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Thread: Epic Destinies

  1. #1201
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    And yes it is complaining, because while Turbine is making a system where people can CHOOSE (moar options) to go one route or the other, people are complaining they want both. If they CHOOSE to stay at heroic cap and raid for two weeks, they want to be able to keep that XP. Its like asking a toddler if at a grocery store if they want skittles or a candy bar and the kid starts crying because (s)he cant have both.

    Good lord folks, is it POSSIBLE to disagree with someone without implying they are slow, stupid, wrong, or childish?

    Agree/disagree with the content, but are the aspersions really necessary to make a point?

    I don't see why the guy can't ask for both. Players ask to have their cake and eat it too constantly. I'm undecided for the most part on this subject, but I know I don't want be required to take levels 21-25 if I'm TRing a past life or build I'm not that thrilled about.

  2. #1202
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    Wow, quite a read.

    Some assumptions going on in this thread that I don't understand. Like one wont be able to jump right into end game content on completing a TR because they lack the 50hp, +2 saves +3 BAB and 2 feats of their level 25 brethren. Seems a bit far fetched to me as Epic 20-25, as described, appears to be rather similar to the current 18-20 range as far as character power goes and the only thing keeping current level 18's from running epic end game is the game wont let them in.

  3. #1203
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    the information given is a little poor in the sense that we have no idea what epic destinies do

    though there is one point

    "Players can change an Epic Destiny in public areas by locating a Fatespinner"

    if as said in there the devs want us to often change the epic destinies, give us a way to "save" and "load" different sets when doing so, because if this thing is anything close to the action points, changing from one set of epic destinies to the other by hand is just not an option, I'm foreseeing that if a save/load feature is not added people will just choose a set of destinies and go with it wihtout changing it just because is not worth the time

  4. #1204
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default Are we still really talking about TRing?

    The nuances of how epic destinies will affect TRing are important to me, but as others have voiced, I believe that it's exploded into a discussion that warrants a thread of its own.

    In other words, can we stop bickering about it until its released or at least move it to a thread explicitly about TRing+epic destinies? Kthx.

    I think the devs could benefit a lot from an engaging discussion about what we'd like to see in epic destinies and why. A couple of ideas:

    1] Expound a bit more on how epic destinies can help melees compete a bit more in endgame content efficacy [read: killing a whole lot of mobs]
    2] Suggest some P&P-inspired feats and skills that can bring meaningful defensive tactics (with our without the context of the purported upcoming to-hit and AC revisions)

    I personally have been highly anticipating something that would mimic cleric domains and anything that can increase the spell power of bards. Though I'd much rather real domains be implemented, new divine spells be added (I'm essentially blissful about the thought of the new Regenerations pells), and new bard spells be added (sonic DoTs, sonic guards, more CC, etc.), perhaps some of these issues can be addressed within the sphere of epic destinies.

    Again, not out of an authoritarian impulse but rather a community suggestion, please start a new thread about TRing with cogent and constructive posts and leave this thread for talk of the actual nature of epic destiny implementation!
    Last edited by SealedInSong; 06-04-2012 at 12:01 PM. Reason: typo
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  5. #1205
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Bring back shadowdancer - dex applies to damage for finesse builds. we are the forgotton stepchilds of combat! or bring back the old tempest code...
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  6. #1206
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    Thumbs down

    My only complaint so far is that as an artificer who by class is generally ranged cant get acess to the ranger ED. the ones available to my arty (18 arty/2 monk) do him no real good. The Fatesinger, Draconic Incarnation and the Magister.

  7. #1207
    Hero Phoenix-daBard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhyxRaen View Post
    My only complaint so far is that as an artificer who by class is generally ranged cant get acess to the ranger ED. the ones available to my arty (18 arty/2 monk) do him no real good. The Fatesinger, Draconic Incarnation and the Magister.
    Same here. I went with Magister as I wasn't too impressed with Draconic Incarnation on beta.

  8. #1208
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    Post patch from today, executioners shot is still not applying the death chance. I would like a little clarification on how to make it work since the description is not the most clear and I may be using it incorrectly.

