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  1. #1
    Community Member blackdrowarcanenuts's Avatar
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    Default Why a indifference towards player with disability

    Joined a group for harbor elites i was standing in near the quest area and went in quick started fighting quest was about to finish killed mobs healed party members and quest completed when came out of the dungeon i was just about to type that i am deaf handicapped guy i cannot use headset i was just about to type i got kicked out of the group i asked why he kicked me he said he asked something and i did not answered i told him i was about to type that am a deaf handicapped guy cannot use headset he said go find yourself a HANDICAPPED GROUP GL is this how a disabled person being treated been playing for 6 years who uses voice chat in crappy lowbie quests and never had difficulty in playing first time someone said

    "find yourself a handicapped group gl"

    Am asking why there is indifference towards players with disability

  2. #2
    Community Member Combat_Wombat's Avatar
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    woowza if i was on your server I'd be posting a "pm me name please". Takes a special kind of person to act like that.

    Also want to say this is not reflective of anyone I have ever met in-game so don't let it sour you on people.
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  3. #3
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Allow me to be blunt. You should say you have a hearing disability right after you join the group.

    That lets others know immediately that they need to type to you.

    Low levels may not be an issue with instructions, but high level quests and raids sometimes require instructions or directions and if you don't say that you can hear the party leader, they may assume you're just not paying attention and kick you.

    However in regards to the user in the OP, they were a jerk. It's no loss.

    Your best bet to finding a group that will learn to work your disability is to find a good guild that runs a little of everything. This way you don't need to constantly explain any issue and you have players that know how to work with you and you with them.

    Pugs suck, find a guild.

  4. #4
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    After six years there is not really much we can teach you about the game or any smart advice you should need

    Just squelch the jerkbags and go on just as anyone else do!

    Usually these kind of things happen when dealing with kids, don't take it personal and keep having fun.
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  5. 05-13-2012, 04:26 AM

  6. #5
    The Hatchery Aurora1979's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackdrowarcanenuts View Post
    Am asking why there is indifference towards players with disability
    At the risk of offending, the answer to the above is because that's exactly what we have been taught. Don't treat people with disabilities different from others.

    However, the guy you spoke to is just a prat. Doesn't matter on context overly, he just has a poor attitude.

    Don't get me wrong, I prefer people to have speakers at least and mic if possible.... but I don't enforce it and wouldn't be rude over it.

    I am in agreement with you but as I say, we get told to not treat X person differently because they are/ have Y so much and some people take that too far.
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  7. #6
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    You'll meet some players you don't want to play with again and make the game unfun. I'm not sure how any company can stop this. There is no personality test for creating an account.

    I suggest turning the voicechat symbol off if it is not already off. Your handicap is not our business. There are many reasons why one wouldn't use the in game sound, even with the availability of headsets. Type something when joining the group, and pay some attention to the text communication and there should be less problems, but never no problems.

    Why the indifference? They did not know of the disability before kicking you. Which to be fair, is none of their business. At some point before they have decided to kick you, you have changed from another person to play with to "that guy" making the game unfun. Anything that happens to "that guy" is fair game, the disability changes nothing.
    Last edited by Lleren; 05-13-2012 at 05:42 AM.
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  8. #7
    Community Member blackdrowarcanenuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lleren View Post
    You'll meet some players you don't want to play with again and make the game unfun. I'm not sure how any company can stop this. There is no personality test for creating an account.

    I suggest turning the voicechat symbol off if it is not already off. Your handicap is not our business. There are many reasons why one wouldn't use the in game sound, even with the availability of headsets. Type something when joining the group, and pay some attention to the text communication and there should be less problems, but never no problems.

    Why the indifference? They did not know of the disability before kicking you. Which to be fair, is none of their business. At some point before they have decided to kick you, you have changed from another person to play with to "that guy" making the game unfun. Anything that happens to "that guy" is fair game, the disability changes nothing.
    You mean to say is that what he told me is right what if you had been suffering from disability and faced the same situation how would you have felt that time sorry to say i had always typed in party chat that i am deaf guy i cannot use headsets and voice chat that i always do and been playing for 6 years never faced such thing and never heard from anyone from saying go find a handicapped group this is totally rude and wrong

