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  1. #21
    Hero redmexz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasparion View Post
    If playing solo then its a huge achievement. If you are a part of a group of solid players then any deficiencies you have by playing pure are easily absorbed by the group.

    So maybe its a big achievement, maybe its not.

    I know someone who is doing the pure Completionist thing. But we always play as a group of 6, so for half a dozen lives we will carry him, and half a dozen he will be a full contributor.
    you have a point i tr with good players

  2. #22
    Community Member heythatsmyfish's Avatar
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    Default huge feat

    That is a crazy awesome feat so Congratz dude way cool
    roogoocki suhh gruyi kinngil

  3. #23
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Good for you, your holding a press conference for being the 29th place in the race.(BTW the first 15-20 don't give a jack and never bragged, just so you know)

    You also went PURE, GREAT job, I can ALSO brag about using my head to pound in some nails and not use the hammer, which is 2 feet away.

    Honestly, u realize that you make yourself look pretty... dumb... for posting this?

    But GOOD FOR YOU! If I had a cookie, I'd for SURE give it to you, HERO of the day!

  4. #24
    Community Member MaximumCharisma's Avatar
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    Gratz on winning DDO bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post

    ...I can ALSO brag about using my head to pound in some nails...
    Would you PLEASE go and do that?
    Secondlife and Komat of Sarlona

  5. #25
    Hero redmexz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    Good for you, your holding a press conference for being the 29th place in the race.(BTW the first 15-20 don't give a jack and never bragged, just so you know)

    You also went PURE, GREAT job, I can ALSO brag about using my head to pound in some nails and not use the hammer, which is 2 feet away.

    Honestly, u realize that you make yourself look pretty... dumb... for posting this?

    But GOOD FOR YOU! If I had a cookie, I'd for SURE give it to you, HERO of the day!
    Thank you for your feed back. I"m not bragging just stating a fact. That I'm the only pure completionist on Sarlona. Does that make me better than others NO are they better then me they could be.

    "I can ALSO brag about using my head to pound in some nails and not use the hammer, which is 2 feet away.
    ^^^^^ brag go on put your money where your mouth is!!!! you have Youtube video of this Dark??? I thought you where better than this???
    Sorry Darkwolf will always be a forum Troll

  6. #26
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redmexz View Post
    you post to much Posts: 3,023 what a Troll play more then we'll talk
    Play more........ LOL.

    Lets just say I've been around a lot longer than you. 2007-2009 were very boring DDO years, Shroud or New Character slot and new toons (Have 15 capped, of which 13 are TR'd and many are triple lifers). Forums had strong participation from top-end players back then, and a lot of activity.

    Oh and I have a low tolerance for stupidity, whining, ignorance and pompous twits. THAT should explain why I have so many posts. (probably a necessary clarification).

    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  7. #27
    Ultimate Uber Completionist Dalsheel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redmexz View Post
    Good day to everyone. Well Sarlona has one more completionist. Rojo finally did it. I have a question to everyone? I many be the only completionist that has leveled to 20 without multiclassing. Well, I thank everyone that has helped me lv up. Now I'll be running epic stuff.
    With Respect Always Rojox
    I also got completionist without ever multiclassing. It was one more challenge for me, as if getting completionist isnt hard enough

    Grats for making it, i know it wasnt easy!

    Argonnessen - Death N Taxes
    Main: Dalsheel, Paladin - Triple everything
    Alts: Elralia, Wizard - Retired for now // Nesnibtan, Undecided - Currently on the TR-Train

  8. #28
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redmexz View Post
    Thank you for your feed back. I"m not bragging just stating a fact. That I'm the only pure completionist on Sarlona. Does that make me better than others NO are they better then me they could be.

    "I can ALSO brag about using my head to pound in some nails and not use the hammer, which is 2 feet away.
    ^^^^^ brag go on put your money where your mouth is!!!! you have Youtube video of this Dark??? I thought you where better than this???
    Sorry Darkwolf will always be a forum Troll
    Bah not the only pure just the only pure who posted on forums about it.

  9. #29
    Community Member
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    Enjoy your moment. Hopefully it will not be too short lived

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