss, but they're awesome for trash you can stun. You can craft Alchemical Wraps to be okay all-round boss beaters, but they'll never be as good as a proper set of bane wraps. If you're looking for the ideal setup, currently it's hard to fit in the item boost to unarmed damage, so you should stick with Byeshk Alchemicals, with +2 wis on t2 for the stun DC increase.

  8. #8
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    think the epic challange handwraps has a red epic augment slot.
    too lazy to check but im pretty sure you can make it metalic / silver.

    that combined with holy burst tod ring .

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by erikbozelie View Post
    think the epic challange handwraps has a red epic augment slot.
    too lazy to check but im pretty sure you can make it metalic / silver.

    that combined with holy burst tod ring .
    They do. I assume the better one there is the 'Calomel'?

  10. #10
    Community Member bigss's Avatar
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    If you are ShinIII light monk:
    Holy burst imbued one or two ToD ring(s) + Force critical imbued HoX handwrap or Tier2 alchemical handwrap + epic Abishai glove + greater bolder trinkiet

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