Well, I´m a long time browser of forums but first time poster.
I´ve always been amazed at how much information is readily available if you´d just look for it So... congratulations DDoers... I salute you all !
Anyway back to topic, I don´t know if its the times that I play or something, but its sometimes quiet difficult to find people to run with at the times when I play (usually during the week at about 9pm - 12pm EST, using EST since I assume thats the most recognised time in the US and Canada... not sure about that since I am not from there. Most Saturdays and Sundays I play on and off at various times between 11am EST and 3am EST)
I was looking into the possibility of forming a static group / semi static... everybody starts a level 1 together, with each one on a class/build they like but would work well in a party. Maybe one that meets on 1 or 2 nights of the week or weekend or something like that... Anyone interested? Please send me a PM or MSG me in-game on Sarlona. My toons are (Arcao, Tancao, Clecao and Sorcao - they are all between lvl 6-12). Even if your not interested in a static group, drop me a line and we could just run some stuff together
Hoping to hear from everyone