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  1. #1
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    Default Agordmils - current build info and ideas/variation

    Current Game (U23): This build is rather dated; read: this build was optimal in U9. Though, following the PRR/MRR changes... and with serious effort... one could probably make a variant of it to achieve goals similar to the original's.

    Post U14 Update
    - Change fighter levels to paladin. Drop either a toughness or a shieldmastery feat.
    - 36 point build, points into int. Max intimidate / UMD, rest into concentration / jump
    - Level-ups to Cha. Conj Focus swapped to Evocation.
    - Majority of time spent in Draconic Destiny (Full Burst/Vortex line, +intimidate/Roar, Wings/Spellpower/Breath line)
    - Can use Sentinel (Shield line, Full Con line, Deathward, Brace)
    - Twists vary (all PRR / Double Rainbow [w/ missile spells & icestorm] / saves / Burst)
    - Perma ring swapped to Recon spellpower (Atm T3 Epic Ring of the Master Artifice w/ no slots filled)
    - Trinket almost exclusively an Epic Brawn's Spirit w/ -15% ASF slotted.


    A few people had asked me ingame for my build's info so I had kept it off the forums for the most part, I was recently asked on the forums so I am publicly posting it. I will try to answer any questions, if there are any, to the best of my ability.

    -This build is not a 'theory build', I've played it for months and tested pretty much every aspect I could think of on it. The builds in post 2, however, are planned builds using almost the same setup. The build is setup for my playstyle, a style that is also the style of my guildies; you may find that it doesn't work for you. -

    The idea behind Agordmils was to have a near unkillable caster for soloing and tanking raids. The 18/2 split was suggested to me by a guildie as a substitute for FvS (I liked the castertanks play style but had not yet bought FvS) Anything else was/is extra and is treated as such. The lack of two casterlevels is actually minimal in terms of dps/threat output, the capstone is also 'minimal' when compared to 20% DR.

    Agordmils (Current) - Warforged
    Sorcerer 18, Fighter 2
    Chaotic Neutral
    34 pt build, past life sorc

    Hitpoints - 761 (w/ +2 tomes only and with room for improvement)
    Healing amp (shipbuff, normal tank gear) - 110.9%
    Healing amp in current max gear (i'm missing stuff) is approx 10% higher.

    Base stats
    Str 8
    Dex 8
    Con 25
    Int 10
    Wis 6
    Cha 16

    Current leveling order is/was:
    1- 18 Sorc
    19 - 20 fighter

    Feats (not in order, I figure everyone has thier own leveling preferances regarding metas/toughness)
    Toughness X2
    Spell Focus Conjuration

    Fighter feats
    Shield mastery
    Improved Shield mastery

    Skills (assume +2 int tome at L7)
    11 UMD
    1 Tumble
    Rest Concentrtion/balance.

    Ice Savant
    High and/or maxed ice and electric lines
    Maxed repair potency, ignored repair crit
    Maxed con
    Maxed Toughness
    T1 inscribed armour
    T1 healers friend
    Rest whatever works for you

