I am having a great time with my lvl 3 and 4 bards. I am planning one for virtuoso and one for spellsinger. However, I want to focus on just one for now. Which to choose? I had planned on being a spellsinger for hte casting angle but fell in love with my twf bard that I planned to make a virutuoso. I like the idea of being able to do everything a little bit from cc, to buffing, melee when I have to and heal as backup to healers. However, I don't like running out of spell points and I think the casting part is cool. which to choose?
btw, I really like the idea of using my songs. I like that more than I thought I would. I think its the fire and forget nature of them and the idea of having more uses and stronger fascinates that lowers saves is even better. How could I make a twf Virtuoso that can melee a little but still provide backup healing and debuffs on top of entrall for my party?
why should I go spellsinger over virtuoso?