1.The difference between 6 starting con and 14 starting con at level 5 is 20 hp. That is next to nothing.
2.At low levels AC is a much more important focus than anything else for survivability.
3.At low levels when playing an arcane (or melee really) things die very fast even on elite
4.At low levels spike damage is not high at all so high HP is not needed.
5.The best way to prevent spike damage is to get 100% fort-or at least not be at 0% fort....or -50% fort.
6.Often as an arcane and TR, you will have highest HP-you can dump cha or int, dex/str/wis and just pump casting stat/con. Few melees have that luxury. Also yugo pot -5% attackspeed doesn't matter.
7. Kite stuff, dodge stuff, have good saves, AC, use AOEs...very little reason to die at low levels.
Honestly, just stop. The weird mixture of bragging without real cause (who cares if you have above average but not spectacular hp?), spreading bad advice/example (NO ONE uses a fort item before minos? mobs hitting you for ONE HUNDRED DAMAGE in tangleroot
) and nubbery (/koboldvoice dying in tangleroot and bragging in same post, really? /stopkoboldvoice) is probably why you are sensing some agression towards you in this thread.