    Current (personal) gear setup
    Helmet - Epic Helm of Frost (GFL slotted)
    Goggles - 45hp conc opp GS goggles.
    Necklace - Epic Torc (+1 exceptional con slotted)
    Trinket - Crystal Cove Stalwart Trinket or PLIS or Anything with -15% ASF (ToD when the boots get swapped out) slotted or crafted 33% resist trinkets or Bauble.
    Docent - Docent of Defiance or Deathblock/Corrosive Salt/Enervation DT or Bloodrage of Axeblock (crafted) or Infused Chaos Docent with +10 reflex slotted.
    Boots - Epic Boots of Corrosion (Exceptional +1 Cha slotted, -15% ASF slotted) or Epic Rockboots (almost never use, the CC is counter productive to torcing) or boots of anchoring
    Gloves - Epic Charged Gauntlets (fear immunity slotted) or bramble casters or 15 exceptional cold resist GS gloves
    Cloak - Epic Envenomed Cloak (Toughness slotted) or Epic Cloak of Flames (Toughness and con 6 slotted)
    Wrists - Epic Scorched Bracers (Heavy Fort slotted)
    Ring1 (always on) - Rahkirs (+2 con slotted)
    Ring2 - A Tod Ring with +2 cha slotted (or +15% fire resist or +15% elec resist) or Anathema or Eye of the Beholder or Omniscience or a Tod ring with 6 dex 1 dex (2 dex slotted).
    Belt - Rahkirs Sash or crafted +balance belt with large slot 20hp or lions headed belt buckle or plenty of divine power clickies.
    Weapon - +6 Str/20%/30% healing amp Conc opp GS bastard sword or Greenblade or Staff of the petitioner or Epic Timeblade (FoM) or 10%/15%/20% Cold absorb GS weapon or a billion 75% damage clickies.
    Shield - Alchemical Largeshield (crystal) Martial T1/T2 Water/Earth with Mystical T3 Fire
    or Lorriks or Shield of reflecting or Divine Vengance or Phiarlan shields or Skyvault (Mournlands debuff sucks).
    Last edited by Darknark; 11-25-2014 at 12:23 AM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  2. #2
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    Variations / gearsets & breakdowns for additional roles and/or future ideas.

    Cha based (34pt, PL whatever - but much more effective with several PL Wiz for spell pen)
    19/1 Sorc Fighter (More than partial credit to Kennyburns) for access to wail as well as energydrain and the +1 spell pen.

    Base stats
    Str 8
    Dex 8
    Con 20
    Int 10 
    Wis 6
    Cha 21
    Feats (not in order)
    Toughness X1
    Spell Focus Conjuration/Evocation
    Spell Focus - Whatever you are speccing into (actually PL Wiz is best here)
    Fighter feats
    Shield mastery
    Some combination of UMD, Concentration, Balance... 
    While the original version of Agordmils was Chabased, the gearing was essentially the same. I had Dc/cha gear as normal use gear and tanking gear as swap ins.

    Intimidate Spec (36pt build, PL Barb, PL whatever)
    - This is my 'planned' final build for whenever I decide to do a string of barb lives.
    18/2 Sorc/Fighter - Warforged
    Base stats
    Str 8
    Dex 8
    Con 25
    Int 12 
    Wis 6
    Cha 16
    Leveling order (up for debate, the second fighter could come earlier)
    1 fighter 
    2-19 sorc
    20 fighter 
    Max intimidate +  see above for rest of points
    Feats (not in order)
    Toughness X1
    PL Barb
    Heighten - Droppable for Toughness and/or Skill focus Intimidate
    Spell Focus Conjuration
    Fighter feats
    Shield mastery
    Improved Shield mastery
    Same as above except with fighter intimi T1.
    to be determined, see intimi breakdown for now.
    Intimidate Breakdown
    23 base ranks
    20 Brawns
    5 Eclaw gloves
    6 Cha skills item
    4 guild slot
    4 favor
    2 barb PL
    9 Cha bonus (16 base, 2 tome, 7 item, 3 exc)
    1 enhancement
    4 GH
    2 Luck
    1 cha Yugo pot
    1 +4 Cha tome (+3 and litany will not work due to Ebrawn)
    If somehow you need more: 
    Bull head is 2
    Skill Focus is 3
    For a max of 87 sustainable
    +1 Cha shrine on shipbuff
    In theory, Cha skills is on GS belt swapped 
    when possible back to hp or % crit, 
    Brawns is left in as needed
    Claw gloves are a swap in.
    Good luck bonus on Brawns slot.

    Adding Melee To any of the builds. - WIP

    Basically a random idea I had for an increase [no matter how minimal] in dps when I am not tanking - Worst case I get an Esos to link to melees, best case I get a few situational DPS

    Take Fighter haste boost 1, maybe crit accuracy.
    Heighten (or the second toughness) is dropped for Improved Crit.

    To-Hit breakdown (Not saying to saying to use all of this, just saying to use whatever is needed to hit reliably)
    Note that the first str value used for this is 20 and is more of a "personal number"... replace it (and the later str gear/tomes in the breakdown) with whatever you plan to have.

