Remember folks, joining a guild is a lot like picking up some wayward floosy you met at the don't wanna take the first one that says yes home with ya.
Sure it might seem like the right thing to do at the moment, but more often than not you regret it.
If your a new player, take some time to find out which guild suits you best, if your have been playing a while, ask yourself why hasn't guild X asked you to join already. Its not like you dont get ship invites before a quest so there really is no urgency to get guilded.
When you are ready, a guild worth being in will ask you to join them. If you get a blind invite, be sure to click NO. If your a decent player the only thing you will accomplish is making a bunch of guild favor that will be wasted on a guild that can not keep up with their rate of decay.
Nothing worse than being stuck at guild level 70 for 2 years and watching the jokes fly in general chat when the global announcement declares that so-and-so has just hit level 70 (Disclaimer: This is in no way, shape or form a reference to Citadel)