Hey, all. After leveling an AC tank Paladin to cap, I've become very frustrated with grinding gear. In light of this fact, I've decided it'd be best to TR him into a Paladin that focuses on HP rather than AC. I thought about Barbarian, but the class just doesn't fit my style; Paladin is the only real fighting class that appeals to me. Although I am fairly experienced and can figure out base stats easily on my own, I still have some questions, the main ones being:
What feats should I take? And more specifically, do I need multiple toughnesses? I can figure out basics like THF chain and regular toughness pretty easily.
Should I still do DoS (The threat stance will still be beneficial), or switch to KotC?
Race choices. I was thinking of doing Helf with Barb dilly for access to healing amp+DR, as I know Angelskin becomes fairly useless towards endgame as its DR is frequently bypassed.