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  1. #21
    Community Member mobrien316's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Its missing no point whatsoever. The literal solution is to become our own advocates for what we want to do, and stop suggesting changing the entire system so that everyone else has to play the way the person making the suggestion wants them to. This involves creating our own groups when none are up for the content + difficulty we want to run.

    The OP is saying that theres a mechanic in place that makes people avoid joining groups, however, he is pointing at the wrong mechanic. Dungeon scaling is the mechanic that encourages people to solo more, not bravery bonus.
    I think "go make your own group" is missing the point when discussing mechanics of the game itself. The bravery bonus streak and its impact on grouping was being discussed, so unless "make your own group" included the implied suggestion that the person making the group also write their own game code and create DDO II, it is not helpful in the least.

    I agree, however, that certain subjects can be best handled by avoiding LFM's that you don't like. If someone posts about not liking LFM's that specify "TR only", they are certainly free to create their own LFM, and it is reasonable for other posters to mention that.

    If the game mechanic itself was such that only TR's could see LFM's posted by other TR's, and someone suggested that was limiting grouping and was not good for the game, a suggestion that the poster "go make your own group" would be singularly unhelpful.
    All on Thelanis: Archenpaul Sixblade (Epic Triple Completionist), Archernicus Thornwood, Crestellin Moonwood, Gregorovic Redcloak, Jaklomeo Evermug, Jarladdin Nalfesne, Jonathraxius Kane, and Praetoreus Silvershield (Heroic Triple Completionist, Epic Triple Completionist.)

    Leader of Guinness Knights (Level 165), which is (since June 2021) a two-man, father-son guild.

    Cogito ergo summopere periculosus.

  2. #22
    Community Member Xynot2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    While nuance is something that people often don't want to think about, you really should make the effort to understand that the OP isn't talking about his situation, but the situation of the player base in general. "Go make your own group" is missing the point.
    No it's not. If you REALLY breakdown the OP, it's a whiny rant about BB.

    My response is to say, let them play their way. I'm always perturbed by these kinds of posts. They all say the same thing. And that is, "Waaaa. You aren't playing the way I think you should." And While I do agree that finding a group to do normal is very tough because of BB, It's my choice not to group with a BB pug. I complain to myself about it. I dont come here and rant. Which is what this is... a rant.

    That's my opinion. And it sounds caustic because I dont use $50 words to smooth things out. So dont take it as Im mad or being condescending. I'm just blunt.

  3. #23
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    I think "go make your own group" is missing the point when discussing mechanics of the game itself. The bravery bonus streak and its impact on grouping was being discussed, so unless "make your own group" included the implied suggestion that the person making the group also write their own game code and create DDO II, it is not helpful in the least.
    Sorry, but this is incorrect on more than one front. You want something to be "helpful in the least" - we need to help ourselves, and not expect the code of the game to be changed to fit our playstyle at the expense of everyone elses play style.

    First off, becomming our own advocate and making our own groups for the content + difficulty we want to run it on, is the solution.

    Second, the bravery bonus is not impacting the way people group. Dungeon scaling is the mechanic that encourages people to solo normal and hard when running those difficulties. You are not even identifying the correct game mechanic.

    Third, you are proposing a solution that causes everyone else to have to play the way you want, which is not the correct way to resolve an issue in a game community that has many different people that play many different ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    I agree, however, that certain subjects can be best handled by avoiding LFM's that you don't like. If someone posts about not liking LFM's that specify "TR only", they are certainly free to create their own LFM, and it is reasonable for other posters to mention that.

    If the game mechanic itself was such that only TR's could see LFM's posted by other TR's, and someone suggested that was limiting grouping and was not good for the game, a suggestion that the poster "go make your own group" would be singularly unhelpful.
    Becomming our own advocates and making groups for the content we want to run at the difficulty we want to run it on is the solution for just about every grouping issue. Saying it is unhelpful is a euphamism for "I cant be bothered to lead a group, so I suggest changing the code of the entire game to suit my playstyle"

    Whats really "not helpful" is suggesting the devs change the code of the entire game to suit the way a few people play, while disregarding the way everyone else plays. Suggesting that people become their own advocate for their own playstyle, is helpful.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  4. #24
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    The correct game mechanic isnt even being identified here. Bravery bonus doesnt alter peoples ability to find groups for other difficulties.