    (+4, +8 respectively for destruction / imp destruction.)
    11 - BaB
    5 (20 str)
    +10 Epic Sos
    +9 Divine Power
    +5 sneak attack Tharnes
    +4 sneak attack Yugo dex (technically, Yugo dex gives +6 sneak and -2 everything for a total of +4 sneak)
    +1 (Exceptional str1 + str 7)
    +3 Exceptional sneak attack, Epic Ring of stalker
    +1 haste
    +2 training dummy
    +1 kobold shaman
    +2 (+2 trinket crafted)
    +2 Fvs Aura (With my guild I can count this as a permanant buff due to a massive amount of FvS players (evokers/tanks/melee... etc)
    +2 (+4)trinket crafted
    +1 (+3 str tome)
    +1 (+2exceptional str)
    +2 (ToD Warpriest set)
    +1 str yugo (+1 damage/tohit)
    DPS boost - WIP
    Last edited by Darknark; 05-06-2012 at 02:03 PM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  3. #3
    Community Member FengXian's Avatar
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    Thanks, I was wondering about your build too as I'm (supposed to be) leveling a sorc myself and the tanking aspect was intriguing me.

    Some helpful info here^^

    A question, is earth savant viable end game too? But I guess I'll need both Ice and Elec maxed for DoT tanking :/
    Cannith - Juzam, Fighter 8 Ranger 6 Monk 6 AA/ Orocarn, Wraith 12 Stalwart Defender 6 Rogue 2 / Taigongwanng, Sorc TRing - Alleanza degli Uomini Liberi/Guardiani di Eberron

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by FengXian View Post
    A question, is earth savant viable end game too? But I guess I'll need both Ice and Elec maxed for DoT tanking :/
    IMO, for tanking? not optimal, but it works.

    I was a big supporter of earth until I decided to solo ToD.. the dps was not even enough to out dps the shadowmasters self healing by a reasonable amount.
    Post re-spec it takes around 25-30 minutes for parts 1 and 2 combined; a very large dps boost.
    Additionally, earthsavants weakest Dot is the one least resisted by Devil bosses - a factor that is a pain when tanking in heavily geared groups.

    For soloing though, when dps is not an issue, earthsavant has many good qualities.
    The "perma" earthgrab locks down pretty much anything in the game and the acid rains wipe out mobs of trash quickly. Additionally, very few things are immune to it.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  5. #5
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    Are heighten and spell focus: conjuration worth it? I would imagine most of your DCs are going to be too low to matter in most cases and that most of your damage is coming from no save spells anyway.

    I would consider replacing spell focus with the sorc past life feat. It's only 95 sp but you'll be able to last longer before you to run out/ need to use pots.

    I'm not sure what your DCs are like, but without heighten you'd have another feat slot and quite a few of your spells will be cheaper.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex301 View Post
    Are heighten and spell focus: conjuration worth it? I would imagine most of your DCs are going to be too low to matter in most cases and that most of your damage is coming from no save spells anyway.

    I would consider replacing spell focus with the sorc past life feat. It's only 95 sp but you'll be able to last longer before you to run out/ need to use pots.

    I'm not sure what your DCs are like, but without heighten you'd have another feat slot and quite a few of your spells will be cheaper.
    Was thinking the same.

    Whats your final cha and DC? That heighten might not be worth it if your primary goal is DoT + Shield tanking.

    Is SF: Conj just to take the savant prereq? In that case, why not Evo since you are an Ice savant?

  7. #7
    Community Member Kennyburns's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Whats your final cha and DC? That heighten might not be worth it if your primary goal is DoT + Shield tanking.
    Cha, 42 KennyBurns Version
    DC 38 enchant
    37 necro/evocation
    36 conjuration
    Took spell focus evoc cus I'm smart
    Agord still has that feat from when he was an acid sav and didn't change it I would guess
    Officer Of Templar - Now Recruiting
    KennyBurns - Electric Savant DPS~ KennyFails The Completionist - Rogue Stick Life 15/15 Completionist ~ KennyHeals - Fvs Healer~ KennyRanges - TWF Manyshoot Of Cannith

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex301 View Post
    Are heighten and spell focus: conjuration worth it? I would imagine most of your DCs are going to be too low to matter in most cases and that most of your damage is coming from no save spells anyway.

