I have my second life Helf pale master up to 48 INT now, and with Greater spell focus Necromancy and Enchantment, but I dont have greater spell penetration or insightful reflexes.
In my third life I'm going to change to a human for the extra feat, which seems a lot more useful than a little extra HP from barb dilly (can even take an extra toughness on a Human and almost match a barb dillys HP).
Currently when fully buffed to 48 int with ship buffs and yugo pots, I have 44 necro, 44 enchant and 42 conjuration DCs (and 607 HP!), so I think it would be ok to change the enchanment focuses to insightful reflexes and greater spell penetration, and I can use the bonus human feat for Conjuration focus in the early game, and change it to Shield Mastery later on to use with my Skyvault Shield.
My full feat list for my third life would would be:
Starting stats - Human, 12 str, 18 con, 18 int.
Level 1 - Toughness, Conjuration Focus, Insightful Reflexes
Level 3 - Past life Arcane Initiate
Level 5 - Heighten Spell (With a +6 INT ioun stone for super nice Niacs ray + Web DCs)
Level 6 - Necro focus
Level 9 - Maximize Spell
Level 10 - Extend Spell
Level 12 - Greater Necro Focus, Swap Conjuration focus to Quicken Spell (Niacs ray will be useless by now)
Level 15 - Spell Penetration, Empower Spell
Level 18 - Greater Spell Penetration
LEvel 20 - Enchantment Focus
With ship buffs, yugo pots, and an epic diabolist robe, I will be able to maintain 48 int, 44 necro, 42 enchant and 42 conjuration DCs (-2 Enchant if I die and lose ship buffs though).
That should be fine for end game content without needing enchantment focuses right? I also have 80% chance on raise dead scrolls which is very useful on top of my survivability, I've been raising and saving a few wipes for the last couple of days of grinding epic House C challenges (persuasion ring, spider mask, GH and +7 CHA / +1 EXP CHA equips give me 80% on raise dead scrolls).
I need to stick to Human or Helf for 48 INT because I only have +3 INT and CON tomes, and need both Human adaptability INT, and Greater adaptability CON to make my INT and CON values even.