    Dungeon scaling is what encourages people to solo normal and hard, because its easier to do than running it in a group, especially for the TR XP farmers.

    Why complain about BB rather than DS then? Because the newbies cant be used as a scapegoat to get rid of DS. Wait for it - this train is never late folks. Office pool?
    Last edited by Chai; 05-15-2012 at 11:28 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  5. #25
    Community Member mobrien316's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    The correct game mechanic isnt even being identified here. Bravery bonus doesnt alter peoples ability to find groups for other difficulties.

    Dungeon scaling is what encourages people to solo normal and hard, because its easier to do than running it in a group, especially for the TR XP farmers.

    Why complain about BB rather than DS then? Because the newbies cant be used as a scapegoat to get rid of DS. Wait for it - this train is never late folks. Office pool?
    Dungeon scaling has been present since I began playing DDO. The bravery bonus streak has not.

    I noticed that with the implementation of the streak there is a difficulty in filling PUG's that was not present before. Judging from other posts on this board, other people have noticed the same thing. People with streaks to preserve are not hitting LFM's that would disrupt their streak. My suggestion would make it possible for them to hit those LFM's without sacrificing XP, which would lead to more groups filling more quickly.

    Please note I am not saying that I want to hit LFM's but I don't so therefore everything should be changed to accommodate my desires. I used myself as an example in my original post because I believe a lot of people are thinking along the same lines, not to suggest that because I don't want to break a streak we should eliminate the streak altogether. I am offering a suggestion that seems to fix what a lot of players consider to be a problem, and the solution I suggest does not negatively affect anyone in the game to any degree whatseover. So responses of "start your own LFM" and "why make everyone play your way" are not only unhelpful and off-topic, but make absolutely no sense in context.

    As I mentioned before, my suggestion doesn't affect how anyone else plays, except to make it easier for PUG's to fill. I hardly think that characterizing it as trying to make everyone play the way I want them to is accurate. Mine was a suggestion to help fill PUG's, not a suggested mandate that everyone else in the game play the way I want to play.
    All on Thelanis: Archenpaul Sixblade (Epic Triple Completionist), Archernicus Thornwood, Crestellin Moonwood, Gregorovic Redcloak, Jaklomeo Evermug, Jarladdin Nalfesne, Jonathraxius Kane, and Praetoreus Silvershield (Heroic Triple Completionist, Epic Triple Completionist.)

    Leader of Guinness Knights (Level 165), which is (since June 2021) a two-man, father-son guild.

    Cogito ergo summopere periculosus.

  6. #26
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    Dungeon scaling has been present since I began playing DDO. The bravery bonus streak has not.

    I noticed that with the implementation of the streak there is a difficulty in filling PUG's that was not present before. Judging from other posts on this board, other people have noticed the same thing. People with streaks to preserve are not hitting LFM's that would disrupt their streak. My suggestion would make it possible for them to hit those LFM's without sacrificing XP, which would lead to more groups filling more quickly.

    Please note I am not saying that I want to hit LFM's but I don't so therefore everything should be changed to accommodate my desires. I used myself as an example in my original post because I believe a lot of people are thinking along the same lines, not to suggest that because I don't want to break a streak we should eliminate the streak altogether. I am offering a suggestion that seems to fix what a lot of players consider to be a problem, and the solution I suggest does not negatively affect anyone in the game to any degree whatseover. So responses of "start your own LFM" and "why make everyone play your way" are not only unhelpful and off-topic, but make absolutely no sense in context.

    As I mentioned before, my suggestion doesn't affect how anyone else plays, except to make it easier for PUG's to fill. I hardly think that characterizing it as trying to make everyone play the way I want them to is accurate. Mine was a suggestion to help fill PUG's, not a suggested mandate that everyone else in the game play the way I want to play.
    You ARE identifying the wrong game mechanic. BB does not affect how we used to be able to level. All BB did was create a better situation for those who DO want to challenge themselves to run on the highest difficulty. Everyone who still wants to run on normal or hard can do so.

