G'day fellow Ghallandians, Coit here
I've finally bitten the bullet and 'rolled out' an old fashioned raiding guild - specifically structured for people that like to raid above all else.
Certa Bonum Certamon (latin for 'Fight the Good Fight') is in it's fledgeling stages and will be looking for members very soon.
The guild will be comprised of 3 x seperate 'raid teams' of 15 players each.
Raid team 1 is being head up by myself, and will primarily be targeting players in the late Austral/Pacific/early EU play time slots.
Raid teams 2 and 3 will follow at a later date once i have found just the right people to head them up.
Players seriously interested in being part of this should send a message to Coitfluff in game (mail box message please), and i will answer all genuine inquiries as best i can.
See you all in game, Coit out~