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Only the one that i actively play, i do have my failed lvl 11s.. one former battle cleric (i was one of the noobish ones who failed as a healer, mainly due to skipping healing feats, enhances and gear, LR'd out later on, though never ran more than a few chronoscope runs as a healer), one ranger arcane archer, one is a TWF elf paladin. All of those are banks and i put into my own guild just to avoid the blind guild invites that were becoming common. Any new alts (and i tend to make a lot, even if its just to test a build with vet status 2 and run through a bunch of elite quests) go to any guild i join, and at lower levels i grab guild renown off of end rewards. Always looked at it as giving a few plat (really the items might have 800 base value.. might sell for 200..) for a bit of extra guild renown, hard not to do.
With playtimes it depends, when i am home i get in a lot of hours. Usually every second week i am gone and have no internet access. I live in the US, central time zone. When home usually on anytime between 8:30 AM and midnight, plenty of afk/coffee breaks in between.
As for playstyle i like keeping my bravery streak, though i also break enough barrels, disable the traps and such to get all of the bonuses i can each quest. If i was with a group aiming for speed would go for what i can while not being a drag on the group and just live with less exp. Some quests i have not done at all, some maybe just one time first life. Always been good about warning the group if i had not run something, or those levels where i did not have the spot gear (believe this was mainly first life) to catch the traps. I like finding loot, and i aim to get every chest i can, figure they all might hold some guild renown and its worth a short detour to give something back to the guild.
Not yet found a guild that felt right in DDO. When i played Dark Age of Camelot(and later in WOW, even made some real life friends through that game) my guilds (i was in several across different types of servers) felt like a second home, grouping with guildies and helping eachother out with gear we found was the common practice. I'm not likely to join any LFG where loot is "called out" (that's the leaders choice, not my style), guild runs i view differently. If it's the guild rules that's fine so long as its all up front, not once the loot drops. Never had a problem passing on stuff i didn't need in other games and can't see it being a problem here.
I think a lot of the postings i have seen on these forums about such things is just a lack of communication about it beforehand. Only once ran into something like this in game.. halfway through a Mired in Kobolds elite run a chest dropped a black dragon scale in my name, leader immediately messaged me saying it was common practice to put it up for roll. They hadn't spelled that out in the LFG, and i had asked without reply about loot rules on joining the group(before entering quest).. no reply then. Asked the group their thoughts and they all suggested ignoring the leader. Didn't feel bad about that one but the ignores likely went both ways. I really like rules to be spelled out clearly and up front, no point hiding it till it suits you!