    Q: If there is such a high number of people who are affected by this issue, why then are they not grouping together? The people who want bravery bonus arent having an issue finding groups...

    A: After the bravery bonus people all group up and play elite, whats left over is people who want to play hard and normal. Dungeon scaling makes it super easy for these people to SOLO - so it is the mechanic that is causing the issue. If its not, and you say theres a large number of people that want to play normal and hard, why dont they just group up and do it then? BB doesnt affect these people - they are playing on elite. Folks that want to play normal and hard have the ability to solo, really REALLY easily, or put up LFMs, which are a gamble. Without DS they would group more.

    Your suggestion WILL affect the way I and many others want to play, because I want to play elite. I shouldnt be penalized for wanting to play the hardest difficulty the game has to offer at level. You are asking for the code in the game to be changed to assist a specific playstyle - those who want to group on normal or hard - which WILL affect how others play - something you are disregarding.
    Last edited by Chai; 05-15-2012 at 02:03 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  7. #27
    Community Member shadowphoton's Avatar
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    Or just make your own LFM that is at level and you don't have to worry about what other people are doing or not doing.

  8. #28
    Community Member mobrien316's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    You ARE identifying the wrong game mechanic. BB does not affect how we used to be able to level. All BB did was create a better situation for those who DO want to challenge themselves to run on the highest difficulty. Everyone who still wants to run on normal or hard can do so.

    Q: If there is such a high number of people who are affected by this issue, why then are they not grouping together? The people who want bravery bonus arent having an issue finding groups...

    A: After the bravery bonus people all group up and play elite, whats left over is people who want to play hard and normal. Dungeon scaling makes it super easy for these people to SOLO - so it is the mechanic that is causing the issue. If its not, and you say theres a large number of people that want to play normal and hard, why dont they just group up and do it then? BB doesnt affect these people - they are playing on elite. Folks that want to play normal and hard have the ability to solo, really REALLY easily, or put up LFMs, which are a gamble. Without DS they would group more.

    Your suggestion WILL affect the way I and many others want to play, because I want to play elite. I shouldnt be penalized for wanting to play the hardest difficulty the game has to offer at level. You are asking for the code in the game to be changed to assist a specific playstyle - those who want to group on normal or hard - which WILL affect how others play - something you are disregarding.
    Please explain how the implementation of my suggestion would affect you?

    If you want to play Elite, you still can and still get the same XP you would have gotten if the streak continued.

    If you haven't run a quest on elite yet, and you want to play rather than wait, you can join an LFM on Normal and get a nice XP bonus there, and you can run Elite another time and still get the same bonus for a first time completion that you would have gotten if you still had a streak.

    The only difference is that everyone would be free to join whatever difficulty they wanted to without losing their XP bonus.

    I prefer playing to waiting. I also generally prefer grouping to soloing. If you like to solo, my suggestion won't negatively affect you at all, except to give you more XP for running normal and hard difficulty.

    If you prefer waiting to playing, my suggestion doesn't negatively affect you, because you can post an LFM for whatever you want and wait until it fills.

    If you prefer playing to waiting, you are free to hit an LFM on normal or hard for a quest you want to run without having to lose the XP bonus.

    So... Other than getting more XP and spending more time playing and less time waiting, how does my suggestion affect people?

    If a person wants to run the Crucible, and they see an LFM for the Crucible on normal, and they know they are going to be running it on all difficulties at some point for the XP, how is it a bad thing if they hit the LFM now, knowing they won't be losing their XP bonus?

    Can you explain how it is better to have a normal LFM for the Crucible posted, with two people in it waiting for it to fill, and also have a hard LFM for the Crucible posted, also with two people in it waiting to fill, and also have an elite LFM for the Crucible posted, also with two people in it waiting for it to fill, as opposed to having all six people join the same LFM for the quest they all want to run, with no one losing any XP bonus at all?

