Quick poll really... like a nub, I epic'd my torc and kinda sorta wanted another base before TR'ing Tymn again.
I'm starting to think waiting is dumb. TR'ing in en vogue these days and mostly for good reason IMO, and Tymn is under-TR'd. Have concop, RoSS, 1 pair of viles, archivists, talisman, VPIS, etc... so I'm kinda sorta thinkin' maybe it won't be as annoying as I fear, but I've only ever TR'd a blue bar with a Torc before.
a quick flame-retardant caveat: of course I realize that no one NEEDS a torc to TR and that with Bravery, +20 learning, +30 pots I don't mind buying and SP pots I don't mind buying/using judiciously, that 3rd+ life TR's are much less annoying than they used to be, but play time is limited, and I'm just interested in some feedback from folks that have an opinion on the extent to which their torcs (or absence thereof) better allow their precious time to be leveraged in game.