Thanks for all the feedback everyone. So here is what I'm looking at. I have 7 feats + 7 bonus fighter feats.
thealmightykuku had what i was thinking feat-wise after reading other people's thoughts.
1/14 - mental toughness
3/14 - weapon focus (melee + ranged)
5/14 - weapon specialization (melee + ranged)
7/14 - greater weapon specialization (melee + ranged)
9/14 - improved critical (melee + ranged)
12/14 - point blank + precise shot + improved precise shot
13/14 - greater two-weapon-fighting
14/14 - toughness
And if I do feel like taking khopesh, i could swap out toughness, or the greater weapon specialization that isn't for my kensei enhancement. I dont mind being a little squishier. I feel like this is a good mix. Thanks everyone. Cheers.