If I take a break from tr'ing I want to do end game content with my guild. That means I have to level 21-25 each time. Being stuck not at endgame but not ready to tr again puts you in limbo.
Unless you think end game raiding on the hardest difficulty should be capable at lev 20. Even then since I am with someone 5 levels over me I don't gain xp or has this changed?
You are creating a huge rift between end game players and tr players.
Then in the event you had what was stated to be 50 levels worth of epic destiny xp and thus all epic destinies there would be no "gain" other than re-reaching the point where your current incarnation could house all the power of being "epic" and also handle all the gains of your epic destiny and various twists of fate. Also you could potentially select new epic feats that better fit your current build concept.
I suppose in theory they could put in some sort of system where you get some passive "epic life" feats for regaining epic levels 21-25 and further add to the power creep.
Who knows what the future may bring
Keeper of Keenbean's Heart
I complete agree, plus if new player and just learning the game and u just Level all the way to 25. Then you find out about the TR system and want to enhance your abilties. Guess what you just been force to redo 21 to 25 with no further advancement. This for me would be very big negative on doing it every. Basiclly you punishing the person for trying out the game and learning to play the game. They did not have the knowledge of plaing out the best use of there time.
in the article devs said you retain xp gained if you swap.
my fundamental point is that this is a game. the fun is had by playing. i enjoy going from 1-20 on my tr's because i get to play the game again. that will not change with 1-25, and i do not feel that i need a cookie for everything i do.
the arguing about 21-25 epic xp does make me want to ask: madfloyd, do we cap at 25 for epic destiny xp like character xp? or do we continue to collect epic destiny xp even if we're capped for leveling xp?
in the case of the first the benefit of grinding 21-25 again is obvious.
DISCLAIMER: All posts made while half-asleep, effected by touch(work) of idiocy, and off the top of the head... unless explicity stated otherwise :P
Lone wolf of The Order of the Wolf
I totally agree with both of you guys.
Not much to add, but I also wanted to note that with the enhancement changes being delayed until August there arises further frustration. With enhancement changes I'm willing to bet a lot of people will be rethinking their builds. Having to earn back the epic levels after all the cards are finally laid on the table seems a bit lame. In this case I don't think its an issue of challenge.. more so an issue of pointless grind.
Children / Zeya / Tyremus / Inspiring
Will the specific information on all this be available on the 10th?
ok but seriously MOST players wont even unlock all of them. the only ones that will get that type will be the ones who have the time or dedication to achieve that status. this really makes a lot of players happy they will get to unlock some of them. But seriously its the hard core gamers that are the only ones who will have all unlocked. so lets not go on a power binge here
Thanks to everyone at Turbine for this information.
I am fascinated and interested by all of this but obviously no-one out here has enough information to form an opinion or get irate about it.
I'm sure there will be enough doooomm for the whingers when the epic destinies and levels actually come out.
For now I'm not going to bite off the hands of any Turbine employee who is good enough to give us some information; I'm going to say thanks for the hard work and that I look forward to being able to do something new with my capped toons. It's also cool that those who don't like this don't have to have anything to do with it.
Roll on June!!!!!!!1
This. They gave those who TR a way to enjoy end game content without feeling like they are just wasting their time with an imminent TR on the horizon. They will still get a major benefit of end game content to keep, permanently, they will just have to get epic lvl 21-25 again whenever their TR grind is complete, or the next time they feel like taking a break.
I could swear I read somewhere that initially, you would have access to different destinies depending on your class split (18 levels in one class vs. 6 levels). I can't find this dev post anymore. Has it been edited out? Am I just crazy?
Well, hold on-
The epic destiny benefits can be unlocked in a single journey once you are capped at 25.
Once you TR, your epic destiny's are locked in, which is great. But the subsequent grinds thereafter don't result in any additional benefits, as you physically slave away toward 25 again, now do they?
I assure you that the majority of the endgame players will have it all unlocked, just as nick mentioned. And then what? We decide to flip through a past life quick and go through 21-25 all over again, this time, with your destiny's there. Now, after some endgame time, you release a new class or I all of a sudden want to get a completionist bcause I'm bored again- and then, AGAIN, need to go through 21-25 with no benefit from the previous 21-25 grind that I did. How is it detrimental to ANYONE or ANYTHING to just let the work you already did kick back in? Why must we grind the epic levels yet again....for what? why?
You punish us completionists by restricting our flexibility to have to run the druid first, rather than diving into the new stuff. The greater learning tome is irrelevent for epic xp, and on top of this we have multiple characters that would like to take advantage of the tr system and the epic leveling system.
Furthermore, as nick asked earlier, if epic timers persist as well, then we're gonna be grinding for a while...
Either keep TR'ing and epic levels SEPARATE- to the full meaning of the word. Or, give us a reason to not feel absolutely craptastic about making a TR decision, knowing that levels 21-25 await us yet again...
I don't know what you mean. They wouldn't be lvl 20. They would be lvl 20, then 21, then 22, then ... 25. So yes, they could do lvl 25 end game content...
Do you mean the next time that they hit 20 and want to take a TR break? If so, once again, they would be lvl 20, then 21, then 22, then ... 25. Except this time, they would have the advantage that last time they played through 21-25 they got at least 5 lvls of epic destinies (if grinding after hitting 25, more).
There's a different between lvl between 1-20 repeatedly, without a break, and doing 21-25, enjoying end game content (capping at 25 for awhile), experimenting and leveling more epic destinies, and then deciding you want to go back to doing the 1-20 routine again for awhile.
Let me see if I got this straight.
1) If I decide to TR, when I get access to any Destiny trees that I unlocked previously as long as I return to level 20. So on my first life, I gain access to the Shadowdancer tree before TRing, I'll be able to access that tree automatically at level 20 while also being able to open another tree, such as Grandmaster. Is this correct?
2) If the above if correct, that would mean if I did TRed a second time after unlocking Shadowdancer on the first life and unlocking Grandmaster on the second life, then upon reaching level 20, I'll have automatic access to both those Destiny trees plus an additional one, such as Dreadnought. Is this correct?
3) When TRing, do I get to keep the Active Destinies in the various trees that I gain access in the previous life/lives? Or do I have to re-earn the XP/Active Destiny Points to re-gain things already unlocked in a previous life? I think this is where alot of people are worried about the gap between TRs and non-TRs. If the progress on the trees and Active Destiny Points are wiped when a character is TRed, then the incentive to TR after making some progress into Epic Levels has been lost, even for completionists.
The 'not craptastic' reason is that you get to keep all of your epic destinies progress, in all 10 of the different paths. That is permanent xp. That does NOT exist in the game currently. A TR ALWAYS has to grind 1-20, every single life. If a new class is released, they have to go regrind all 3 lives of that new class, and then once again the life that they desire to 'end' with.
They are giving us a HUGE benefit now in letting us keep 50 levels worth of xp, permanently, no matter how many times we TR. That is enormous. That makes me able to try out the end game content for awhile and then go back to the TR grind. I do not care that I will have to do 21-25 again because it is exactly what i'm doing every time I do the TR grind, 1-20, from scratch, every time. I don't get to keep my skills, my feats, anything heroic related. They are letting you keep your epic destiny xp. This is a major win, in my book.
Will completionist have any effect on epic tiers? It seems to me that the grind for the feat is becoming more and more a waste of time.
Theolupus Spawn of Beli/Theoadept/Vorped Theo/Theolyric