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  1. #1
    Community Member GlassJaw's Avatar
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    Default Pale Master: Iron Companion + Summon undead?

    I'm returning to the game after a long hiatus and thinking about respeccing my WF Wizard to Pale Master. I really like all the companions in the game now and was thinking about taking some of the summon undead enhancements as well as the Iron Companion chain to help with soloing.

    Does anyone know if these are on separate timers or can you only summon one at a time? Having both an undead pet and iron defender at the same time seems like it would make great use of the Augment Summoning feat.

  2. #2
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassJaw View Post
    I'm returning to the game after a long hiatus and thinking about respeccing my WF Wizard to Pale Master. I really like all the companions in the game now and was thinking about taking some of the summon undead enhancements as well as the Iron Companion chain to help with soloing.

    Does anyone know if these are on separate timers or can you only summon one at a time? Having both an undead pet and iron defender at the same time seems like it would make great use of the Augment Summoning feat.
    Try the defender plus the skellie pet plus create undead (ghouls/ghasts) plus the cosmetic companion AND the cat (figurine of power) AND a vendor hireling just for kicks. Maybe even add in some dominated mobs. You could have your own entourage that follows you around everywhere. (and yes they get the augmented effect -- except the cosmetic pet of course).

    Of course, not much room left in the group to show them off...

  3. #3
    Community Member exvanguard's Avatar
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    the cosmetic pets do not count towards your summoning limits - you are always allowed 1 cosmetic pet. That said, the cosmetic pets are not affected by the augment summoning feat as they are not functional in combat, have no HP's, take no damage or affect the outcome of any part of a quest (unless you believe they add to lag)

  4. #4
    Community Member MasterHephaestus's Avatar
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    Hmmmm.. question.. can you do something like this and have them all on the screen at once?

    Say an Arti-wiz or, weirdly, an art/wiz/rgr mix in order to get:

    iron defender companion,
    Artificer Dog Companion,
    Summon Monster companion,
    create undead companion,
    summon skeletal minion companion,
    conjured fire sphere companion,
    natures ally companion..

    add in a hireling and THEIR summoned companion.

    Will all of those come out at once or does one cancel out the other?

    I know that believe the iron defender cancels out the summoned monster but what about the artificer dog and the ranger ally?

  5. #5
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    My last post was intended to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek.

    I can tell you that any kind of "summon" that does not take up an actual party slot will overwrite one another. In other words, cove gems, summoned monsters, clickies like GS, etc. (and I think create undead) all replace one another. Enhancement-line pets (PM skellies, the defenders, etc) should also overwrite each other. Class abilities (the arti pet, ranger mutt, etc) should also override one another. Cosmetic pets also only allow one per toon. Non-gold-seal hirelings are restricted to one. The Cat is a GS-hireling, so it can be used with other hirelings. The FVS "pet" shoulder cannon is unique and not included in the other pet stuff.

  6. #6
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    The PM skeletons are in their own category and don't take up the space of your summoned monster. So you can have a skeleton out along with a monster summoned from the normal spell.

    Do not get the iron defender enhancement though. I don't know if the dog can be summoned at the same time as a normal summon (I think it will replace a normal summon) but it does not matter because the dog is completely worthless. It costs a ridiculous amount of points, does almost no damage and most of the time it hurts more than it helps because of its grease.

    Same thing about the augment summons feat. Summons and hirelings are too stupid to justify wasting a feat on. Even for artificers.

    Edit* most would say the same about the pale masters summons. They are kind of nice but not anywhere near worth the amount of AP it costs to get them.
    Last edited by jcTharin; 05-09-2012 at 06:44 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcTharin View Post
    I don't know if the dog can be summoned at the same time as a normal summon
    last time i checked(is a while ago), they where on the same summon position. cant have both.

  8. #8
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Summon Monster Spells incl. Nature's Ally.

    As a PM you can have your Prestige Summon and Create Undead out at the same time.

    With Arti Levels you would also get your Arti Dog.

    You can have a standard Hireling and up to 4 Gold Seals in quest with you too. {The Lvl 18 Panther counts as a Gold Seal}.

    I believe Create Undead Cancels out Summon Monster Spells.

    So soloing on a 18/2 PM/Arti you could have:

    Wyoh {Normal Hireling}
    Panther {Gold Seal Hireling}
    Klin {Gold Seal Hireling} Klin's Hezrou {Hireling Summon Monster}.
    Caraneth {Gold Seal Hireling} Caraneth's Hezrou {Hireling Summon Monster}
    Any other Gold Seal Hireling.
    Frostmarrow or Blackbone Skeleton Mage
    Mummy Lord {create Undead}
    Your Dog

    Oh yes and your Creature Companion.

    P.S. Augment Summoning is one of the best all purpose feats available {especially if soloing or duoing regularly}.

  9. #9
    Community Member GlassJaw's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the replies everyone!

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    P.S. Augment Summoning is one of the best all purpose feats available {especially if soloing or duoing regularly}.
    Yeah, this is primarily how I play and what it will be used for. I just started playing again and have been quite impressed with my friend's Artificer who is specced for summoning. I realize it might be not be viable for the epic end-game stuff but that's a long way off for me.

    So it sounds like the PM's summon undead ability and the iron companion enhancement probably won't stack. That makes sense. I might make a quick veteran character and test it out before I respec.

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