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  1. #1
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Default Active Past Life Feat

    You recall more about your past life as a Favored Soul. You have +2 to your Diplomacy skill and can call down the wrath of your former deity, producing an Avenging Light effect ten times per rest. (Activate this Favored Soul ability to cause a searing orb of radiant light to smite your target, dealing 1d8 hit points of light damage plus an additional 1d8 per three caster levels.)
    Like so many spell descriptions in the game, this does not tell us the range, nor if it is a single-target or area of effect. I am assuming it is ranged (though how far is a guess), but no idea if it is an AOE or not. Can anyone who has used it clarify, please? On range and on radius. Thanks.

    PS: Turbine, please start adding this info on all spells. I would much rather see that than the redundant "alternate" damage dice descriptions.

  2. #2
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    It's been ages since I took that feat, iirc it's a single target spell, with decent range. I used it on my barb life to hit enemies that were out of my GA's reach.
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  3. #3
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madmaxhunter View Post
    It's been ages since I took that feat, iirc it's a single target spell, with decent range. I used it on my barb life to hit enemies that were out of my GA's reach.
    Rats, was hoping it was an AOE -- might have made a decent addition to the AOE arsenal at low lvls, since the selection is so very limited until you get to blade barrier

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    It's like Searing Light. Except without SP.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    Welcome to Argo, where our end game players are constantly striving for new and exciting ways to make themselves more gimp, and continually working towards progressively more pointless goals.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Nephilia's Avatar
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    But it's usefull for something? For what i read is something more than a crappy **** :\

  6. #6
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nephilia View Post
    But it's usefull for something? For what i read is something more than a crappy **** :\
    Not really. If it isnt an AOE, then it doesnt really help. SP isnt an issue for a FVS, so a limited-charge, free Searing Light (as Habreno puts it) isnt worth a feat slot, even one that you swap out later. The real lack for a FVS in low lvls is a reliable source of worthwhile AOEs. Holy Smite and Glyph of Warding are ~ok~ but they really dont stand up well in harder difficulties. Meleeing on a low lvl FVS sucks, especially if you are building for an evoker at lvl 12+ Single-target nuking is meh when you are trying to speed through the quest, and playing healbot simply does not appeal (since almost by definition, if the party "needs" a healer, they arent going to be skilled enough to speed through the quest).

    I soloed a large portion of the low levels on a first life FVS, just to get a feel for the class, and I HATED it sub-12. I was hoping that the APL feat would be able to cover the gap. While its nice to have a free source of damage, having it single-target AND limited use makes it pfffffttttt.

  7. #7
    Community Member ZennyoTheWise's Avatar
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    Once you have the chance to use sound burst its not so bad. The stunning effect allows you to "stick them with the pointy end". But agreed, overall at low levels FVS can be tiresome.
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  8. #8
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZennyoTheWise View Post
    Once you have the chance to use sound burst its not so bad. The stunning effect allows you to "stick them with the pointy end". But agreed, overall at low levels FVS can be tiresome.
    Yah, been there, done that. Its really the lack of haste and rage that bug me most, not mobs hitting me back. I play arcanes ALOT, so I am addicted to them And I hate carrying 10 billion pots or clickies just to get it. or relying on an iffy player if I am grouping. At least with clerics, you get the nifty turns and bursts that you can use against the multitudes of undead at lower lvls. The closest a FVS gets to that is Mass CLW -- at lvl 10

    FVS is a breeze after 12 -- just trying to ease the pain till then :/

  9. #9
    Community Member T_ward7a's Avatar
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    Personally, I took 1 monk level is I leveled up and then took stunning fist. With a maxed out wisdom and some stunning wraps everything not immune dies pretty quick. The monk level isn't bad at end game either. +2 to wisdom if you are centered. But, holy smite is also another good aoe spell to use while leveling. I just relied on haste pots, my fists, and wiz PL get me to blade barrier. Traded out stunning fist once I got blade barrier as I never stopped to melee anything anymore.

    Zradien; Evoker Searym; AA Tohmes; Elementalist Tyranitar; DPS Lohst; Tank and many others.
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  10. #10
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_ward7a View Post
    Personally, I took 1 monk level is I leveled up and then took stunning fist. With a maxed out wisdom and some stunning wraps everything not immune dies pretty quick. The monk level isn't bad at end game either. +2 to wisdom if you are centered. But, holy smite is also another good aoe spell to use while leveling. I just relied on haste pots, my fists, and wiz PL get me to blade barrier. Traded out stunning fist once I got blade barrier as I never stopped to melee anything anymore.
    Good option for those who like monks.

    I hate monks.

    On top of that, I really dont WANT to play a gimped melee from 1-11. I want to play an evoker, just like 12+ Not finding alot of inspiration to carry through it though

  11. #11
    Community Member T_ward7a's Avatar
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    I have a 46 wisdom with a 43 Evocation DC at cap and the melee damage was surprisingly good with some decent leveling gear. But, I completely understand what you are saying. To each their own.