    If you solo, this doesn't affect you, except to give you more XP for first time completions. If you only like to run elite, this doesn't negatively affect you, because you get the same bonus you would if you the streak was still in place. If you only run hard, this doesn't negatively affect, because you will still get the same XP bonus while making it easier for people who usually run elite to join your group. If you only want to run normal, this still gives you an XP bonus while making it easier to fill your group because no one will lose their hard or elite bonus by joining your group.
    All on Thelanis: Archenpaul Sixblade (Epic Triple Completionist), Archernicus Thornwood, Crestellin Moonwood, Gregorovic Redcloak, Jaklomeo Evermug, Jarladdin Nalfesne, Jonathraxius Kane, and Praetoreus Silvershield (Heroic Triple Completionist, Epic Triple Completionist.)

    Leader of Guinness Knights (Level 165), which is (since June 2021) a two-man, father-son guild.

    Cogito ergo summopere periculosus.

  9. #29
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    Please explain how the implementation of my suggestion would affect you?

    If you want to play Elite, you still can and still get the same XP you would have gotten if the streak continued.

    If you haven't run a quest on elite yet, and you want to play rather than wait, you can join an LFM on Normal and get a nice XP bonus there, and you can run Elite another time and still get the same bonus for a first time completion that you would have gotten if you still had a streak.

    The only difference is that everyone would be free to join whatever difficulty they wanted to without losing their XP bonus.
    Which changes nothing about encouraging people to group together. Elite is still the best XP bonus, which encourages people to group for elite, and normal and hard stiull have heavy dungeon scaling, which encourages people to solo.

    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    I prefer playing to waiting. I also generally prefer grouping to soloing. If you like to solo, my suggestion won't negatively affect you at all, except to give you more XP for running normal and hard difficulty.
    Youll still be waiting, because altering the way BB works to make it a one time bonus will not cause peopel to run hard or normal more in groups. It will cause people to group for elite, and solo normal and hard due to heavy scaling. Given the choice to solo or PUG, most people choose solo in an environment that is dungeon scaling heavy. PUGing is more of a gamble.

    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    If you prefer waiting to playing, my suggestion doesn't negatively affect you, because you can post an LFM for whatever you want and wait until it fills.

    If you prefer playing to waiting, you are free to hit an LFM on normal or hard for a quest you want to run without having to lose the XP bonus.
    The statement that there are less LFMs due to BB is a myth. There are less LFMs because those who want to run elite are doing so, and those who want to run normal or hard are not putting their LFMs up like they need to be in order to advocate their own playstyle. Ive never seen an issue getting a group together for any difficulty.

    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    So... Other than getting more XP and spending more time playing and less time waiting, how does my suggestion affect people?

    If a person wants to run the Crucible, and they see an LFM for the Crucible on normal, and they know they are going to be running it on all difficulties at some point for the XP, how is it a bad thing if they hit the LFM now, knowing they won't be losing their XP bonus?
    Yay, you picked the one quest that is easier in a group on normal than soloing, and only because dungeon scaling doesnt affect how easy it is to pull levers. This can still be more easily done solo if the player knows how to do the levers or has store hirelings, or artificer pet + hireling etc. All other quests save raids are easier to solo due to dungeon scaling on N or H (the real mechanic that causes people not to group for N or H)

    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    Can you explain how it is better to have a normal LFM for the Crucible posted, with two people in it waiting for it to fill, and also have a hard LFM for the Crucible posted, also with two people in it waiting to fill, and also have an elite LFM for the Crucible posted, also with two people in it waiting for it to fill, as opposed to having all six people join the same LFM for the quest they all want to run, with no one losing any XP bonus at all?
    I just did this on my TR this weekend. After the elite run, myself and one other person stuck around and put up an LFM for hard + normal. In the time it took me to run out there, I had 4 players hit the LFM.

    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    If you solo, this doesn't affect you, except to give you more XP for first time completions. If you only like to run elite, this doesn't negatively affect you, because you get the same bonus you would if you the streak was still in place. If you only run hard, this doesn't negatively affect, because you will still get the same XP bonus while making it easier for people who usually run elite to join your group. If you only want to run normal, this still gives you an XP bonus while making it easier to fill your group because no one will lose their hard or elite bonus by joining your group.
    The way the game is now with BB doesnt negatively impact anyone who is willing to be their own advocate and make an LFM, which allows them to choose the quest, as well as the difficulty, and playstyle (zerging or not etc).

