thrown roids passing through incoming roids. can you guys EVER do anyhing right? how about a patch NOT full of bugs. KUDOS on another epic fail guys. I hope Time Warner replaces all of you
thrown roids passing through incoming roids. can you guys EVER do anyhing right? how about a patch NOT full of bugs. KUDOS on another epic fail guys. I hope Time Warner replaces all of you
I suggest throwing more roids until the job is done.
Smash head on keyboard to continue
I suggest yelling more.
Last edited by IWZincedge; 06-01-2012 at 04:44 PM.
Abbott had to pay 1,6 billion $, so I guess he is in a kind of trouble at the time:
Goat, Sammich, Poultry
Abbot should have been fix to be broken again...
End rewards are still dodgy, he still tend to give empty chest and roids are now hardest to do ( in a pug )
They just added that X factor to it so we have fun in roids.
Thelanis, Playing since 2009
S II | Favor 12 Mmaha 6015 | Reaper 43 Mmaha 115,954
S III | Favor 22 Maha 6005
S V | Favor 19 Maha 6267
I don't think that's it. I've had the same problem in several tries a few days ago.
And I was not the only one, 3 people where hurling rocks at an incoming asteroid and they went straight through.
There's not only that though, in Shroud we've had red named bosses stuck behind the pink barrier and inside a wall on the retry kepping us from completing the 2 runs.
Something still seems to be borked with the new physics engine.
Any asteroid I've had problems breaking, breaks when I jump and throw the rock. My guess is that you can't throw rocks through people, or it thinks your rock is hitting the platform or something. Anyway, jump.
Wait a second.... you mean that it wasnt broken before now? Dang, how did i miss non broken Abbot, coulda had few runs there meanwhile.
Personally, I'll be avoiding Abbot as much as possible until they at least fix asteroids. Getting my last completion to reach 20 was a real pita due to multiple asteroids failures.
Everyone has their theory on how to do them. I've heard lots of "do this", "do that", I've tried, and my boulders still fail to break some roids. The sad reality is that PUGs fail it a lot now because of bugs, and it makes an already un-fun raid (due to having to wait on goggles side) even more painful.
When was Abbot not broken?
Most people probably assume that you forgot the [sarcasm][/sarcasm] tags here, but obviously what you said is simply true.
If this stuff happened in any other quest, I would have to agree that the quest was broken. In Abbot, this is just the latest flavor of the month. In a quest with drop rates this low, you simply have to introduce new twists on a regular basis to keep people entertained.
I still wish all the Shroud blade doomsters would have been forced to run at least one Abbot to completion. Now that would have made for some entertaining forums posts!
I'm just passing through to say that I'm in before the lock.
Maybe you should put your caps lock on. That will help you much more.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
In 2 years of playing this game, I have just 1 abbot completion. I've tried a couple of times to learn the raid but I just don't have the patience for sitting around for 30 minutes until tiles fails.
I'm a huge fan of the necro packs and hate people whining about their difficulties fighting the undead (it's supposed to be miserable derp)...but the pain of the raid is not worth the loot.
I've always believed fighting the abbot should involve making your way up a huge mountain, cutting through THOUSANDS of undead to reach him. This bouncing around like Mario and Luigi is idiotic.