I pulled a +4 int tome a while back on my sorc. I've been trying to ignore it for a bit, but, i just can't not take advantage of such a nice find.
So i'm looking at a PM build and wondering about a couple of things ...
INT 5 levels + 4 tome + 2 cap + 3 enh + 10 items + 2 ship + 2 yugo + 2 lich = 30
That's 30 points i have for sure. I don't have a litany and don't run many abbots, so i don't know how likely i am to get the added point.
Which leads to race. Do i go with drow for a 50 INT or human for 49 and either hope for a litany or some other odd INT bonus?
And secondly, feats. Heighten, SF necro, GSF necro, SF enchant, GSF enchant, quicken, extend, toughness, mental toughness, PL Wiz ... that's ten.
Other options are: Spell Pen, Greater Spell Pen, Insightful Reflexes, Maximize, Empower, Shield Mastery and Improved Shield Mastery.
I'll assume with enough past lives, spell pen is lowest on the list [especially if i go drow, because then i have the AP to pick up 3 enhancements]
I really like the DR shields provide - BUT - can a PM get by without maximize and empower? Just go with insta kill, cc and clickies ... ?