    Once all the elite streakers are in groups, the only reason why normal and hard players are not grouping much is dungeon scaling. Bravery bonus has nothing to do with it. If you take away DS, it is now easier to group than it is to solo, and people start making more LFMs for those difficulties.
    Last edited by Chai; 05-15-2012 at 03:15 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  10. #30
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post
    No it's not. If you REALLY breakdown the OP, it's a whiny rant about BB.

    My response is to say, let them play their way. I'm always perturbed by these kinds of posts. They all say the same thing. And that is, "Waaaa. You aren't playing the way I think you should." And While I do agree that finding a group to do normal is very tough because of BB, It's my choice not to group with a BB pug. I complain to myself about it. I dont come here and rant. Which is what this is... a rant.

    That's my opinion. And it sounds caustic because I dont use $50 words to smooth things out. So dont take it as Im mad or being condescending. I'm just blunt.
    Although I'm not surprised. When someone's mind is already made up, it's really hard to get them to go back and re-read. All I can say is you're still misunderstanding, but it's still disheartening. Rise above your surface understanding and really put in some effort... start from the beginning and think things through logically with no pre-conceptions. Trust me, it's really rewarding when you finally have that "ah ha!" epiphany moment, even if it's just for something simple like a DDO forum thread.

    Of course it's a rant about BB. It's a rant about the mechanic and how it negatively affects the playerbase. On a side note, I have a BB streak of nearly 500 or so over the past ~12 million XP... and I still think BB is a bad idea because it reduces the pool of players I can group with. Can you see how "just make your own group" is an irrelevant suggestion to me? Because I already do make my own groups.
    Last edited by AtomicMew; 05-15-2012 at 03:49 PM.

  11. #31
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Although I'm not surprised. When someone's mind is already made up, it's really hard to get them to go back and re-read. All I can say is you're still misunderstanding, but it's still disheartening. Rise above your surface understanding and really put in some effort... start from the beginning and think things through logically with no pre-conceptions. Trust me, it's really rewarding when you finally have that "ah ha!" epiphany moment, even if it's just for something simple like a DDO forum thread.

    Of course it's a rant about BB. It's a rant about the mechanic and how it negatively affects the playerbase. On a side note, I have a BB streak of nearly 500 or so over the past ~12 million XP... and I still think BB is a bad idea because it reduces the pool of players I can group with. Can you see how "just make your own group" is an irrelevant suggestion to me? Because I already do make my own groups.
    These kinds of accusations of lack of understanding and inside the box thinking are made often on these forums when peple disagree, but they really dont prove anything other than the fact that forumites will continue to make said accusations rather than actually state their point.

    The PUG pool consists of people who want to play N, H, and E.

    Q: After all the people want to play E are out of the PUG pool, the only people left are those who want to play N and H. Please explain why they dont just group up then.

    A: Bravery bonus has nothing to do with it. Dungeon scaling is the reason they dont group, because its easier to solo N and H than it is to PUG N and H.

    If you feel im incorrect, please refrain from posting accusations of lack of understanding and actually post WHY, after all the people who want to play E are grouped, its harder for N and H players to group together.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  12. #32
    Community Member mobrien316's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    If you feel im incorrect, please refrain from posting accusations of lack of understanding and actually post WHY, after all the people who want to play E are grouped, its harder for N and H players to group together.
    You seem to be suggesting that anyone who runs elite or who currently possesses an elite streak will ONLY run elite and therefore there is no reason or cause to make it easier for them to join other groups. I disagree, and my experience in the game has been that a large number of people run quests on various difficulties, such as E/E/E/H/N. I believe that there are a number of players with elite streaks that also plan on running the same quests on hard and/or normal for the extra XP. I also believe there are players with hard streaks that plan to run the same quests on normal for the extra XP.

