Quote Originally Posted by HastyPudding View Post
That's what I can't stand; it happened in Chains of Flame yesterday, on my FVS. I saw a fairly large group of gnolls going towards the party and I ran towards them ahead of my allies, dropping a BB midway to grab aggro and bring them back. I was going to plan to kite them around the BB, as usual, but what does the melee do; rush towards them, and kill them in the middle of it or off to the side, negating the SP I just used to make their fighting easier.

When I'm on my monk, I see a BB and I run towards it, making full use of the damage I know it can give. Even if I'm in the middle of fighting a mob by myself, I run towards the barrier; it makes my job easier. Fewer hits I need to give means I can move on to another mob, making the quest go faster. Only in the higher levels do I see people use BB correctly; rush towards the BB, give a few hits, then move to the other side of the barrier, rinse, repeat. It's even more fun on my AA, where I can help kite things through the barrier.

People need to learn how BB works; it doesn't do constant damage like firewall or acid rain. Enemies need to be moved THROUGH the blades, not just sit in them. It makes me think of the Wall of Blades from NWN, where it takes the form of firewall, only it's not fire, but a straight line of moving blade. If it took that form, I think people would better understand it.
This! Well said. Blade Barrier is NOT just to raise up the caster's kill count....USE IT to kite your enemies though, and reduce the hit points you have to work off of them....