    Zradien; Evoker Searym; AA Tohmes; Elementalist Tyranitar; DPS Lohst; Tank and many others.
    #Solid# - Binding is for pansies.

  12. #12
    Community Member ShadowFlash's Avatar
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    when I did the math on wether or not it really is as crappy as everyone says, IIRC, I came up with a 200 average damage (including crits) assuming a full light specced/geared divine. For a deep splashed feat-heavy solo/duo melee-cleric build such as a 12cleric/6fighter/2monk I've honestly considered it just for a free 2K ranged option for fun. Someone just a short time ago commented to me in a thread he found it very useful. One of the only positive responses I'v seen.

    Even though I have a strange, bizzare, ill-advised desire to try it, even I cannot recommend it on the math alone


  13. #13
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_ward7a View Post
    I have a 46 wisdom with a 43 Evocation DC at cap and the melee damage was surprisingly good with some decent leveling gear. But, I completely understand what you are saying. To each their own.
    Im not too worried about cap, honestly. Just doing my 3 FVS lives for my wizzie toon, and looking for a way to speed up the process. I will literally TR again as soon as I hit 20 each life.

    I splashed 2 monk on my "test" FVS for evasion (meh) and the extra feats. Honestly, I never even used any of the monk abilities themselves; I was rarely even centered. I slotted a melee alacrity item and whacked stuff with a big honking sword and pretended I was hasted.

    I will probably skip the monk levels this time around and go for pure FVS to get to BB faster.

  14. #14
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I will literally TR again as soon as I hit 20 each life.
    Then pick a build better suited for this. Namely, one with a larger melee focus. Going pure evoker is not an advantage until level 20, and you won't really ever be level 20.

    Blade barrier massacres everything from 12-TR whether you have a 10 wis or a 40 wis. But to get to 12, bump your strength to 16 and take a melee feat of some sort (or even two of them), and it will be a lot smoother.
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  15. #15
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Then pick a build better suited for this. Namely, one with a larger melee focus. Going pure evoker is not an advantage until level 20, and you won't really ever be level 20.

    Blade barrier massacres everything from 12-TR whether you have a 10 wis or a 40 wis. But to get to 12, bump your strength to 16 and take a melee feat of some sort (or even two of them), and it will be a lot smoother.
    Once again, melee on a FVS sucks. It doesnt make it "better" for leveling on a low level FVS; I've already done it. I know how to do it and what I need to do TO do it. I dont want to play a gimpy wannabe melee. Been there, done that, not fun. A FVS is awesome as an evoker from 12 on; you dont need to be at cap to be great at it.

    No matter how you slice it, a FVS is not designed to be a "real" melee (whether or not you can force it into that role is irrelevant -- you can force a sorc into it if you work hard enough at it -- doesnt make either an actual melee class). And no, I dont need citations of how player X has super-uber melee FVS build. Those are examples of players putting extraordinary effort into making the class do what its not supposed to do by ignoring its actual strengths, using better than average gear and player skill. If I wanted to play a melee, I would build a real melee -- if they gave me any of the PLs I wanted for my toon

    I'm trying to build a better alternative. Unfortunately, I am running into the same problem pretty much everyone esle does -- lack of real choices for blowing stuff to bits in the lower levels. I was hoping the APL feat would fill a niche, but apparently it doesnt

  16. #16
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Once again, melee on a FVS sucks.
    It really doesn't. Especially not when compared to the offensive spell alternatives.

    It doesn't take much to be effective at melee prior to level 12.

    A FVS is awesome as an evoker from 12 on; you dont need to be at cap to be great at it.
    You're missing the point. Evokers are not awesome from 12 on because angels come down from above and annoint you the grand whooper of buttocks. Blade Barrier is awesome from 12 on. The thing is; it doesn't matter if you are an "Evoker" or not. You throw barriers, and stuff dies. The difference between and Evoker and a <not> kicks in at 20. Since you aren't staying at 20, there is also no point in going hog wild about being an evoker, since it isn't getting you anything useful. At all.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  17. #17
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    It really doesn't. Especially not when compared to the offensive spell alternatives.

    It doesn't take much to be effective at melee prior to level 12.

    You're missing the point. Evokers are not awesome from 12 on because angels come down from above and annoint you the grand whooper of buttocks. Blade Barrier is awesome from 12 on. The thing is; it doesn't matter if you are an "Evoker" or not. You throw barriers, and stuff dies. The difference between and Evoker and a <not> kicks in at 20. Since you aren't staying at 20, there is also no point in going hog wild about being an evoker, since it isn't getting you anything useful. At all.
    Ive already played a FVS and multiple Clerics to cap. And actually, yes, evokers ARE awesome from 12 on (11 on cleric) because of Blade barrier -- and other spells you can supplement it with. If you even try to pretend its NOT that way, then you really dont kow a thing about the class. Sorry, its just a fact.

