And for those of you with veteran status, or who know how to get to level 4 in an day, this probably doesn't matter nearly as much as it should, but you aren't the target of this post.
One of the problems that tends to plague divine casters who seek to focus on casting is that they either need to rely on a hireling or a party in order to actually get anywhere at low levels.
And for those that do, that's fine. You conserve a lot more resources that way, you contribute to a party, or you don't actually have to make much effort.
However, some people want to do something a bit different from making sure their cloudcuckoolander hireling doesn't die while keeping it buffed.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Nimbus of Light.
a 1d4 + 4 + 1 per caster level spell that, on paper, seems really weak. There are, however, four things that make it very useful at low level.
1) There is no to-hit to worry about. If the spell physically connects, the enemy takes damage
2) There is no save for the enemy to make for half or no damage
3) You can get an item from the tutorial quest that increases its damage by 20%
4) Built-in Enlarge like all of the other Ray spells, meaning you can hit almost any enemy that you can see.
Combine 3) with the Smiting enhancement, and you can deal some not-insignificant damage. At level 2, which is how you'll be experiencing most of Korthos and the beginning of the Harbor, it deals a max of 14 damage, which isn't bad considering that's probably more damage than you'd deal trying to hit the enemy. Weaker enemies will die in two casts, or less if you combine it with the Eternal Wand of Ray of Light.
Now you can dump STR and boost CHA as much as you need, you don't have to worry about walking up and whiffing enemies despite Bless + Divine Favor.
The spell should last well into level 3, as it's still going strong for me, namely due to Inflict Moderate Wound's extremely short range, unusually high SP cost, and its save for half damage.
In short, what I'm saying is, don't underestimate this spell for leveling purposes. At the same time, don't overestimate the spell either. Really, if you CAN hit the enemy with a heavy mace or a longsword, you're probably better off doing that. Except if you're facing slimes. Totally switch it in for slimes.