So today I caved in :'( too many blind group invites and tells to deal with. I do not understand why people feel it is acceptable behavior to blind invite other people to their parties.
So today I caved in :'( too many blind group invites and tells to deal with. I do not understand why people feel it is acceptable behavior to blind invite other people to their parties.
massivheals / massivsponge - Orien server
Member of Blood bath and Beyond
Guild webpage-
I run anonymous on my healer because of this. Blindly inviting a healer is annoying. I always decline a blind invite.
Just as bad though is when you receive tells from a stranger asking you to come heal a group while you are in a party especially a raid healing it. Then get yelled at for not taking the time to stop healing the group to type a response to them lol.
If I feel like healing a group I will click the LFM. Don't need to send me blind invites or tells. That leads to a squelch.
Last edited by Vengeance777; 05-10-2012 at 07:03 PM.
Server: Orien
Guild: Over Raided
Toons: Phasma - Swashbuckler ; Ceroni - Acrobat ; Selina Air Savant ; Cachin - Artificer
You can easily teach them a lesson - accept their invite, then run into a totally different quest, type "It's rude to blind invite" and go AFK and watch the cursing. They can't get rid of you without reforming.
If they are a raid group, step into the Sub-T or the House C wilderness or Tempest's Spine.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
massivheals / massivsponge - Orien server
Member of Blood bath and Beyond
Guild webpage-
I've never seen this blind inviting. Must be because my favored soul isn't named Massivheals. That name is kind of biting you in the back of the leg at this point.
What! I can't bug you any moreI need your heals
as fleshy arti isn't so great right now on self healing
I find that my fvs/monk never gets any blind invites / tells while Shalara will get some. I usually just ignore them if I'm already in a raid/quest - hey if you chose my name from the who list - you should already know that I'm 1) in a group 2) in a quest. On the other hand, if I actually want to run whatever - I would sometimes join (usually I already got on for that purpose)
That being said, most times that I am on my healers, it is because I already talked to someone about joining a group so for me, tells/blind invites haven't been an issue.
I think people have learned not to ask (or maybe they think I am a crappy healer), either way it hasn't been a big issue for me (*ducking head*)
Last edited by JustMe_ca; 05-11-2012 at 01:56 AM. Reason: ok, i was being mean
Shalera Dagen - Triple Epic and Triple heroic Completionist. Life too many to count...
name is massivheals not Pleaseinvite there is a difference. Yes I am a divine class that is capable of healing however I am not blind and I can see the lfm and if I wanted to join said group I would apply. If I was a blind person I doubt they would want me to heal their raid.
massivheals / massivsponge - Orien server
Member of Blood bath and Beyond
Guild webpage-
My brother of the divine I understand your frustration. If you have not yet please look up the Path of enlightenment thread written by one of our greatest cleric players to help give you some positive cleric words from many fellows.
Know that not only clerics suffer this burden though. Today while running my artee/rogue build I was constantly harrassed to come play trap monkey while in the middle of life or death battles. Its amazing how many will assume thier goal is the only one on the entire server that matters.
Massive, if you go anonymous, we will have no one in our PUG party to blame for all that goes wrong in Rainbow in the dark. You are well aware of the abuse I gave you all quest long for not healing quick enough, not taking care of traps, not having d-door scrolls, etc. Please stay available so that we have our blame totem for our fragile egos.
Crakspiders - Craakspdr - Crakdspidr - Thatdoood - Otherdoood - Otherrguy
How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
Agree that blind invites are crappy - unless they're from a friend or guildy! But the tells, those go into 3 groups. 1) I'm in a public instance and not grouped, gets a polite response of either sure, or no ty. 2) I'm in a group or in a wilderness/quest area but am shrining or not in active battle, gets a somewhat sarcastic response indicating that they should pay better attention to the who list. 3) In a group or quest/wilderness area and actively battling or healing, gets ignored.
Orien Characters: Indolent, Rubyescence, MumboJumbo, Humdrum, Wynelle, Lexiann, and a handful of others.
One of these days my big mouth is going to get me into trouble :P.
Roll a FvS, don't have the word heals in there and you never have to worry :P. There's so many FvS out there that refuse to heal, we've got a reputation to cushion us!!!
I PUG a lot but my FvS rarely gets tells from random people and definitely the only random invites I get are from Mitwo hahaha.
The tells I do get are on my other toons from friends to load up my healer for them. :P
Toons on Orien:
Daemonav Atreides: WF artificer (TR 2/14)////Irullan Atreides: human FvS (TR 2/?!?)////Lorrellei Atreides: human ice/acid sorcerer////Aliademon Atreides: elf PM necro/enchant wizzie (TR 2/8)
the few times i've had to search down the list looking for a divine to heal whatever raid i was in waiting to fill... i always check those handy sections on the /who list that indicate if someone is in a party already... and what quest/zone they are in. if they were in a party already, or were in a quest already (even if solo) i left 'em alone and moved on to the next one.
also, my first tell to a likely candidate that passed the first 2 criteria (solo and not in quest) is not "questname difficulty?" (like i've gotten from others. grrrr) but "hey, hope i'm not bothering you. are you busy?" if the answer was yes, i said "ok, thanks. have fun" and moved on.
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I remember that when I started playing DDO, I've done a couple of blind invite with no intention to be rude, just missing some etiquette knowledge. Someone told me not to do that, and I stopped. I mean that blind invites are not dedicated to offense you, but to try to get a group when you don't really know how to do.
BTW, the DDO shouldn't propose invite in GUI, but have only the /invite command (newbies can group by joining LFM)
My Clerics have only ever had issue with blind invites and constant tells. Rasp on her first life was the worst and after a while it stopped being flattering and started getting annoying so I started doing some really mean things...
-Run into the quest and die...if there was somewhere where it was impossible get me, I'd go die there
-Get into the quest and "afk" then do my homework, read a book or surf the net until they either wipe or recall and reform
-Accept the request and immediately start screaming the shrillest girl scream that I could over my mic until they boot me
-Get into groups and play dumb...really really dumb. "Where is the quest?" "Oh, how do I get there?" "I don't know where that is..." "How do I do this?" Sometimes I'd even go hide in the various houses, say I was lost and make someone come find me to lead me to where I was going because I didn't know how to use the map.
However, the God's of PUG's have smacked me with their karma sticks and have given me some of the worst PUGs you can find, having me booted from the game at the worst times EVER and other such awfulness that I try to behave now. The tells have since become infrequent and the blind invites are almost now I try to be as polite as possible though because I'm not that great and am easily replaceable. I want to move on and have fun so I decline politely so we can all carry on with whatever it is we're up to instead of making a fuss.
I can appreciate when a group leader feels pressed and resorts to blind tells/invites to acquire a healer. However what I find irritating is when I get a blind tell (i.e. "Interested in healing Shroud???"), I take the time to politely decline (i.e. "I am on timer." or "I'm 2-boxing and can't.") rather than just ignoring them, and then about a minute later the numbskull sends another spam tell as he/she isn't attentive enough to realize they already tried to enlist me.
Thus I have largely resorted to running /anon on my flavoured mole, with the additional preventative measure of adding an /afk "I am 2-boxing atm, please send a tell to Graverstones..." only to have an /afk setup on Graverstones that reads "I am 2-boxing atm, please send a tell to Gravestoned..."
Ultimately, when I do cave and heal for a pug raid, the horrible truth about my lack of ability as a healer is revealed and I am never bothered by that particular raid's participants again...