    And there is a world of difference between a REAL evoker and a divine that just drops a blade barrier from time to time. A REAL evoker plays much like a blaster-sorc, with the only real difference being the kiting mechanic. A player who build specifically for evoker will kill more, faster, than someone who built to melee but "just has BB". If you are doing nothing but BB-zerging, then you wasted the effort you put into making your FVS a melee. If you are trying to melee your way through after you have BB, then you simply are not moving at optimum speed.

    If youve ever run through a quest with a real evoker, then all you see is BBs through the entire dungeon, and a bunch of dead mobs as you try to catch up. Can it be done with a non-evoker? of course, but not as fast nor as effectively or efficiently. Its the most potent wpn in the FVS arsenal. But it can also be backed up with alot of other evocation spells and solid self-healing.

    Anyone can pick up a stick and beat on a mob. That doesnt make them an effective melee. Investment to make a FVS into a solid melee (instead of just a divine with a big stick) takes away from their best method of zerging. Sorry, but no FVS-melee can compare with an (equally well-played) evoker for sheer power and mass-killing. It simply cant be done.

    The suck part is just getting there. And yes, Melee for the most part is better than evoker options pre-12. That doesnt make it actually a GOOD option, just not as bad as the other choice. The best actual choice is really to pug out as a healer; its just not one I want to do. Again, the reason I was hoping the feat would be able to fill that gap.

  18. #18
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    *cough Nimbus of Light is actually a pretty good spell cough*
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Duke-H-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by varusso View Post
    The suck part is just getting there. And yes, Melee for the most part is better than evoker options pre-12. That doesnt make it actually a GOOD option, just not as bad as the other choice. The best actual choice is really to pug out as a healer; its just not one I want to do. Again, the reason I was hoping the feat would be able to fill that gap.
    Before level 6 i tend to melee mostly, but after 6 thats mostly to mop up stragglers.

    Sound burst damage may be bad, but with a clickie and max/emp it can be decent atleast.
    Glyph of warding at level 6, it hits fairly hard but is a bit tricky to use (spark 3 clickie).

    The real power as a divine at early-mid levels come from holy smite, pick it up at level 8 as a fvs.
    It really is amazingly good, compare it to fireball if you wish.
    Chaos hammer or Orders wrath also gives options but on a fvs the limited spell list rules them out (for me, i like DW/FOM).

    Regarding the evoker issue.
    The main difference between fullout-evoker and non-evoker is, imo, not with BB. Sure its better, but not that much better.
    It's the ability to actually make cometfall/greater command stick and have implosion land on most mobs that matters.

    Currently playing a half elf casting fvs with fighter dil. Quite versatile.
    Much more fun to level up compared to a LoB build.
    Devourer ate my characters.

  20. #20
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zachski View Post
    *cough Nimbus of Light is actually a pretty good spell cough*
    Unfortunately, not an AOE -- doesnt allow for the zergy run n gun mass nukage that FVS can pull off later. Being able to wipe a room with a single spell makes life alot easier for the dedicated zerger

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke-H- View Post
    Before level 6 i tend to melee mostly, but after 6 thats mostly to mop up stragglers.

    Sound burst damage may be bad, but with a clickie and max/emp it can be decent atleast.
    Glyph of warding at level 6, it hits fairly hard but is a bit tricky to use (spark 3 clickie).

    The real power as a divine at early-mid levels come from holy smite, pick it up at level 8 as a fvs.
    It really is amazingly good, compare it to fireball if you wish.
    Chaos hammer or Orders wrath also gives options but on a fvs the limited spell list rules them out (for me, i like DW/FOM).

    Regarding the evoker issue.
    The main difference between fullout-evoker and non-evoker is, imo, not with BB. Sure its better, but not that much better.
    It's the ability to actually make cometfall/greater command stick and have implosion land on most mobs that matters.

    Currently playing a half elf casting fvs with fighter dil. Quite versatile.
    Much more fun to level up compared to a LoB build.
    Basically looking for a divine fireball, and neither holy smite not glyph of warding quite fit the bill (holy smite is excellent on normal, decent on hard, but crappy on elite). I dont even bother with the other alignment spells at that level, as they are too niche-y. Soundburst is good for a stun effect, but in terms of damage, even if you highly augment it with items and feats, it just doesnt do enough damage -- and FVS cant enhancement-augment the damage on it.

    And yes the other higher lvl spells are among the ones i use to compliment BB post-12 Honestly, though, unless you are in a quest where you CANT run ahead, BB is the best trick in the FVS book. The others are handy for when you are in confined areas or the quest requires you to go at a slower pace -- quests which I generally avoid anyway

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