Just want to say, Yes, Ive SEEN the ddo wiki bit on shield blocking and how it effects DR. I get the "Equation" behind it- What i dont get, is what the heck im missing.

What do I mean? Well ill give an example from something I noticed while doing the cove.

This is against a single skeleton-archer on lvl16 just for demonstration purposes. I proceeded to let it attack me endlessly. These are some snips from my combat log:

Not blocking:

Skeletal Archer Ex-Pirate hit you for a total of 4 point of pierce damage after 2 were blocked by Chaotic damage reduction.
Skeletal Archer Ex-Pirate hit you for a total of 5 point of pierce damage after 2 were blocked by Chaotic damage reduction.
Skeletal Archer Ex-Pirate hit you for a total of 5 point of pierce damage after 2 were blocked by Chaotic damage reduction.
Skeletal Archer Ex-Pirate hit you for a total of 4 point of pierce damage after 2 were blocked by Chaotic damage reduction.


Skeletal Archer Ex-Pirate hit you for a total of 1 point of pierce damage after 10 were blocked by Chaotic damage reduction.
Skeletal Archer Ex-Pirate hit you for a total of 1 point of pierce damage after 10 were blocked by Chaotic damage reduction.
Skeletal Archer Ex-Pirate hit you for a total of 1 point of pierce damage after 10 were blocked by Chaotic damage reduction.
Skeletal Archer Ex-Pirate hit you for a total of 1 point of pierce damage after 10 were blocked by Chaotic damage reduction.
Skeletal Archer Ex-Pirate hit you for a total of 1 point of pierce damage after 10 were blocked by Chaotic damage reduction.

Hitting details in my inventory reveals an active-blocking DR of 17. My character sheet shots a dr of 2/chaotic, from my cav plate.

Sooo, what the heck gives? This thing is doing 6-7 "Total" damage when im not blocking, then magically (as far as i can see- again, i know im missing something- i just want to know what) gets a solid 11 damage when I AM blocking (sometimes it does do 0 damage, but mostly it does 1s with 0s being few and far between). Why is this? Whats this 10 chaotic damage reduction? Whats happening to my 17 shield blocking dr?

Any light on the situation would be helpful.