Wait, so based on this when I got angry with my daughter who was wrong and disagreed with me about doing the chore I asked her to do, I was wrong?
Keep in mind, it was her chore, it's been assigned to her for years, she just didn't want to do it.
Just to help you here since you didn't take my advice on a graceful exit; You have been wrong just about every time you speak about the human condition. You have shown over and over that your view of the world is about the size of a Petri dish as compared to either a US or European Football field.
People get upset for a few reasons
- They are wrong and don't like to be <- Some cases this is a lash out like a tiger pinned, but most cases this is turned inward and becomes more self reflecting - Here the proper thing to do is give a person a Graceful out.
- People won't listen to them <- Frustrating when you believe you have something good to say and no one will listen
- Someone doesn't understand and frustration turns to anger
- They feel slighted
- They have been Wronged
- They are inebriated and lost any real sense
- They are just plain and simple jerks
According to my wife my opinion is always wrong, unless it agrees with her opinion (hehehe). But that might just be a horse of a different color