    If you only run each quest in the game once on elite, that's nice. This suggestion won't affect you in the least, so I don't really understand why you are so against it. This suggestion will make it easier for some players (not ALL, but some) to fill groups by not removing their XP bonus for avoiding groups that don't keep their streak alive. No one would lose out on any XP, and no one would have to group with anyone they don't want to group with or run any difficulties they don't want to run.

    For all the players that either plan to run quests on various difficulties for the extra XP, or for those who don't mind running a quest if they see the LFM, implementation of my suggestion would remove the reason for them to avoid joining those groups.

    If groups fill faster and more players spend more time playing instead of waiting, I don't see that as anything but positive for the game. And since no one would lose any XP by doing that, I really don't see that as anything but positive for the game.
    All on Thelanis: Archenpaul Sixblade (Epic Triple Completionist), Archernicus Thornwood, Crestellin Moonwood, Gregorovic Redcloak, Jaklomeo Evermug, Jarladdin Nalfesne, Jonathraxius Kane, and Praetoreus Silvershield (Heroic Triple Completionist, Epic Triple Completionist.)

    Leader of Guinness Knights (Level 165), which is (since June 2021) a two-man, father-son guild.

    Cogito ergo summopere periculosus.

  13. #33
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Chai: The player base is divided not just by people who want to do BB and those who don't, but by those who've already done BB for a quest and those who haven't. You're really misunderstanding the situation on such a basic level, I'm not quite sure how to respond. That, with the attitude that you are never wrong, and your failure to dialogue in good faith, really makes for a very special juxtaposition.

    Your argument is also just an opinion, which you provide absolutely no support for, stated as fact: "BB has nothing to do with it." Then my argument is "BB has something to do with it." Of course, your argument, which again is an opinion stated as fact, is incorrect, and obviously so to anyone who has ever put up a LFM. Otherwise one would never receive the all so frequent tells asking whether BB is being done first or not. Even if you can't bring yourself to admit this case on the forums, you can probably see that this happens all the time. (Ergo, BB has something to do with it.) Some people believe that their ego is bigger and more important than what is true or false.

  14. #34
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Chai: The player base is divided not just by people who want to do BB and those who don't, but by those who've already done BB for a quest and those who haven't. You're really misunderstanding the situation on such a basic level, I'm not quite sure how to respond. That, with the attitude that you are never wrong, and your failure to dialogue in good faith, really makes for a very special juxtaposition.

    Your argument is also just an opinion, which you provide absolutely no support for, stated as fact: "BB has nothing to do with it." Then my argument is "BB has something to do with it." Of course, your argument, which again is an opinion stated as fact, is incorrect, and obviously so to anyone who has ever put up a LFM. Otherwise one would never receive the all so frequent tells asking whether BB is being done first or not. Even if you can't bring yourself to admit this case on the forums, you can probably see that this happens all the time. (Ergo, BB has something to do with it.) Some people believe that their ego is bigger and more important than what is true or false.
    My argument is not just opinion. I asked a specific question, and you know what the answer to that question is, but will not answer it, because the answer doesnt involve opinion at all, and does not support your claim that BB somehow ruined grouping. The question again is:

    Q: After all the people want to play E are out of the PUG pool, due to being grouped up for bravery runs, the only people left are those who want to play N and H. Please explain why they dont just group up then.

    You realize bravery bonus doesnt have anything to do with it at that point, so you glossed over that question completely. Dungeon scaling is the reason, because it is the game mechanic that makes it super easy for people to play through N and H runs solo, which is far easier to do than grouping for those same situations. Lack of agreement =/= lack of support for the point I am making. Now please stop glossing over the question, and answer it sans posting accusations of lack of understanding or lack of support for point made.
    Last edited by Chai; 05-15-2012 at 05:46 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  15. #35
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    You seem to be suggesting that anyone who runs elite or who currently possesses an elite streak will ONLY run elite and therefore there is no reason or cause to make it easier for them to join other groups. I disagree, and my experience in the game has been that a large number of people run quests on various difficulties, such as E/E/E/H/N. I believe that there are a number of players with elite streaks that also plan on running the same quests on hard and/or normal for the extra XP. I also believe there are players with hard streaks that plan to run the same quests on normal for the extra XP.