  9. #1209
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhyxRaen View Post
    My only complaint so far is that as an artificer who by class is generally ranged cant get acess to the ranger ED. the ones available to my arty (18 arty/2 monk) do him no real good. The Fatesinger, Draconic Incarnation and the Magister.
    Actually suprisingly the Fatesinger bonuses are quite welcome and have some decent twists.

    As for access to Shradi champion I don't get why there's no attachment from Divine <-> Arcane <-> Primal...why force us to go through martial.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  10. #1210
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    Many of the bonuses shouldn't be class specific, example: why should magister caster level increases only work for certain classes? I cannot see it unbalancing by being more inclusive to all the classes, if a paladin, artificer, cleric or whatever wants to take magister why should it not benefit them? Of course certain things wont be applicable.

  11. #1211
    Community Member Charononus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    A character that reaches Heroic level 20 will automatically begin to accumulate Epic XP, progressing through Epic levels 21 through 25. XP required to level is identical for all characters, regardless of number of TR's. If a character's Heroic level drops below 20 (for example, through True Reincarnation), Epic advancement and all benefits related to it are suppressed. When the character reaches Heroic level 20 again, they will be returned.

    Advancing an Epic level grants static benefits regardless of your Heroic class composition. Players may customize their epic advancement using the Epic Destiny system, which resembles the traditional D&D Prestige Class system.

    Characters that are level 20 can visit a Fatespinner and select an Epic Destiny if they have acquired access to them. (It's part of the MotU bundles.)

    Epic Destinies are sort of like Prestige Classes that apply to your Epic levels. They each have five levels (plus benefits at level zero, just for having them selected) and their own enhancement trees.

    The level 20+ character with no available destinies will be able to select a starting destiny from one of 10.

    Epic Destinies have their own experience bar and level up independently from your actual epic levels. The two bars will advance in parallel.

    Characters can gain access to multiple Epic Destinies. When you reach level 3 in an Epic Destiny, adjacent Destinies within the same sphere become available to the character. When you reach level 4 in certain "bridge" Epic Destinies, adjacent Destinies in other spheres become available.

    A character can visit the Fatespinner to suppress their currently active Destiny and switch to another that they have access to. Any advancement in their old Destiny is not lost, but they gain no benefits from their old Epic Destiny. (There's an exception to this called a Twist of Fate, but I'll get to that in a bit.) At any time the character can visit the Fatespinner and switch back to their old Epic Destiny.

    Epic Enhancement trees are similar to the Class Enhancement trees you've seen, but you have only one tree active at a time, there's an extra row, and vertical access is gated by Destiny Level 0/1/2/3/4/5 as well as 0/4/8/12/16/20 AP spent. Granted abilities are purely associated with Destiny Level 0/1/2/3/4/5, and have no AP spent prerequisites.

    Every 3 Destiny Levels gained (cumulatively across all Epic Destinies) will grant the player a Fate Point. Fate Points can be used to unlock Twists of Fate or advance them.

    A newly unlocked Twist of Fate permits you to set a level 0 or 1 epic enhancement as retained even if you switch to a different Epic Destiny. For example, you could retain Improved Power Attack from the Legendary Dreadnought even if you switched over to Shadowdancer.

    Automatically granted abilities cannot be placed into a Twist of Fate slot, and you gain no additional benefit if a Twist of Fate is populated with an enhancement from your currently active Destiny.

    Sample Twist of Fate costs:

    Unlock First Twist of Fate: 1 Fate Point
    Upgrade First Twist to Max Tier 2: 2 Fate Points
    Upgrade First Twist to Max Tier 3: 3 Fate Points

    Unlock Second Twist of Fate: 2 Fate Points
    Upgrade Second Twist to Max Tier 2: 3 Fate Points
    Upgrade Second Twist to Max Tier 3: 4 Fate Points

    Unlock Third Twist of Fate: 3 Fate Points
    Upgrade Third Twist to Max Tier 2: 4 Fate Points
    Upgrade Third Twist to Max Tier 3: 5 Fate Points
    Couldn't leave it alone you had to make it worse.

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