We go through this every time CC opens, and this seems to fall mostly on deaf ears, but here goes anyway:
* Extend this new lockout timer to 18 minutes. DISCUSSED HERE.
* Change the "wilderness" area to a private instance. Keep the boat, wharf, and tavern as a common area/public instance with NO mobs.
** Removes the stupid mechanic where a lvl 5 can get stomped by AOEs from lvl 20+ mobs just because they were standing next to a high lvl player and didnt know it.
** Eliminates all forms of kill-stealing.
** Stops the griefing where some dink thinks its cute to drag aggro onto the boat to get ppl killed while they are puttering around in the box.
* Add a bank to the Cove. This should be self-explanatory.
* Add an Airship Port to the Cove (only accessible during the event). I realize its probably just a pipe dream and not gonna happen, but...
* Give us a use for Gold Coins. I always have a ridiculous amount of gold compared to copper and silver -- and end up just destroying it. And no, I dont mean just add gold cost onto existing items.
** Allow us to buy Requisition Forms for 10K gold each. I realize you want people to buy them from the store when they run out, but i am NEVER going to buy one, and I have yet to run into a player who is willing to do so.
** Bundle of Torches: 5K, Exclusive, Only usable inside the quest, grants 5 torches, drops upon exit (the torches, not the bundle). This is a potential for up to 30 torches from the entire party, which is more than enough to acquire in this manner. Also, Healing torches could be purchased in the same way, 1K each, limit one per person.
** Distilled Pirate's Port: 10K, Exclusive, Usable only in the quest, gives 5 Pirate's Ports, BTC, drops upon exit (the 5 ports, not the distilled version). Again, I will never buy this in the store, and have yet to meet the person who does.
** Various buffs for the Kobolds These special items would be BTC, exclusive, usable only in the quest, cost 5-10K each, and last for the duration of the quest. When used, they would have "global" effects on all kobolds in the instance. They could include things such as:
*** More HP
*** More AC
*** Faster run speed
*** 10% blur effect
*** Small regen (1 pt per 30 secs or so, might allow to stack up to 3 times)
*** +1 Barrel to all kobolds (not stackable with other barrel buffs, but stacks with the reqs and normal barrels, up to the max)
*** Elemental resistance: 5 (not stackable with any other buffs, overridden by "real" buffs)
* Reward players who cap early. Standing around doing nothing but beating on hobbo's for 7+ minutes is getting very old. If my group manages to get quota *and* 200 crystals early, we should get some benefit from it. I realize it is set up to limit the number of crystals attainable in a given amount of time, but really -- one of the biggest complaints I hear (constantly) about CC is the fact you cant get anything better for doing a great job. Add some optionals: Complete within 5/10/15 minutes, get an additional 15/10/5% bonus to XP and shards -- only one bonus (the highest) applies per run.
* Put the named mobs on an optionals list, so you can see when they have spawned and been killed. When running multiple times, all the runs tend to blur together -- not to mention it is often easy to miss when you are in the middle of a pitched battle. Perhaps even give some XP for their deaths as well -- proportionate to the quest of course, say 1-5% of the base XP.
* Give some optional bonus goodies (lets say 5% XP/shards) for keeping all kobolds alive. Perhaps then we wont just say "screw those 'bolds" and go hide behind the shrines when we cap in 10 mins. A rezzed kobold does not count as meeting the requirement -- if a single kobold dies, you dont get he bonus, period.
* Pop-up warning (similar to explorer areas) that tells you someone over the level of the quest has entered the zone. I cant tell you how many times the party leader has done this, either through ignorance or lack of common courtesy, and no one realized it until the shards were rewarded -- with a penalty. We shouldnt have to vet every player that joins the LFM. It would also serve to "educate" the PLs who just dont know any better. (This would actually be a nice feature for ALL quests, but I will settle for CC for now).
I am one of the die-hard fans of the Cove, but even I am getting tired of some of the stuff in there. I would like to see some improvements/changes to the quest to make it more appealing -- not only to me, but to others as well. many of the above suggestions are taken from actual groups I have been in over the course of the event.
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EDIT: Additional suggestions:
* Give us the ability to turn in MORE THAN ONE FREAKING MAP PIECE AT A TIME. Aside from the tedious, BORING spam-clicking (which is a problem with ALL of the barter interfaces), I have osteoarthritis, and there are days where playing DDO is quite painful -- literally. Having to click that stupid box 400+ times only makes it worse. The end result is that I simply dont go hunt the maps, which means the doors open slower. This is an extremely common complaint among all players I have talked to. Many end up not hunting maps, because they dont want to sit there clicking the button over and over. Let us turn them in in lots of 20, 50, 100. If this ends up with too many being turned in at the same time as the doors are about to open, let them spill over into the next batch.