5000 TP = 10 FRDS or equivalent in other items.
2500 TP = 8 FRDS or equivalent int other items.
1550TP = 6 FRDS or equivalent in other items.
Exchange Rates:
1 FRDS = 700k
1 FRDS = 2 LDS
2 FRDS = Helm of Frost Scroll (Top priority)
2 FRDS = Envenomed Cloak Scroll
10 White Dragon Scales = 1 FRDS
3 LDS = Alchemical Handwraps/Khopesh
3 LDS = Martial Cannith power cell (Top priority)
3 LDS = Greater Cannith power cell (Top priority)
Please send a PM to me in the following format.
Your in game name will never be shared!
In Game Name:
Amount of TP:
What are you going to be giving:
So to sum it up, my turbine points code for your mix of items.
Thanks to Zados for providing a convinient form.