Crushing new/updated content on elite/epic. For the fun, for the teamwork invovled and most importantly for the challenge. Raids especially, but anything challenging we like to do. Beyond that a dedication to figuring out all there is to the game in general and enjoying most aspects to some extent. Currently we are only doing raid nights twice a week, but will be very active once U14 hits.
Main Values:
- Raiding together:
While there are no hard rules in the guild that you must be online and must make every raid. You should be someone who wants to join guild raids we set up. If your online and available at the time they are running you will be expected to come along at least for the primary schedule raids and not prefer to chat/tr/craft/pvp/run casual crystal cove instead.
- Absolutely no guild renown pressure:
The guilds main purpose is not buffs nor other airship amenities, but rather just to have a channel and UI where we can all see each other and chat.. EG: The old guild values, before the renown system was put into place. Doesn't matter to me if you skip all chests and generate zero renown, we are not about that. Good players do not have to rely on airship buffs to beat any content in the game. Though on that note: We already have the ideal airship and all the important ship buffs available (+2s, etc).
- Building a few STRONG characters rather then many average ones:
Being we will focus primarily on difficult content, you probably won't want to join if your an "altaholic" or just try to make many characters decent while not focusing on 1.. We all have alts ofcourse, but primarily we try to make out main character as powerful as possible.
- Non-Exclusivity:
Unlike many other guilds, We have a channel- /Epic that everyone who enjoys endgame elite/epic content can join, and will fill raids from there and pug spots without descrimination and excluding players because there new or any other reason. Players will only be judged on there ability as a player, and strength of there character. Anyone and everyone willing to play hard enough to contribute will always be welcome in our groups regardless of any other factors. We have very thick skin against everything else. So even if you do not wish the join the guild, consider joining the channel to gain an advantage in getting into our raids
Yes, however keep in mind we have very high standards, apply only if you have a powerful endgame character and more importantly considered yourself a skilled gamer. Primarily right now we are looking for players who want to raid with us on Tuesdays and Fridays, and when the expansion hits - crush all the new content with us.
One goal is to get a core group of 12 players that all can meet at a time to beat these raids and pool our resources to crush the upcoming Lolth raid fast!
Tho again renown is not a concern, so I'll continue to recruit all the way up to the 1000 character limit as long as we keep finding good players.
Note: Maxxed out gear is not required. I'm far more interested in your skill as a gamer, and ability to work well with us as a team, so even if your fairly new and dont have the best stuff, if you feel you are a great gamer and want to join, don't be shy. We will help you get the best gear in the game quickly anyways.
Best way to get in is to raid with us regularly. Check the /epic channel or LFMs from Obliterator of Greataxer 7pm est on Tues and Fridays. I'll give some priority to those who sign up in the channel rather then lfm.
Raids will be primarily ran late EST when people are off work. But players from all timezones are welcome. Current standard raid times are Tuesdays and Fridays, 7pm EST.