    If you only run each quest in the game once on elite, that's nice. This suggestion won't affect you in the least, so I don't really understand why you are so against it. This suggestion will make it easier for some players (not ALL, but some) to fill groups by not removing their XP bonus for avoiding groups that don't keep their streak alive. No one would lose out on any XP, and no one would have to group with anyone they don't want to group with or run any difficulties they don't want to run.

    For all the players that either plan to run quests on various difficulties for the extra XP, or for those who don't mind running a quest if they see the LFM, implementation of my suggestion would remove the reason for them to avoid joining those groups.

    If groups fill faster and more players spend more time playing instead of waiting, I don't see that as anything but positive for the game. And since no one would lose any XP by doing that, I really don't see that as anything but positive for the game.
    Please do not suggest to the devs that they need to alter the code of the game and make broad claims that this doesnt affect players, because I wouldnt be posting here right now if it didnt affect me. You see it as only being positive because it helps your playstyle, but you are disregarding everyone who has spoken out against it and making broad statements that it doesnt affect anyone else. Trying to speak for everyone on the forums implying that they share your opinion due to some unproven blanket statement often gets called out as what it is.

    Avoiding groups that dont keep their streak alive? Players avoid those groups because its easier for them to plow that content on normal solo due to heavy scaling. Saying your suggestion wouldnt impact anyone has two faces, because it isnt going to automagically cause people to start grouping, because again, you are blaming the wrong game mechanic for the fact that people dont run groups for N and H to begin with.
    Last edited by Chai; 05-15-2012 at 06:03 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  16. #36
    Community Member Maitland's Avatar
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    for what it is worth..

    I am on team Chai..+1 man,I agree with everything you posted.
    Bluntt,Proud Officer of the Truth Seekers
    Adapt or Die,or be a ddo'er and /whine
    Blunttphorse,Madkill,Mait Manic,Ewak,Holmez,Rollin,Axeme Acers

  17. #37
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    First I just want to say it tickles me so much how people are so afraid of losing bonuses...

    Now with that being said: Bravery Bonus - Why is grouping of Normal and Hard difficulties appear to be dwindling?

    Possible Answers
    • Once and Done <- Reading forums alone will point you to many quests people only ever want to do once. If they are going to do it once they are going to do it on Elite and get all the Favor and never look back. Changing Streak so that it does not break if not run on Elite/Hard first time will not change this groups thinking for these quests because they were running it on elite before Bravery Bonus
    • Everyone is doing it <- If your friends jumped off a bridge would you follow? also known as the lemming syndrome, yes they have a name for it. Only way to change this is for popular culture to shift gears - of course we may not like where that takes us.
    • Challenge <- Like making stuff harder, because they can take it, or are geared for it - XP is a secondary driving point and is seen more as the result than the goal
    • The false notion that Elite/Hard Streaking is faster than the 7n/1h/1e method on high xp/min quests.

    What bravery bonus did was open up more options for the XP journey. How it is being used is the problem. There are over 200 quests and you can only benefit up to 5 on the streak, gaining a progressive bonus with each completions.

    Based on the above reasons any suggested change would need to meet the needs of that mentality/philosophy to produce a change in the grouping. The best suggestion would be for more people that want to run quests on difficulties other then Elite need to produce more LFMs. This alone will change the culture on a server as more and more people will begin to get the idea that Normal is Okay.

    Yes you lose XP potential by breaking the streak, but are trading it for a better XP/min ratio and are continuing to move forward. It is up to you which is more valuable.

    I have also forced myself to Elite Streak only, personally I found it to be tedious at best and have opted not to worry about it ever again. I know quest based on what I want to do now, be it a Normal quest or an Elite one. If I lead I'll set the rules.
    Last edited by Enoach; 05-15-2012 at 06:45 PM.

  18. #38
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    The false notion that Elite/Hard Streaking is faster than the 7n/1h/1e method on high xp/min quests.

