I am looking for:
Scrolls of: Templar's Bastion, Rakasha Hide, Roderick's Wand
And a GS Shuriken
I have the following for trade:
Scrolls of:
Web: Bow of the Silver Flame, Templar's Bulwark, Golden Guile, Darkstorm Helm, Templar's Justice, Fury of the Flame
Sentinel's: Chimera's Crown, Midnight' Greetings, Winter's Wrath, Elyd Edge, Jidz-Tet'ka, Denith Heavy Chain
Carnival: Brimstone Verge, Utility Vest, Illusionist's Robe, Shimmering Pendant, Mask of Comedy, Noxious Fang, Full Plate of the Ringleader
Fens: Souleater, Robe of Dissonance, Elder's Focus, Shatterbow, Shaman's Band, Cacophonic Verge, Raven's Sight, Necklace of Venom, Boots of the Mire, Ring of Venom, Siren's Charm
VoN: Dragon's Eye, Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
Chrono: Infested Armor, Robe of the Diabolist, Goggles of Time Sensing, Gem of Many Facets
Sands: Whirlwind, Robe of Fire, Chainmail Coif, Zephyr, Wolf Whistle
Demon's Blood, Devil's Keepsakes, Pure Shavarath Iron, Mysterious Artifact
Alchemical Weapons: Great X-Bow, Light Mace, Warhammer, Kukri, Sceptre, Khopesh
Named Items: Bow of the Elements (Air), Bloody Cleaver, Dynastic Falcata, Locus of Vol, Witching Hour, Staff of Inner Sight, Bow of the Elements (Ice), Mummy Wrappings, Star of Irian, Dampened Greatclub of the Scrag, Guardian of the Liturgy, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (Protection +1, upgradable), Xuum, Steady Handed Armbands, Gloves of the Falcon, Souleater, Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance, Spectral Gloves, Cape of the Roc, Chaosgarde, Helm of the Blue Dragon, Blade of Fury, Collapsible Shortbow, Vambaces of Inner Light
Craftable Items: Adamantine Greatsword, Silver Falchion, Silver Greatsword, Flametouched Iron Greataxe, Cold Iron Heavy Pick, Silver Rapier, Silver Bastard Sword, Cold Iron Heavy Mace w/ small guild slot, Adamantine Tower Shield w/ small guild slot, Adamantine Throwing Dagger, Byshek Rapier, Silver Throwing Axe, Fullplate w/ med guild slot, Adamantine Rapier Cold Iron Scimitar,
Dragon Scales: 4 White, 3 Black, 1 Blue
I can most easily be reached by ingame mail or tell on Siltharius, Threefang, Lawbane, or Lazerfist. I forget to check on here most of the time.