Methinks someone needs some cheese..
Methinks someone needs some cheese..
Impi! wo 'nans' impi iyeza
Obani bengathinta amabhubesi?
Don't Ddoor. Ever. People used to do that due to a bug in the game that didn't send them back to Meridia on recall. That bug is gone, STOP IT. Using the Ddoor is what allows griefing.
Just recall or /death or TP. It's a much quicker exist. And, as others have said, unless the group is near wipe and absolutely need you, recall when he's ALMOST dead.
In a worst case senerio, if during a recall they complete it you can cancel and still get the chests. When you ddoor you can get both completion against your will and no chests. The worst of all worlds.
Frankly a manditory timer to allow people to not follow the game mechanic doesn't interest me. Most raids would complete when he dies so you already have a bonus chance to get out.
NO I dont want to wait 2minutes when there are easier soultions and the quest should complete when harry is dead anyways.
Beware the Sleepeater
Why do you use dimension door?
It is just as fast to recall out normally, and you can interrupt that if someone clicks the altar before you leave the quest. Then you are can get your chests if someone are too impatient to wait. Using dimension door is no longer needed, as you now recall to Meridia and not Stormreach anymore.
they could remove first portal closing bs tho. Make it not possible to re enter if that bothers.
Would be cool to start clearing the raid once you get bunch of people rather than sitting and waiting to step in at almost same time.
'Heya, how far in are you?'
"We are before part 3, come on jump inside'
Whats so horribly bad about that?
Last edited by TasMagar; 05-28-2012 at 10:01 AM.
Ghallanda - Legends of Ancient Greece
Well, not the only reason... This raid is a great place to farm for loot for deconstructing (cannith crafting) as well as farming for guild renown. Without completion, you still get 10 chests to loot. Not badAnd not everyone has a few capped toons to always complete this raid and still farm for essences/renown.
Last edited by JamnJD; 05-28-2012 at 09:57 AM.
Agreed. When I got my 1st toon to shroud I almost never completed for a while. I recalled out of almost every shroud until I got enough small and med ingreds for my 1st GS weapon and 1st GS item. There's several reasons not to complete...some people here may not remember what it's like to have only 1 toon at shroud and no plat saved up.
But I agree with other posters about the main topic. It's not too hard to run away to a corner and recall.
I agree with this. I also want a 2 minute timer added to the Mephit, Thirsty One and General chests in the desert so that other players have to wait for me to get into the wilderness zone so that I can loot them when I'm still attacking the training dummy while they're killlng undead.
Also, we need a 2 minute timer after lighting candles, before singing Happy Birthday at birthday parties in case there is a good play going on the game I'm watching in the other room during the party.
Finally, we need a 2 minute timer after I start talking to a girl at a party so that she has to stick around and listen to my cool stories before is allowed to leave and start talking to people that she actually finds interesting.
/signed SO MUCH for the OP!
"I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied...
Learn to swim..."
"This body holding me reminds me of my own mortalityEmbrace this moment, remember, we are eternalAll this pain is an illusion"
We tend to become like the worst in those we oppose.
Even if your computer takes a couple of milliseconds less to DDoor than it takes to recall, why would you ever even consider it when you have the potential to get both a completion AND lose your end chests. Especially, when there are people who see a DDoor as a giant, flashing sign that says, "CLICK ALTAR NAO!!!1!"
/death is faster than both. When Harry is slivered, you can /death and you're guaranteed a clean escape.
...or were you worried about handing the party a -10% because of your death?
I would not like to see a timer.
It already takes way to long most of the time. Harry dies, and three or four DDoors go up, and someone asks "Is anyone leaving?"
99% of the time there is no answer. No answer on voice, no answer in chat. But because so many people have thrown so many tantrums over the years about people hitting the altar too early, nobody does.
"Is anyone leaving?"
"Is anyone leaving?"
(Then comes the most excruciating ten seconds in the game... Wait for it...)
"Hitting the altar in 10"
"I hope everyone is out. Hitting the altar now." And FINALLY the altar is clicked.
I have always looked at it from the point of view that if someone wants to leave without a completion, it is their responsibility to let the party know. It should not be the party's responsibility to wait and wait and wait in case someone is leaving but refuses to say anything or let anyone know.
If you are trying to leave before the completion, say or type something. Then get the heck out and drop group so everyone knows you are gone and we can hit the **** altar.
In my Shrouds I will generally ask (and type) at the altar in part four if anyone is leaving. If no one answers the altar is getting clicked immediately after Harry dies in part 5. At least half the time someone still complains...
All on Thelanis: Archenpaul Sixblade (Epic Triple Completionist), Archernicus Thornwood, Crestellin Moonwood, Gregorovic Redcloak, Jaklomeo Evermug, Jarladdin Nalfesne, Jonathraxius Kane, and Praetoreus Silvershield (Heroic Triple Completionist, Epic Triple Completionist.)
Leader of Guinness Knights (Level 165), which is (since June 2021) a two-man, father-son guild.
Cogito ergo summopere periculosus.
^Since the above image isnt working for everyone:
I have seen more players accidentally click on a badly placed d-door and loose out on the chests they wanted from completion than I have ever seen griefed by someone clicking on the alter early. D-door is compleatly unnessacery in the shroud, there are much quicker and safer ways to get out as many have explained in this thread. Adding a timer before clicking the alter is unnessacery.
My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.
Feeling griefed does not equal actually being griefed.
Most points have been covered well but this needs to be stressed:
If you're looking for a specific shard then vocalizing what you're looking for usually gets you what you need and then some.
If you're looking for lg ing. there are plenty of alternate locations to farm them.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
~Peechie Keene~ THAC0
Easy solution for that: stop feeling bad for backing out.
You are not carrying the party. Even a Cleric/FvS can /death when Harry is slivered and the party will still complete. It's okay to leave when Harry is slivered. You did enough.
Back out and /death. As long as you mentioned that you were planning to do that (maybe after part 4), no one will have any hard feelings over it.