I seem to be having an account-related issue when logging in. While stuck at the "Loading New Game Data" screen, the "Loading Subscription data" and Loading Character Data" at the bottom seem to continually refresh and if I allow the client to sit like this in limbo for a couple minutes, I'll eventually receive a "Logon Server Full" message. I've tried IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS as suggested here: http://support.turbine.com/link/port...ry-again-later, with no such luck.
My second account can log into my home server just fine (Thelanis).
My main account can log into any other server without issues. The problem seems to be only with my main account, and only when connecting to Thelanis. I've also tried multiple clients as I have a few installed on this computer but the result is the same. This issue began 24 hours ago. Any help would be appreciated.