You know what you're doing, and as such I usually refrain from posting in your build threads (while appreciating your input in mine), but I'm a sucker for the unconventional. Honestly, I can see where you're going with this. I think you made a mistake saying you're not chasing DC, as with your listed xbow and max WIS, a better term would be you are circumventing the DC race.
That being said, the lack of feats is the real issue in pulling it off. No bolt generation will suck, but who cares for someone like you with massive twinking/support capabilities. Really, the only way I see is something you don't want to do....and that is a 2 monk splash. Up to you if the trade-off in spell pen is worth it or not (not to mention the usual sacrifices). I just don't see it as worth it without at least 2 more feats.
"IF" splashing 2 monk, you may consider ditching rapid reload, and going with PBS instead...qualifying for Precise Shot. That, and Quicken would be your 2 extra feats. De-Buffing is apparently your main xbow goal, and the ability to specifically target mobs via PS seems valuable enough to warrant consideration.
I just don't see xbow DPS being a main factor here, so playing to your de-buffing strength seems like the thing to do. I think you'll still find the build lacking, but "fun" always takes top priority in my book