Variations / gearsets & breakdowns for additional roles and/or future ideas.
Cha based (34pt, PL whatever - but much more effective with several PL Wiz for spell pen)
19/1 Sorc Fighter (More than partial credit to Kennyburns) for access to wail as well as energydrain and the +1 spell pen.
Base stats
Str 8
Dex 8
Con 20
Int 10
Wis 6
Cha 21
Feats (not in order)
Toughness X1
Spell Focus Conjuration/Evocation
Spell Focus - Whatever you are speccing into (actually PL Wiz is best here)
Fighter feats
Shield mastery
Some combination of UMD, Concentration, Balance...
While the original version of Agordmils was Chabased, the gearing was essentially the same. I had Dc/cha gear as normal use gear and tanking gear as swap ins.
Intimidate Spec (36pt build, PL Barb, PL whatever) - This is my 'planned' final build for whenever I decide to do a string of barb lives.
18/2 Sorc/Fighter - Warforged
Base stats
Str 8
Dex 8
Con 25
Int 12
Wis 6
Cha 16
Leveling order (up for debate, the second fighter could come earlier)
1 fighter
2-19 sorc
20 fighter
Max intimidate + see above for rest of points
Feats (not in order)
Toughness X1
PL Barb
Heighten - Droppable for Toughness and/or Skill focus Intimidate
Spell Focus Conjuration
Fighter feats
Shield mastery
Improved Shield mastery
Same as above except with fighter intimi T1.
to be determined, see intimi breakdown for now.
Intimidate Breakdown
23 base ranks
20 Brawns
5 Eclaw gloves
6 Cha skills item
4 guild slot
4 favor
2 barb PL
9 Cha bonus (16 base, 2 tome, 7 item, 3 exc)
1 enhancement
4 GH
2 Luck
1 cha Yugo pot
1 +4 Cha tome (+3 and litany will not work due to Ebrawn)
If somehow you need more:
Bull head is 2
Skill Focus is 3
For a max of 87 sustainable
+1 Cha shrine on shipbuff
In theory, Cha skills is on GS belt swapped
when possible back to hp or % crit,
Brawns is left in as needed
Claw gloves are a swap in.
Good luck bonus on Brawns slot.
Adding Melee To any of the builds. - WIP
Basically a random idea I had for an increase [no matter how minimal] in dps when I am not tanking - Worst case I get an Esos to link to melees, best case I get a few situational DPS
Take Fighter haste boost 1, maybe crit accuracy.
Heighten (or the second toughness) is dropped for Improved Crit.
To-Hit breakdown (Not saying to saying to use all of this, just saying to use whatever is needed to hit reliably)
Note that the first str value used for this is 20 and is more of a "personal number"... replace it (and the later str gear/tomes in the breakdown) with whatever you plan to have.
(+4, +8 respectively for destruction / imp destruction.)
11 - BaB
5 (20 str)
+10 Epic Sos
+9 Divine Power
+5 sneak attack Tharnes
+4 sneak attack Yugo dex (technically, Yugo dex gives +6 sneak and -2 everything for a total of +4 sneak)
+1 (Exceptional str1 + str 7)
+3 Exceptional sneak attack, Epic Ring of stalker
+1 haste
+2 training dummy
+1 kobold shaman
+2 (+2 trinket crafted)
+2 Fvs Aura (With my guild I can count this as a permanant buff due to a massive amount of FvS players (evokers/tanks/melee... etc)
+2 (+4)trinket crafted
+1 (+3 str tome)
+1 (+2exceptional str)
+2 (ToD Warpriest set)
+1 str yugo (+1 damage/tohit)
DPS boost - WIP