    The best suggestion would be for more people that want to run quests on difficulties other then Elite need to produce more LFMs. This alone will change the culture on a server as more and more people will begin to get the idea that Normal is Okay.

    Yes you lose XP potential by breaking the streak, but are trading it for a better XP/min ratio and are continuing to move forward. It is up to you which is more valuable.

    People continue to deny it, but if it takes a long time to run a quest on elite, and it takes a small amount of time to run on normal or hard, running it on the lesser difficulty is better XP/min.

    This enforces what you stated above - more people that want to run quests on difficulties other then Elite need to produce more LFMs. This WILL change the culture, but people have to do it, rather than coming to the forum and complaining about the CURRENT state of affairs and not being able to be bothered to create groups when there should just be groups to join already.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  19. #39
    Community Member Xynot2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    All I can say is you're still misunderstanding,

    Taking it personally by what you experience is rather obtuse. I get it that he is suggesting something that might, maybe, possibly change things if, maybe, possibly Turbine takes their mind of the expansion long enough to fix Eberron. His complaint was not enough people willing to do non-BB pugs and yours is not enough people doing BB pugs. My solution, and this is just for me, is that if I cant find a group for one toon, I have 14 toon slots. I can play a different one. So No... I think I got it. I think you need to reread it. So here it is-

    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    In my opinion, the bravery bonus streak mechanics discourage people from grouping and make it harder to fill PUG’s. Any LFM posted for Normal is likely to be ignored by anyone with a Hard or Elite streak. Any LFM posted for Hard is likely to be ignored by anyone with an Elite streak. And, with the current mechanic for streak bonuses, it certainly makes sense for those people to ignore those LFM’s. If I have an Elite streak of 5+ going, I will get a bonus of 250% to my XP for the first-time completion of an Elite quest not more than two levels below my character level. If I run that same quest on Normal or Hard before running it on Elite I will never get that high a bonus, even if I run it on Elite later. It's the "never again" part that discourages grouping; a streaker joining a normal group is forever losing the XP bonus they could have gotten by running the quest on Hard or Elite.

    This absolutely discourages grouping. If my level 17 wizard with a 150+ Hard streak logs on and the only quest in his level range he sees posted is In the Flesh on Normal, I am not going to hit that LFM if I haven’t run that quest already. Neither is any other level 15-17 with a streak.

    I would much prefer if I could hit that LFM on Normal (because I vastly prefer playing as opposed to sitting around waiting) while still being able to get the big XP bonus for running it on Elite at a later time.

    Here’s an idea to replace the bravery bonus streak with a mechanic that does not discourage grouping.

    First of all, full bonuses go to all party members as long as no character is more than four levels above the normal level of the quest. This will eliminate the lack of access to groups for anyone who is three or four levels above the quest level, causing some groups to fill more quickly.

    {mechanic removed to shorten post}

    If anyone thinks it makes things too easy to let in people who are four levels over the quest, they are free to post their LFM’s for only two or three levels over the quest.

    The intent here is to remove a mechanic that discourages people from joining a lot of groups, while still keeping the tremendously helpful boost to XP that eases the endless grind for TR’s on their third or greater life. While I don’t agree with the idea that the streak “punishes” players who join groups that break the streak, I can certainly see the reason why a lot of people feel that way. If I do this (join a group running a quest on normal when I haven’t run that quest yet) I am forever forfeiting a huge XP bonus; losing a bonus is not the same as being penalized, but for all intents and purposes the end result is the same. The group killer is the “first time” bonus tied to the streak; if we can do away with that without negatively impacting XP we can make it a lot easier for PUG’s to fill which is only a good thing as far as the continuation of the game is concerned.
    And Im not mad, angry or even a little miffed. I just come across caustically in print.
    Last edited by Xynot2; 05-15-2012 at 07:01 PM.

  20. #40
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    My argument is not just opinion.
    The statement "dungeon scale has something to do with it" does not support your opinion, because the converse of your opinion is not incongruous with with this statement.

    That is, "BB has something to do with it" is also not incongruous with "dungeon scale has something to do with it." Therefore, you can see how "BB has nothing to do with it" is an unsupported statement.

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