    I would consider replacing spell focus with the sorc past life feat. It's only 95 sp but you'll be able to last longer before you to run out/ need to use pots.

    I'm not sure what your DCs are like, but without heighten you'd have another feat slot and quite a few of your spells will be cheaper.

    1) Conj is from back when I was acid savant, When I decided to do my ToD and had to respec I never got around to changing it out. The build atm lists current feats. The chabased version lists it because I was tired at the time and didn't notice when I copy-pasted.

    2) Total SP is not an issue, IMO mental gimpness is a trap and should never be considered as a feat [with some exceptions *cough* Archmage req *cough*], and running out of sp hasn't been an issue.

    Though, in all honesty, many pug groups try and do "what normally works for a melee tank" and end up doing just about everything possible to make you run out of sp (Displace.. blur... Cloudspells....Dancing ball on you so that the trash that isn't even bothering the party can't hope to hit you....FoD the mob that is giving you passive free sp.....etc).

    I generally only pot when my failure to do so would cause a wipe for my friends or guildies (or if it would cause them to pot). If that is not a factor I just wait for people to die and get infinite sp again. When soloing I refuse to pot. I don't pot to cover other people's mistakes.

    3) You can toggle meta's so it isn't actually wasting SP. Heighten is worth 2 DC on FoD and 7DC on Web.
    3.1) Web, even with a stupidly low DC, is able to CC the majority of mobs.
    3.2) Meta's apply to SLA's for free. This gives those SLA's a much higher chance of not doing terrible damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Was thinking the same.

    Whats your final cha and DC? That heighten might not be worth it if your primary goal is DoT + Shield tanking.

    Is SF: Conj just to take the savant prereq? In that case, why not Evo since you are an Ice savant?
    Final DC's (no +4 tome yet) are - N34, C36. (Usually +2 to both due to FvS aura on mobs though.... prettymuch everyone in my guild plays one)
    I don't go casting FoD on everything, just the things I have to. Casters...artis.....etc.

    I currently see it as this:
    Heighten - +2 DC Fod, +7 DC web.
    SF: Conj - +1DC web

    Sure, I almost never use web, but +7 DC for when I actually use it is IMO more useful to me (situationally) than 22hp (When I'm sitting at 761 with only a +2 tome and no barb lives... nor SFL)

    Lastly, @ Kenny, The SF conj/heighten is there for the above reasons. I wanted that little bit of cc ability instead of another 22hp.
    Last edited by Darknark; 05-06-2012 at 02:40 PM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  9. #9
    Community Member ElbionTcob's Avatar
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    I know your looking at swapping to Air Savant for even increased DPS against devils bosses. I can see this making your solo eChrono easier as well as helping you solo TOD with sully easier.

    But as an Air Savant you do lose the Ice Grab thingy effect. And as a Con Based Sorc that makes your DC on that really good (Trust me guys, holding paladins in ELOB).

    But Air Savant you get the Immunity to Knockdown ability as well as super farts, so my question is.

    Air Savant vs. Ice Savant, better for tanking?
    Cannith- A Tribe Called Zerg
    Elbion Tosscobble: TR'ing Atm
    Ivena: 20 Rouge TR1 Dps/Epic Trapper/Epic Assassination
    And a multitude of changing alts

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElbionTcob View Post
    I know your looking at swapping to Air Savant for even increased DPS against devils bosses. I can see this making your solo eChrono easier as well as helping you solo TOD with sully easier.

    Air Savant vs. Ice Savant, better for tanking?
    Personal preferance I think. They both work better at certain situations (tanking and non-tanking).

    Air sav gets wings, very nice and useful.