  9. #8
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackdrowarcanenuts View Post
    You mean to say is that what he told me is right what if you had been suffering from disability and faced the same situation how would you have felt that time sorry to say i had always typed in party chat that i am deaf guy i cannot use headsets and voice chat that i always do and been playing for 6 years never faced such thing and never heard from anyone from saying go find a handicapped group this is totally rude and wrong
    1 - That guys is a ****** he handled it wrong

    2 - You should always inform people that you don't have a mic and need to see chat....deaf or not when people are giving out instructions in voice (which the majority of the time its assumed everyone has a mic) they expect people to hear them unless otherwise told and If you cant hear they assume your just ignoring them and it leaves a bad impression. IOW Tell them before not after otherwise your the one considered rude whether you say "I'm deaf" or "No Mic, need text" is up to you either one works
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  10. #9
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Presuming you've disabled voice chat (which would make sense?) then it should be clear to everyone in the group that you are not on voice/able to hear what they say and it is up to them to communicate with you. The only way that you've done something wrong is if you join a "must have ears" group; otherwise I'd report them for harassment on principle.

    I rarely talk on mic and prefer others not to when running TR's (unless it's someone that I know) as I find it usually more relaxing and immersive to play without someone chatting away in my ear. For some quests a mic is required (or at least strong suggested) so I tend to check before doing those that people are communicative (with voice or chat but not neither).

    Squelch, offer to send name to forumites (this is important) and move on.
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  11. #10
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    1. You were not responding to voice chat and offered no upfront warning, it was a justified kick.
    2. He didn't want to change his style to acommodate you, that's his right and not harassment (no matter what the white knighters in this thread say).
    3. I'm all for playing opposite gender toons but when you never use a mic and give it a GamerGrrrrrl! type name too...well, that's creepy.
    4. He said "good luck", which is polite.
    5. For someone primarily communcating via text, your writing sure is sloppy and devoid of punctuation.

    Those are the thoughts I had reading the OP, in order.

    Anyway, talk about half the story. For all I know, you jumped in a quest and forced completion before everyone was in...or something else annoying. Obviously it was something, since you were booted. You don't know, do you?

    Bottomline: Ran with people who are deaf plenty, never had an issue. But everyone is aware up front.
    Last edited by Delt; 05-13-2012 at 06:24 AM.

  12. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    Allow me to be blunt. You should say you have a hearing disability right after you join the group.
    This statement is ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason to tell anyone you have a hearing disability. Same thing goes for sex, race, language or any other personal information.

    If a leader requires party members to hear voice then it should be posted in the lfm. Then be sure all members respond to a voice check before proceeding.

    I have pugged quests from levels 1-20, raids as well. None require to hear voice, sure, for some it may make things easier but not necessary. There are many people that play this game without hearing voice, whatever their reasons are. If asked or see the green flash that they are using voice chat during a quest, just type "can't hear voice".

    Just chalk it up as one of the many ignorant people you will run into playing this game, just as happens in real life. Luckily from my experience the decent people far outnumber ones like this person.

  13. #12
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    It should be added that "I have no sound, I do not have a mic, ect", the majority of the time is another way of saying " I do not understand spoken English and do not want to admit it" and sometimes it is because people are more concerned with listening to MP3s than they are with listening to the party leader. I cant tell you how many times I have herd "I didnt hear you because I was listening to my favorite band". I hope the OP keeps in mind that people hear all kinds of excuses and after a few bad parties........everything seems like an excuse as to why it is ok they didnt hear the frantic cries for assistance. You also have a lot of little kids who if they talked on mic would blow their cover because they know the minute some of us potty mouthed old guys herd a kids voice it would be a boot from party.

    If those of us who really do not want people without mics in our groups were anal about it.....then there would be a lot of people stuck in nothing but crappy parties with people stopping every 10 seconds to type something and everyone else diverting their attention from the action to see what someone typed. I for one do not pay attention to the chat window during quests, I got other things to do during a quest than to keep checking if someone typed something that may or may not be directed at if you typed heal me and then find yourself dead, dont blame me cause I didnt hear you.

