I run duo with a friend and her artificer. We like it a lot and sometimes run with a monk as well.

One thing I am wondering is how to boost DPS. The descriptions on some Enhancements doesn't really say what all it affects, or at least I've not figured it out.

The crossbow damage and hit bonus are pretty obvious.

I'm less sure of the spell damage boosts. Do they affect run arms as well as spells? What about the procs the rune arms put on your crossbow?

We seem to do a lot of damage with rune arms and crossbows both, probably most of it crossbow atm, so I'm looking for other ways. Right now I have not put anything in the spell damage boosts because I don't use damage spells much at all.

A lot of what we do is lay down a turret and lock the pets into position to set up an ambush, and then we range into the hairball with crossbows and rune arms. As they mobs close in we'll kite them or otherwise improvise. Other times where we can't make effective use of an ambush, we just... wing it.

So I'm wondering if we should be putting points into spell damage enhancement for rune arm damage and crossbow procs, and what else is a "must have".

As for feats, we went heavy on crossbow related feats, SP boost, and are still thinking about the future.

INT is our primary, DEX secondary with CON third.

We are currently level 10.