    Boss starts in fire, Ice is able to get higher initial DPS in [what is usually considered to be] the dangerous form.

    Air gets higher DPS on higher difficulties
    Ice gets cold resistance for Shadows + nytherios (yea.. that's minimal at best)

    Air gets wings (for speed, this could make it much easier to do two islands solo) and electric resist.
    Ice can use its higher burst dps with the 'infinite egg sp'. Ice has higher burst DPS for killing its Djinn rapidly while solo.

    Air gets knockdown and wings
    Ice gets higher DPS (and with tumbling and/or a reasonable reflex save) the cometfalls aren't an issue anyways.

    They are essentially the same - Air, as usual, has higher devil dps on higher difficulties - because VoD is basically an infinite SP pikefest for ~18-50mins depending on difficulty.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darknark View Post
    What are your saves? Many of these bosses cast spells and on Elite/Epic some of them are really dangerous.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    What are your saves? Many of these bosses cast spells and on Elite/Epic some of them are really dangerous.
    Here are the screenies meant to show what I had in ToD - they are in my Solo tanking setups and thus sacrifice everything unimportant (I took these screenies the day after and they may or may not have GH [I can't remember atm])

    There are very few spells that are dangerous. Disintigrate in Tod only matters when I roll a 1, Cometfalls in EDQ can be dodged with ease (or you can swap into reflex gear and tank it). Everything else tends to be minimal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darknark View Post
    Last edited by Darknark; 05-06-2012 at 02:56 PM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darknark View Post
    2) running out of sp hasn't been an issue.
    What is sp regeneration like in an echrono run for example though and how much are healers needed? Maintaining enough dps to retain aggro and self healing must require significant sp usage. Is having all the devils attacking you as well enough to regenerate sp as quickly as you're using it?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex301 View Post
    What is sp regeneration like in an echrono run for example though and how much are healers needed? Maintaining enough dps to retain aggro and self healing must require significant sp usage. Is having all the devils attacking you as well enough to regenerate sp as quickly as you're using it?
    A tank is by no means required for Echrono.

    Even when im maintanking raids most healers don't actually heal me, It doesn't bother me.

    In Echrono in a low dps group without a healer I usually shrine, with a healer I don't.
    In a higher dps group I don't have to shrine even without heals.

    The devils have random aggro, the biggest factor is getting people to not displace you or cast a dancing ball on top of you.
    Last edited by Darknark; 05-06-2012 at 04:17 PM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  15. #15
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    761HP, can i know how pls?

  16. #16
    Community Member Kennyburns's Avatar
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    KennyBurns Full Build
    Past Lives: Wizard, Sorcerer
    Starting Stats
    Str 8
    Dex 8
    Con 20
    Int 12
    Wis 6
    Cha 21
    Skills - Concentration, Intimidate, UMD
    +2 Tome of All
    +3 Tome of Charisma
    Fighter Lvl 1
    Sorcerer Lvl 2-20
    Feats (In order)
    1:Toughness X1
    1:Fighter - Shield Mastery
    12:Spell Focus Evocation
    15: Heighten
    18:Improved Shield Mastery
    Improved Maximize 2 - 6
    Racial Toughness 3 - 6
    Air Sav 3 - 8
    Maxed Out Electric Damage and Crit - 19
    Maxed Out Ice Damage and 1 In Crits - 9
    Maxed Out Repair Damage - 7
    Sorc Sp 2 - 3
    Sorc Charisma 3 - 12
    WF Con 2 - 6
    Fighter Toughness - 1
    WF Healers Friend - 2
    WF Inscribed Armor - 1
    Fixed Your repost of my version Agord
    Last edited by Kennyburns; 05-08-2012 at 04:05 PM.
    Officer Of Templar - Now Recruiting
    KennyBurns - Electric Savant DPS~ KennyFails The Completionist - Rogue Stick Life 15/15 Completionist ~ KennyHeals - Fvs Healer~ KennyRanges - TWF Manyshoot Of Cannith

  17. #17
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    update with Unyielding Sentinel destiny,dark?

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