    Many deaf people can speak, so if just because you cant hear you think that excuses you from using a mic, you are mistaken

  14. #13
    Community Member Rubix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipwire View Post
    This statement is ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason to tell anyone you have a hearing disability. Same thing goes for sex, race, language or any other personal information.
    Agreed, however... I have actually played with the OP a couple of time in a PUG, and when I requested voice, he informed me politely of his disability. NP! Game goes on,just work around it. There are plenty of ppl who prefer not using voice for one or another reason. Disability should not preclude someone from the game!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zipwire View Post
    Just chalk it up as one of the many ignorant people you will run into playing this game...
    Sure, but surely this sort of behavior warrants a ticket? I would be offended it it happened to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zipwire View Post
    ...just as happens in real life. Luckily from my experience the decent people far outnumber ones like this person.
    +1 Hope it stays that way, and as long as we can express our opinions while being respectful of others, we can all enjoy.

    @OP, sorry for that experience, dude. That was just wrong!
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  15. #14
    Community Member uthanak69's Avatar
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    Sounds like a D**** Bag to me. Who cares if someone is deaf (or blind, or anything)? That doesn't change their personality, nor does it make them bad at a game.

  16. #15
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uthanak69 View Post
    Sounds like a D**** Bag to me. Who cares if someone is deaf (or blind, or anything)? That doesn't change their personality, nor does it make them bad at a game.
    Agreed, some of the best players I've raided with are blind.

  17. #16
    Community Member MysteryNotes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uthanak69 View Post
    Sounds like a D**** Bag to me. Who cares if someone is deaf (or blind, or anything)? That doesn't change their personality, nor does it make them bad at a game.
    Um, are you sure you're not high right now?
    How does a blind person play DDO?
    Not trying to be rude but thats just like trying to say blind people can be good snipers.

    And i HAVE played with some people with disabilities, and hell, one of them is better than most people i've seen on this game.

    I just think you're making too much of a fuss over this.
    You've been playing 6 years? I would've thought that you would know better than to worry about what other people say.

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  18. #17
    Community Member blackdrowarcanenuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delt View Post
    1. You were not responding to voice chat and offered no upfront warning, it was a justified kick.
    2. He didn't want to change his style to acommodate you, that's his right and not harassment (no matter what the white knighters in this thread say).
    3. I'm all for playing opposite gender toons but when you never use a mic and give it a GamerGrrrrrl! type name too...well, that's creepy.
    4. He said "good luck", which is polite.
    5. For someone primarily communcating via text, your writing sure is sloppy and devoid of punctuation.

    Those are the thoughts I had reading the OP, in order.

    Anyway, talk about half the story. For all I know, you jumped in a quest and forced completion before everyone was in...or something else annoying. Obviously it was something, since you were booted. You don't know, do you?

    Bottomline: Ran with people who are deaf plenty, never had an issue. But everyone is aware up front.
    would like to point out your number 4. "He said "good luck", which is polite." you know what he said to me join deaf handicapped group gl not simple gl to be clear

  19. #18
    Community Member uthanak69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysteryNotes View Post
    Um, are you sure you're not high right now?
    How does a blind person play DDO?
    Not trying to be rude but thats just like trying to say blind people can be good snipers.

    I think you missed my point that disabled folks are not under people who are not, or less of a human being.

  20. #19
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    Sorry to hear you got abused and would be happy to run with you if we were on the same server I never use my mic and there are alot of people that I wish wouldnt either. But as long as someone is communicating in same way I am happy. Maybe you should let everyone know when the group starts and see how that goes. But at least you know who one of the idiot jerks is now.

    Good luck and dont let that idiot spoil your fun

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  21. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipwire View Post
    This statement is ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason to tell anyone you have a hearing disability. Same thing goes for sex, race, language or any other personal information.

    If a leader requires party members to hear voice then it should be posted in the lfm. Then be sure all members respond to a voice check before proceeding.

    I have pugged quests from levels 1-20, raids as well. None require to hear voice, sure, for some it may make things easier but not necessary. There are many people that play this game without hearing voice, whatever their reasons are. If asked or see the green flash that they are using voice chat during a quest, just type "can't hear voice".

    Just chalk it up as one of the many ignorant people you will run into playing this game, just as happens in real life. Luckily from my experience the decent people far outnumber ones like this person.
    No you should let people know if you cant hear a lot of people dont type anything unless they have to and the natural assumption is that if a person doenst respond after a couple times is that they might be ignoring you a patient person would type to see if they respond to that but our zerger pop will just assumed they are being ignored.

    If you have a special issue you should let the group know up front.

    Beware the Sleepeater

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